Amidst Nemesis

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Sage Luisa Vye Armendez
Seyj / Lu-wi-sa / Vay / Ar-men-dez

Sage Luisa Vye ArmendezSeyj / Lu-wi-sa / Vay / Ar-men-dez

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Levian Blair Garcia
Lev-yan / Bleyr / Gar-si-ya

Levian Blair GarciaLev-yan / Bleyr / Gar-si-ya

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Academic rivalry has existed between Vye and Levian since the seventh grade. Not until the eleventh grade, when Levian moved to study in a different city, and it appeared that Vye had no worthy rivals.

Now that Vye's in twelfth grade, she is determined to grab the valedictorian spot of their batch and she knows that she will be the one to deliver the graduation speech. She does this out of a desire to live up to everyone's expectations of her. She might be feeling the weight of her parents' achievement and not wanting to be perceived as the family's failure. But who cares? Right?

Well, Levian cares. As someone who does not believe in pleasing other people for happiness and success, he's the type to go with the flow of life. But things don't always go your way. Levian had to go back to Vandiare University in Manila on a mission to graduate as a valedictorian. Not because he wants to please people, but because of a deal he made with his dad. However, he realizes that it goes beyond their agreement; he also wants to impart an important life lesson to Vye.

But in a competition, there will always be a winner and a learner. Who would that be if they're both running for a place that's meant for only one person?


- This story is raw and unedited, expect typographical and grammatical errors. This story contains plotholes and is not for sensitive readers.

- This is a work of fiction. The characters, places, businesses, events, and organizations are all a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual people is entirely coincidental.

- The views and opinions of the characters do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the author.

AdiQuill 2023

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