AN: i got grounded guys (smh) so im not sure when this will be posted but im so sorry for not posting it after the day i posted the first chap 😭 but wtv, enjoyyy

We entered a room, what I had guessed to be Kyle's. There were two beds, one on either side of the room. There were a few posters hung up on the walls, one that read "GO COWS" and the other was Einstein sticking his tongue out.

"You're gonna be sleeping here." He pointed to the bed on the wall facing the door.

"Thanks!" I walked up to the bed and put my bag beside it, I noticed a clock on the nightstand. The time was 3:27 PM. I turned around to say something to Kyle, but he was gone. My smile dropped and I sat on my new bed. It was super comfortable. I immediately started lying in it, putting the covers over me and soon I fell asleep.

Time skip: the next day

I opened my eyes slowly, the whole house was quiet. I look over at the other side of the room and see Kyle fast asleep. Then I glanced at the clock; 8:31 AM. Somehow I slept through the whole night. I got up, grabbed my bag, and went to the bathroom to change into some new clothes. I put on an oversized black crew neck and gray cargo pants. I looked around the bathroom and saw perfumes and colognes. I grabbed a bottle of strawberry pound cake perfume and sprayed it on a few times. Oh man did it smell amazing? I walk out of the bathroom and down the stairs. It sounded like one of Kyle's parents was awake. I walk into the TV room and notice Sheila folding some clothes and watching the news. 

"Good morning dear, did you sleep well?" She smiled warmly at me, I smiled back.

"Yeah! I fell asleep right when I got here it was amazing."

"You fell asleep early I'm amazed."

"I haven't slept for like two days." I shrug and chuckle softly.

"I'm happy you got some sleep. Also, if you'd like breakfast, I made pancakes a few minutes ago so they should still be warm." My smile grew wider and I immediately ran into the kitchen and saw a plate that had pancakes stacked upon each other. I grabbed a plate and put two pancakes on top. Grabbing the bottle of syrup that was displayed beside it and squirted it everywhere, then spread it with a butter knife. I never got this at home, so I try my best to enjoy it to the fullest. Then I heard footsteps tiredly down the stairs; it was Kyle.

"Morning," I mumbled, devouring the excellent pancakes before me.

"Morning." He didn't seem too interested in talking with me, but whatever he's probably not used to having a teenage girl live in his house with him. Then I hear another pair of footsteps run down the stairs. Ike ran into the room smiling like a little kid; which he was. 

"Hey (Y/n)!! Good morning!"  I chuckle, he's is such a sweet little boy.

"Morning Ike! How'd you sleep?" 

"I slept good, you?"

"Same here."

"I'm so happy I have a sister now!"

"Well I wouldn't say-"

"She's not our sister, Ike," Kyle mumbled, interrupting my sentence. Both me and Ike glare at him. It was silent for a while, and since I've never had siblings, I felt quite hurt. But Kyle isn't to blame. 

"Wanna play a game?" Ike asked, looking back at me.

"Sure!" I nod, getting up from my chair and washing my now empty plate before following Ike back into the TV room, where Sheila is now reading a book called, '50 Shades of Grey'. I laughed quietly.

As Ike and I were playing games, Sheila started talking.

"Do you think you will be ready for school tomorrow? Or would you rather take some time to adjust?"

"I think I will be alright going to school, I don't have a backpack though." 

"That's alright dear, We have one of Kyle's old backpacks that you can borrow until we buy you one,"

Suddenly, Ike beats me at a 1v1 of super smash bros. 

"Aw, damn it!" I laugh, looking down at Ike who sat criss-cross applesauce and seemed very proud of himself. "Nice job dude." I nod at him with respect. 

"Hey ma," Kyle said. "I'm going to a party tonight at Clyde's house."

"No, you're not. You have school tomorrow bubbie." I snickered at the nickname. 

"Shut up (Y/n). No one wants you here."


"I like her, she's fun." Ike smiled, and Kyle scoffed and left the house. Possibly going to the party he mentioned. Sheila sighed and looked down at me. 

"I'm sorry about him, (Y/n). He's not used to someone hanging out with Ike that's other than him." I shrugged.

"It's alright. I see where he's coming from." I ruffled Ike's hair. "I'll see you later buddy, I'm gonna go pick out an outfit for school." I set the controller down beside Ike and ran upstairs. Not before long, I hear someone knock on the bedroom door. "Yes?"

"Can I come in? It's Sheila."

"Yeah of course." The door was slowly opened and Sheila walked in. 

"Would you want to go to the party Kyle's at? Please go, so you could meet some new people!" I considered the thought. I wasn't big on parties; this is an exception though. 

"I mean, why not?" She looked delighted that I accepted. 

"I'll tell Kyle to come back and pick you up." And with that, she left the room. I was in shock. It's only my second day in South Park and I'm already going to a party. That is unless Kyle refuses to pick me up. I had a feeling he wasn't that mean. I went to the bathroom and noticed a bag of what I presume to be Sheila's makeup. I will be using that. 

I wait by the front door for Kyle to arrive. I sit on my phone, seeing how I have very few contacts on my phone. Kyle's, Sheila's, Gerlad's, and Ike's. Then Kyle appeared in the doorway of the front door. 

"Come on," This time he didn't seem as sarcastic, and willing to talk with me but I knew he was still pissed about my random appearance. I follow him into his truck outside and he starts driving us to the party. It smells horrible in the car, but it's a teenage boy, I can't expect it to smell like flowers. 

Not before long we park in front of a brown two-story house that had the same setup as Kyle's house. It would look nice if there weren't red solo cups scattered everywhere.

AN: HEY GUYS, merry christmas first of all. i woke up super early and i have to wait for my siblings to open presents but i was able to open my stocking and OMG im so fucking happy AHHHHH. anyways, i was hoping to post this on the 23rd, but i was grounded so therefore i couldnt. (i still cant but i have my ways ;)) i wonder what shall happen next chapter.

book 1- mortal she, immortal he.Where stories live. Discover now