I feel woozy as I sit on a stool in a small room. Kyle stared at me. I could tell I hurt him. 

"I'm sorry."

"Stop talking, (Y/n). You promised." Kyle snapped. His eyes were teary, he was crying. Sheila and Gerald were confused as to what we were talking about, clearly, Kyle didn't tell them what happened before all this, and I know he knew what really happened last night. As we all sat in the room together, the police explained what "happened" to everyone. Kyle wouldn't stop glancing at me occasionally. 

"Oh dear, (Y/n) are you okay?" Sheila asked like a worried mom. 

I nod. "Yeah."

Sheila and Gerald hugged me once we all stood up, and then we went back home. I wiped my tears away. It was painful lying to them. But it was much more painful seeing how hurt Kyle was. We went into our room and Kyle immediately tackled me with a hug. It was the first time he hugged me, and it made me smile softly, but both of us still cried in each other's arms. When the both of us calmed down, we sat on his bed. 

"You don't know how much this affects me."  He didn't waste his time to look at me. 

"I know, Kyle. I don't know what got to me."

"So you actually did it yourself? You're fucked up."

"I'm sorry."

He sighs and picks up his phone. 

"I'm calling Kenny," He starts putting in his phone number. I grab his phone.


"Give it back."


"Now!" He yelled, grabbing it from my hands. I let him take it. "Hey, Kenny. Come over, (Y/n) did it again." Not even a minute passed and Kenny stormed into our room.

"(Y/n)! What the fuck?" He turned to Kyle, looking for an explanation. 

"We got a call this morning, the police said that she was brought to the hospital and escaped. Even broke a guy's leg just to get away. He was told that she was gonna get let out before long but, she didn't know that. So we talked with the police, she told him that she got raped and got cut when she refused. It's obvious she was lying." Kyle looked at me when he finished speaking, his eyes were piercing my soul. "And I got her to tell me the truth."

"I told you to come to the party," Kenny mentioned. "I knew this would fucking happen."

"Oh, so you knew? How would you know? You just assumed that I was so fucked up that I would break my promise?" I burst out, clearly out of it. I had no clue what I was saying, or why. They look at me, stunned.

"Obviously, he was right," Kyle said, bringing me to silence. Kenny walks up to me, picks me up, and holds me in his arms. His parka was cold. I stuff my head in his chest and we stay there for a while as Kyle simply watches.

"I need to talk to (Y/n) in private." He says.

"I'm not leaving her alone with you."


"Fine." Kyle walks out of the room and me and Kenny let go of each other. We sit on the bed.

"Please (Y/n). I need you to be more careful. You don't know how much I care about you."

"How could you care about me?"

"We're alike. More alike than you think. And I trust you, more than any of my other friends. They wouldn't understand anything about me. But you...but you can. I need you in my life. I can't lose you, because I love you." He leaves me speechless before speaking once again. "I can't die, I'm immortal. You got that? If I lose you, I'll have to live with that pain forever."

"You can't be immortal..." I giggle awkwardly. "That's impossible."

"Ask Cartman all about it. He'll tell you everything. He's the only one in the group that remembers when I die, it's fucking crazy." I feel my gut drop to the pit of my stomach. "So please, be careful."

"How could you love me?" I whisper as I'm brought into another hug. 

"You're the only one I have." I feel his heart through his parka, it's speeding. Why can't I process that people care about me now?

Kenny slept over that night. He wanted to stay with me after that happened. He didn't tell me to show him anything, Kyle already described the wound to him and he couldn't bring himself to see it. Kenny also brought up something about him, and how his parents weren't the best either and that's why we have a connection. His dad takes out his anger on him, and his mom loves him and her other children very much. At least I hope that's true. Now, Kenny sleeps beside me with his arms wrapped around my waist, Kyle is also asleep. My eyes were wide open. I wanted to cry, and I wanted to tell Kenny that I love him back. I love him so much. And as much as I didn't want to, I did. If I love him, I'll only get him hurt more than he already is. I grab my phone slowly, trying not to wake Kenny. The brightness made my pupils dilate. 


eric wake tf up)

(what is it bitch

does kenny die a lot)


tell me)


why r u the only one that remembers)

(idk i ain't fcking god 😭

(i take that back i am god

alr thx for telling me i thought he was js messing around when he told me)

unless ur lying)

(u have to see it to believe it



I put my phone down and tried to fall asleep. 

the next day

I stretch my arms as I wake up, accidentally punching Kenny as I do so. I burst laughing.

"Shut up." He groaned, his voice was deep and raspy. 

"Guys come on we have school." Kyle interrupted.

"Do I have to?" I pleaded.

"I guess not, but Kenny come on."

"Nah, I would rather stay with her."


Kenny gave him a look, and Kyle sighed.

"Fine. I'll see you guys later." And with that, he walked out of the room and shut the door. 

"Now I get you all to myself." He continued to wrap his arms around me with his face in my back. He was acting like a sweet little boy, I'd never seen him act like this. It made my heart warm. Luckily, he had his parka off, so I was able to feel his warm body against mine. I turned so I was facing him and I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling up close. 

"I love you too," I say, I didn't say it back last night, and this could be a mistake, but it felt wonderful saying it. I heard his heart pound faster in his chest. 

"I'm so happy you say that." He ran a warm hand up my shirt slowly, I could tell it wasn't meant to be sexual, but comforting. He kissed me softly, and I smiled widely after, getting lost in his deep blue eyes that reminded me of the sea. "Stay with me forever."

book 1- mortal she, immortal he.Where stories live. Discover now