"Stay with me forever," He whispers. 

Me and Kenny stay together the whole day, we bake a cake, watch TV, etc. He treats me like a princess, and I can't help but love it. It shocked me that he was still here with me after what happened, meaning the way he saw me. All broken and bloody. I ask him a question as he and I clean up the mess we made in the kitchen.

"Do you still fuck girls all the time or..."

"I decided to stop,"

"Why? Don't you need the money?"

"I stopped for you. And, I got a job not long ago." He winks at me, and I erupt with happiness. 


"Tweek Bros coffee," He puts a bowl in the washing machine. "You should come by sometime."

"Will do."

We finish cleaning up and Kenny looks at me, not the usual look he gave, but a more genuine smile, he looks in love. I returned the smile. He brushed my cheek with his fingers and pulled me close, his soft lips landing on mine briskly. I deepened the kiss ever so slightly. He stopped the kiss and finished it with a peck on the forehead. 

"Wanna go for a walk?" He asks, towering over me with his hands on either of my arms, rubbing them.

"Sure," I nod and Kenny puts his hood over his messy hair.  He grabs my hand and we walk out the door together. 

"Would you like to go anywhere?" He questions, looking down at me as we walk along the icy street. His hands warm mine. 

"You can decide," I hold his hand tighter, intertwining our fingers. 

"Maybe, we can go on a date?" He chuckles. 

"That...would be an amazing idea," 

Kenny and I walked to a fancy restaurant of my choice, he told me he liked it there also. He told me he would pay with the money he saved up from his job, I tried to refuse but he insisted. And we argued until he won. We now sit in a booth across from each other. Kenny kept his eyes on me, although many other beautiful ladies were around us, even our server. Kenny ordered a lobster dinner and I ordered (favorite food). We ate and had small talk, Kenny was being an absolute sweetheart, which is unexpected for his character. 

"Check, please." He says to the waitress, holding up his hand.

"Thank you for all this, Kenny."

"Anything for you," He winks and when the check arrives, he pays in cash. Then we leave. We continue to walk until he takes me to a lake, we sit on a bench in front of it. A few ducks waddle by.  "Anywhere else you'd want to go?"

"No, I'm getting tired and the sun is setting." I look up at the sky. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Kenny didn't look at the sky, he kept his eyes on me. Examining every detail of my face and taking it all in. "Magnificent, even." I look down at him. He was talking about me. He brushed a piece of my hair behind my ears, then held my face as he gave me a loving kiss. It was soft and caring. "I meant what I said earlier, 'Stay with me forever', (Y/n). I love you, and I need you more than anything." His thumb caressed my cheek slowly. "May I be yours?"

"Kenny, I love you too, and of course. I would love to stay with you for internity."

"I'm glad I finally get to call you my girlfriend."

My heart was beating frantically, and my smile wouldn't lie, I was truly happy. And the look on his face only told me that he was deeply in love. 

Kenny walked me home that night and waved me goodbye with an adorable shit-eating grin, he was happy. When I get inside, I see Gerald talking with Kyle on the couch. Kyle was crying.

book 1- mortal she, immortal he.Where stories live. Discover now