a month later. kenny's pov.

"I can't get the money in time, dad." I say, looking down at the ground as I kick a beer bottle on the ground slightly. 

"How the fuck are we supposed to fix the car?! I told you to get the money!"


"DON'T RAISE YOUR FUCKING VOICE AT ME!" My dad steps closer and socks me. I groan and try not to cry. I feel my nose start to bleed, and I try to wipe it away. "Get out of my house. You're no child of mine."

"Stuart..." My mom tried to intervene. 

"Shut up, bitch. Kenneth, get out.

I clench my fists, holding back the urge to fight back. I drop it and walk out of the house with a door slam. It was almost impossible to get the money I needed in time to fix the car damage. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now, I have nowhere to live. I haven't told (Y/n) that I needed to get the money to fix the car within a month or I would be kicked out. I can't let her know.

four days later. (y/n)'s pov.

School was a bore, and Kenny didn't show up today. Again. I decided to text him, but he didn't respond. I kept trying to contact him but soon my texts went green, and they wouldn't deliver. This made me confused, and I asked Kyle about it. He says he doesn't know what's up with him, Kyles messages between him and Kenny are also green. Apperientally, no one has seen him for the past four days. I find myself getting more worried the more I think about it. Usually, he would text me if he wasn't going to school, or if he was going somewhere. I try to call him but it immediately goes to voicemail. 

Later that night, I decided to sneak out. I walk to Kenny's house and open his window. He wasn't there, but I saw a little girl crying on his bed. She looks up at me.

"He's gone," She whines, this is Kenny's younger sister I've heard so much about this past month. I climb inside the house and sit next to Karen. I rub her back. She's 14, and acting like a 6 year old. She held Kenny's blanket up to her chest. 

"Don't worry, it's only been a few days. It's going to be alright, I'll find him don't worry. Do you have a clue where he went, or why he went?"

She shakes her head. I sigh. "Last time I saw him...our dad and him were fighting."

"Did you hear what they said?"

"Something about car damage, and Kenny not...not getting enough money to fix it." She sniffles, about to start sobbing. "I think our dad kicked him out.."

I look at her, stunned. 

"May I talk with your dad?"

She looks up at me. "Sure. Find him on the couch, I have homework to finish." And with that, Karen and I left Kenny's room. She went to her room while I walked into the living room. There sat his father with a beer in his hand watching television. 

"Excuse me," I say. He reminds me a lot of my father just by looking at him. 

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Kenny's girlfriend."

"Oh yeah, the slut." I brush off his snarky comment and keep talking. 

"Would you have an idea where Kenny went? Did you kick him out?"

He nods and takes a sip of his beer. "Yup. I sure did," He replied.

I felt furious.  The urge to punch him only grew stronger as he snickered.  "Calm down, he's around here somewhere."

"WHERE?" I scream, wanting nothing more than to put this man in his misery. He looked at me surprised, and then slowly that expression turned into rage. 

"Where the hell should I know? That kid isn't my so-"

"ISN'T YOUR SON? You know DAMN WELL that is your son, you should be taking CARE of him! NOT kicking him out of the house because he can't afford the money to fix the car! If anything, you should be getting up from your ass and fixing it yourself." 

He scoffed and stood up, he let the beer bottle he held shatter on the ground as he did so. 

"Listen to me, little girl. I can do what I fucking want and you can't do a damn thing about it," He steps closer to me and I can't help but cower away with fear. "I don't care what happens to him, but he isn't my problem anymore." He waltzed out of the living room and I stood there shocked. I was enraged that he didn't care about his son, but I forgot all about that rage as it turned into sadness, realizing that no one knew where Kenny was. I rush out the front door, almost tripping on a random couch cushion on their front lawn. I ran back to my house, up the stairs, and into my room. 

"What's wrong with you?" Kyle asks nonchalantly. I groan, more pissed off than ever. His smile dropped as he saw me angered. "You...alright? Is it about Kenny?" I nod, not wanting to speak. Kyle sighed and sat up from his bed, he motioned me to come sit next to him. I do so. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Look, (Y/n)...maybe you should just...let this whole thing go."

"LET IT GO?" I push Kyle off of me and stand up straight hastily. "Don't you fucking say that! I love him a-and..." Tears peek out the corner of my eyes. "Don't say that..." He sighs once again, but this time longer than the last. "P-please just help me find h-him."

"We'll find him," He promises, sitting up straight with his hands lying in his lap. "I won't let him leave us just yet."

I smile at Kyle, finding his words of support somewhat comforting. After that, Kyle and I called over Stan and Eric, hoping they would join in on trying to find my lover. And their friend. Thankfully, they all did. I was more than happy to see that they had, but the continuous gut-wrenching feeling that he was gonna be gone forever didn't leave. Thank god he's immortal. 

AN: alright guys...we gonna end the book there. i would go on but school is getting in the way and shit. BUT, I will make a second book to this when i get the chance. i send love to all of those in pain or struggling, love all of you and no matter how bad it is, it will all get better soon. (words of advice from someone with experience.) 🤍

book 1- mortal she, immortal he.Where stories live. Discover now