I'll Stand Up with You Forever

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Sherlock was hurt. He didn't usually take things to heart, words just simply didn't bother him. Her words cut through him like a knife. He found himself in the waiting room in a chair, deep in thought. He was trying to think of what to do. He needed to fix this.

"Sherlock." John sat next to him.

"Why would she say those things?" Sherlock asked.

"I... I'm not sure. I think she's afraid, she's afraid if she gets reattached you'll just leave her again." John explained softly.

"I know why she feels like that. I'm good at leaving her I did it often when she was a child." Sherlock held his head in his hands, his elbows on his knees.

"How can I fix this John?" Sherlock looked up at John searching his eyes.

"You'll have to gain her trust again."

Sherlock leaned his head against the back of the chair. He wondered into his mind palace. He was seeking comfort. He walked down his hallways past doors of information. He stopped at the door marked as Madeline, her mother.

He walked inside and looked around. A neat bed, she made sure everything was in its proper place. There was a desk it was covered in papers, papers for school. She was studying to be a nurse. There was a photo on the desk of Addison aged 3.

The dresser had a jewlery box on the dresser inside was a locket and some handmade necklaces that Addison had crafted. He walked over to the bed and sat down beside Madeline's sleeping form. Her ginger hair was sprawled out across her pillow and she looked so peaceful. Sherlock sighed and stood. He walked through a door that connected the room.

Addison's room. It held a bed not made, Addison was in too much of a hurry all the time to make her bed. There were toys and notebooks scattered on the floor. A guitar in the corner, right next to the case that held her very own violin.

There was a desk where seven year old Addison sat, she was reading. Sherlock walked over to her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Father, when is mummy coming home? I miss her."

"Well your mother isn't coming back. Now put on your shoes, it's time to go to Mycroft's." Addison sighed and slid off her chair. She put on her shoes and got her stuffed frog. Sherlock put her backpack on her back and walked her outside and to the car waiting for her.


Addison sighed and leaned back into her pillows. Her side actually was aching quite badly. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She didn't regret what she'd said because it was true. She wished she could've said it a bit more gently.

"Addison you should really be more gentle with him." She opened her eyes and met the gaze of her uncle.

"It isn't my fault he was never there for me." Mycroft sighed.

"Sherlock has odd ways of doing things, he was there for you." Addison was stubborn so she just crossed her arms but flinched and let her arms fall at her sides.

"How can I trust he isn't going to leave me again?" Mycroft sat in the chair John had recently occupied, he placed a hand on hers.

"You have to trust that I know what I'm talking about Addison."

"Can I stay with you?" Mycroft nodded. Addison let her eyes fall shut again. She heard Mycroft telling the nurse to give her something to help her sleep. Soon she was falling under, she was sliding into unconciousness.

When Addison woke up John was back in his chair but instead of Sherlock in the other it was Mycroft. She picked up her cup of water and took a drink. She licked her lips before speaking.

"Where's father?"

"He's still in the waiting room, do you want me to go and get him?" John asked brushing the hair from her forehead.

"No, that's fine." She responded.

"How do you feel?" John asked, changing the subject.

"My side doesn't hurt as bad, but it aches."

"I can call the nurse to get you something." John said.

"No, that's okay."

"Mummy is on her way, Addison. She was having a fit when she found out what happened." Addison sighed and shut her eyes.

"When can I get out of here?" Addison asked tiredly.

"Not for a couple days and I have to work later so your father will be watching over you." Addison crinkled her nose.

John shook his head. Mycroft stood up, "I have to go Addison. I'll be back to check on you later. If you need anything call Anthea, alright?" Addison nodded and Mycroft gave her a halfway warm smile and walked out.

Addison sighed. She was bored already she didn't want to have to want to stay here for any longer. A few moments later the doctor appeared in the door. He looked around with a frown.

"Where are your parents? John and Sherlock?"

"Waiting room." Addison responded absently. The doctor checked her vitals and then a nurse came in to dress her wound. She watched curiously. She stopped the nurse when she took the bandage off. She looked at the wound, it wasn't too big but it wasn't exactly small either. After she'd looked it over she let the nurse dress it. By the time they were done John was back in his chair and Sherlock was back in his.

Addison didn't speak. She didn't say anything to Sherlock. She didn't know what to say. She was stubborn enough not to apologize even if she was wrong. He watched her closely and she watched him back. John was reading the newspaper and trying to coax food into Addison. She always denied it. She wasn't hungry, her side hurt and if she ate anything she'd most likely just vomit it all back up.

At about five John stood up and looked down at his watch, "I've got to be off to work. I'll see you two when I get back." He kissed Addison on the head and pecked a kiss on Sherlock's lips before walking out. Sherlock sat down then, in John's chair and scooted close to Addison's bed.

"Addison..." He began softly. He was using a tone she hadn't heard in ages. She looked back at him.

"I am sorry, terribly sorry. For leaving you all alone growing up. I am sorry for not being a better father but I promise you I will try harder. It's not in my nature to care, I thought for a long time I wasn't capable of it, but I love you." He was speaking to her so softly. With so much compassion. Addion reached out to wrap her arms around him hesitantly.

He sat tensely in her hold before he slowing wrapped his arms around her as well.

"It's quite alright, dad. I love you too." Addison said into Sherlock's ear as she rested her head against his shoulder.



This is it guys. Unless you'd like an Epilogue of 5 years in the future!

Also don't forget that I'll do specials of parts of their lives you guys didn't get to see just ask me!

Please don't forget to vote and comment!

I thank you all for reading this! Especially those who were with me from the start. I love you so much and you guys keep me from giving up on writing.

Stay stunning, ambitious and strong my Ducklings.

xoxo Momma Duck

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2013 ⏰

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