𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱 - 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐳-𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬

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.     . .     . ✦𝔸ℕ✦ .     . .     .

"If you want to hear what I have to say, meet me here Friday night, at seven. If you won't come, I'll understand"

His words had been ringing in my head in a loop, regardless of what I was doing: it was as if, for three whole days, my life had moved on by inertia. Whatever I did, especially when I was alone at night, my mind took me to that Friday, and went through thousands and thousands of scenarios of how things might go.

After the work shift, I quickly walked home, distracted. Tense. All day long, the people who had entered the library were just distant voices, faded faces, momentary obstacles that kept me away from that moment which was now so close. Distractedly, I filled the wooden bathing tub with water, and with a slight blow of my wand I warmed it: I immersed myself in silence, closing my eyes and resting the nape of my neck on the iron edge.

"If you won't come, I'll understand"

It wasn't too late to escape. In fact, I could safely stay at home, in my night garments, and pretend that none of it was really happening. Nonetheless, what would I have resolved by doing that?

I immersed my head underwater, seeking the silence that my mind had not given me for one second since the moment I'd seen him. Coming out of the tub, I wrapped myself in a soft cotton robe, and accioed a letter that was laid on my vanity since that morning.


My dear,

I can only imagine how hard it will be for you today; I wish I could be by your side. I understand, however, that you prefer to go alone, although I myself have much to say. Let me know if you change your mind.

If you decide not to go, I'll understand; and yet, I think we both know that's the right thing to do. Believe me when I tell you that I will be with you with my mind for every second: frankly, I'm afraid I won't be able to think of anything else.

Sending you love and strength, Elizabeth.

Try not to do anything I wouldn't do.



"Let me know if you change your mind."

What was pretty evident since Halloween night, was that Ominis wished to be present at the meeting. It would have been, needless to say, a great relief for me to face Sallow with someone else. Not a random person, Ominis, the one who had always stood up to him, who had always let him know when he had made a mistake, without any fear or care.

However, it seemed almost unfair to bring him with me: it would be like putting Sebastian with his back against the wall, especially since I couldn't warn him, or at least consult him, on my decision to bring Ominis along with me. And, while he wasn't in a position to object, my sense of justice outweighed my need for comfort.

I snorted, closed my eyes and mumbled like a child who was refused dessert.

Natsai must have heard me from the next room, since she caught up with me quite quickly.

"Hey, breathe, alright? You're not going to war," she said cautiously, putting a hand on my shoulder and leading me to the velvety stool in front of my vanity.

The Aftermath // Sebastian Sallow x MCWhere stories live. Discover now