𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 - 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐭

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Two days had passed since we left to look for Evanora in the woods of Ardboe, and yet we had not been able to find anything, not even the slightest trace. It soon became apparent to both of us that spells were vain; my aunt knew better than that for sure. Moreover, the time of year did not help us: the days were short, the nights were cold and long, and the first two days we had not dared to move a step after sunset, Sebastian being unarmed and I still rather weak.

This feeling was objectively quite unknown to me: although I had defined myself as weak several times in the past, I only then realised how I could never compare what I thought weakness was supposed to be to that feeling of being completely drained of all strength, of being exhausted at the slightest effort.

Simple spells such as using incendio to set the fire, or making the tent adjust itself through levitation were not particularly problematic, yet every time I conjured any protective spells around us at night before we went to bed, it tired me completely.

I didn't want Sebastian to notice, or else he would have urged me to quit, to go back for a while to get my strength back. I was trying to disguise my tiredness behind the disappointment for not having found anything yet, even though I was not sure I was convincing enough in his eyes; he, on the other hand, evidently tried not to ask too many questions, not to be too insistent with me, perhaps in fear that I would close up or that I would take it out on him as I had done in the Room.

I had clearly underestimated the real weight of what had happened to me only ten days before, this was quite evident. I had underestimated the physical and magical impact of being exposed to the Unforgivable Curses so many times, the emotional burden of really believing that there was no hope, that I would die there, and that perhaps the same fate would be reserved to the people that I loved most.

I had foolishly and naively underestimated what had happened, and I was even more foolishly deluded that everything could return to normal with a snap of my fingers, that my fortitude and determination would make it easy.

It wasn't. It just wasn't.

I could not ignore the constant fear that I felt every time the wind moved the tree branches, or that the careless step of some animal made a small wood creak on the ground. I couldn't even ignore Seb's worried and attentive expression, which seeked every sign in my eyes of what I didn't express in words.

What I could ignore and deny, at least in front of Sebastian, was that every night, when I closed my eyes, I saw that cold and cruel face that I feared to find behind me every second of my day. That day outside Highwater Manor had been a ruin, for all of us. I would never let him get away with it.

"It's starting to get dark," Sebastian's voice interrupted my thoughts, "we should start camping."

"I want to continue", I answered sharply, without slowing down in the slightest.


I kept walking, looking frantically around in a frustrated, agitated way.

"Elizabeth," he repeated, more obstinately, "could you please stop?"

"Another hour, Sebastian. I don't think I'm asking for much, am I" I answered in a dry tone, continuing to walk stubbornly.

"Darkness is prevailing, you know it's dangerous," he continued, accelerating the pace to keep up, while I continued to look through the trees.

"And what is it that's going to attack us, Sebastian, a bear perhaps? I'm quite certain that I'm perfectly capable of defending myself if one would ever do such a thing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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