after || 3

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this morning i woke up to violet crying and making some noises so i get up and grab her diaper bag and feed her.

i get her changed and i go check on the other kids but they weren't in their rooms.

i look around and see scott was outside outback with them on the swings he got them.

i step outside and see him wave.

"good morning." i say as he kisses me on the head.

"hi baby girl." he says to violet.

she looks just like scott. all these kids do and it drives me nuts. none of them look like momma.

i gave birth to them, why can't they look like me.

"grandma wanted to see the kids if you are okay with that?" he asks as i nod.

"yeah that works for me." i say as he smiles.

"i normally take the kids to get pancakes when they are here." he says as i nod.

"i'll have to run home and get them some clothes." i say.

"we can go, might as well just make one trip instead of multiple." he says as i laugh.

"of course, my house is a mess so ignore that." i say.

* hours later *

i take scott to my house and we go inside so i can change. i set the flowers he got me up and i get the kids changed first.

"val this place is nice." he says as i nod.

"thank you, i know you haven't been inside yet but this is it." i say as he smiles.

"i think our house is better. you should move back in with the kids." he says as he sits on my bed.

that had me in total shock.

he is confusing me.

"i told you i want to make this work. i promise everything will get better." he says.

"we won't until you tell me what this secret is." i say as he laughs.

"that's how you are going to play this." he says as i laugh.

"sure am, scott i'm being so serious we've been through this twice. i don't wanna get our hopes up and things not work." i say as he nods.

"they will i promise. when have i ever in our entire life of being together lied to you." he says.

he had a point.

"i'll think about it." i say as he nods.

"ready?" i ask him as he helps me gather the kids and we head to breakfast.

as soon as we get there i was getting a call from my brother.

"hello." i say.

"what are you up to?" he asks me.

"me and scott are taking the kids to get breakfast." i say as he groans.

"scott i'll be back." i say as i get up and walk outside.

it was nice out so it didn't bother me to stand out here. plus i need to talk too my brother one on one.

"i stayed the night lastnight, scott has been telling me he has this super big surprise for me that will make everything better and he wants me to move back in with the kids. he keeps telling me he wants to work on things." i say.

"well use your best judgment, if you truly believe things will work out then go for it but if you feel like in another few years it's going to go downhill again then you just gotta do what's best for you and the kids." he says.

"you are right bubs, thank you. but anyways i'm going to go in and help keep these kids calm. i'll let you know when i'm home." i say before we shortly hang up.

i go inside and scott just stares at me.

"have your brother come over, i'd like to talk. i know me and him aren't getting along. i know that's why you went outside, there is so bad blood between us on my end. i have no control over the numbers." he says as i nod.

i don't know about that.

this shit just happened 3 months ago. it's still fresh.

while we was eating breakfast i watched as scott was feeding the kids and they adored him so much. they loved their daddy.

* grandmas *

we get to grandmas and i sit on the couch with violet to feed her. the other kids go to scott's old room that is now filled with toys and they play.

my mom shortly walks in with her new boyfriend and it felt like a family reunion.

"so you and scott?" my mom asks as she comes sitting next to me.

she whispers in my ear.

"we are just hanging out for the kids." i say as he nods.

"i've heard that before val." he says as i laugh.

"i'm being serious. just trying to figure things out." i say as she smiles.

"so we have been talking and i think that we want to go on a trip for the summer for the kids. i know you are going to put them in preschool so i was thinking maybe we can go on vacation before they start." my mom says to everyone in the living room but mainly talking to me.

"i'm down i think that would be a great idea." i say.

"we can get a house for us and then if you grandparents want to get one to share. i know ruby will come stay with us, he might bring his girlfriend. i just figured we could get a separate house so you guys can get your sleep." scott says as grandma agrees with him.

"as much as i love my grandbabies i need my sleep." she says as i laugh.

violet was being so aware of everything and just looking around. she was so perfect and she looks just like viv.

throughout the day/night ruby came over, scott's mom came over and my brother ended up coming over too. we got them all in it to go on vacation and the trip was literally in two weeks.

that feels too soon but i think it would be much needed.

vivian was asleep in my arms with violet asleep in grandmas arms. scotty boy of course was up his dads ass like he always is and was sleeping on him.

it wasn't even close to bedtime but ruby wore them out by playing with them.

* home *

scott asked for me to stay with him again tonight and i agreed. to be fair he did just pay for our portion of this vacation and didn't ask me for a single dime. he never does ever.

he will randomly put money in my bank account.

and it's not that i'm ever hurting for money but we have three kids and they stay with me most of the time. i buy everything they need.

so the most i can do is stay the night with him and let him be with his kids.

"goodnight baby." he says giving me a kiss.

i haven't kissed this man in months.

it brought chills through my body.

"goodnight." i say as i doze off.

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