before || 2

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i woke up to my brother standing over me. he shut my fan off and was just staring at me.

"hey i gotta head to the studio in a little bit, wanna go look for a laptop or a computer?" he says as i nod.

i get out of bed and get dressed into some comfortable clothes.

"i'm ready." i say as i look at my phone and see it was around 9 am.

i never ever sleep in so this was a shocker to me.

we get in the car and head to best buy.

"i'm going to go back here and look at the phones. call me when you find a computer." he says as i nod.

i look around between desktop computers or laptops but figured i'd get a laptop so i can carry that around with me to do homework.

i was looking at one when a tall guy comes up and clears his voice.

"this is a really good choice." he says as i nod.

"i don't know one thing about laptops or anything. i just need it for school." i say as he nods.

"did you just move here? i've never seen you before." he says as i smile.

"yeah, i just moved here about two weeks ago but i'm doing school at home." i say as he smiles.

"would you wanna hang out sometime?" he asks as i nod.

"yeah sure." i say as he grabs his phone and i put my number into his phone.

"i'll take this one." i say as he nods.

"i'll give you my discount." he says as i laugh.

"no no it's okay, i can pay the full price." i say as he shakes his head no.

"it's going to be $434 dollars." he says as i nod. i hand him my card as he sticks it in.

"if you paid full price you would've payed almost 8 hundred dillards." he says as i laugh.

"well thank you i appreciate it." i say about to walk away but he grabs my hand.

"how about you make it up to me and go to dinner with me." he says as i nod.

"okay, just text me." i say and my brother comes up next to me shortly.

"what was that about?" he says as we leave.

"oh nothing he asked if i wanted to go to dinner." i say as he laughs.

"look at you picking up mean and we've only been here two weeks val." he says as i laugh.

"i don't want a boyfriend or anything, im just trying to focus on school and get to college." i say as he nods.

"good good, i need you to do better than me. val i barely and by the grace of god passed highschool." he says as i just look at them.

"bubs your music is amazing. don't stop, keep going and i promise you will be on a stage one day." i say as he smiles.

"and you'll be the first one i'll bring along." he says as i nod.

"let's get you home since you don't want to hang out with me and my friends." he says.

* home *

we got home and i went to my room and set up everything.

chetta was paying the internet since he needs it more than any of us do.

"alright sis i'll be back for dinner." he says leaving my room.

i pull up my school work after messing with it forever and finally was getting through my classes.

it was around 10:30 pm when my brother got home.

"val." he whispers as he comes into my room.

"how did your work go?" he asks me as i show him i just completed it all.

"good shit girl. i'm working on an album with these guys. you should really come meet them." he says as i nod.

"jacob, the guy from best buy asked me to come to dinner with him tomorrow." i say as he nods.

"do you need me to follow you? i'll skip out on tomorrows session." he says as i shake my head no.

"it's okay bubs i got it. don't worry about me. i'll come to you after." i say as he nods.

"okay, i'll let them know you are coming by as well. thank you, you have no idea how much it means to me for you to be meeting them. these boys are going to be my family one day." he says as i smile.

"goodnight bubs, get some sleep." i say as he leaves my room and i assume he goes to his.

bound to happen before and after || scrim Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin