Chapter 4: S-M System

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Chapter 4: S-M System

"...What did you say?"
Xu Qingran's voice was steady and soft.
The system, failing to notice the change in his demeanor, eagerly responded: "Yes, I brought it with me, impressive, right?"

"If you don't believe me, I can show you a glimpse right now."
After saying this, it pulled out the carefully preserved ability orb, displaying it within Xu Qingran's mental sea.

The latter examined it and then fell silent.
The system explained, "It originally belongs to another world, so due to the current rules and your physical condition, it's temporarily sealed within the system's energy sea and can't be used."

"However, as a host chosen by the system, if you can complete the auxiliary task approved by the headquarters, it can be fully restored to you, and might even synergize with the mental powers of this world."
The footsteps of people passing by were not louder than Xu Qingran's heartbeat at that moment.
His breathing became rapid, eyes reddening from the strain, but he couldn't focus on adjusting it.

"Where is he?"
His tone carried a hint of urgency.
The system didn't catch on immediately: "Huh?"
Xu Qingran's grip on the mask tightened, his tone growing more insistent: "The target of the mission, where is he?"

"I'll take on this task."
The system hadn't lied to him; the familiar ability was right there.
At this moment, all his principles seemed trivial.

He could let go of anything, but the unique ability from his past life, that he had to safeguard.
Without waiting for the system's response, Xu Qingran frowned, pushing for details: "So what should I do? Just rush over and declare my love?"
"The Xu family seems pretty wealthy. Should I make a grand televised confession?"
"Or maybe use a helicopter to air-drop 9999 roses to him?"
He asked earnestly.

System: "..."
Such a straightforward way of thinking.
It replied helplessly: "He's a faction general, backed by a powerful family. The closest you might get is a glimpse of his back from afar."

"So, being headstrong won't work. I've already planned it for you; you can start with the world's S-M system."

Xu Qingran: "?"
What system? ...Is it that S-M thing he's thinking of?
Xu Qingran's face turned a shade paler, nearly crushing the mask that was administering medication.

This man with the surname Shen—
Not only going for someone younger but also having such a peculiar preference?
Feeling somewhat irked, he glanced up, noticing that strangers passing by him were whispering and pointing. Even those walking alone cast strange looks at him, as if seeing someone despicable and detestable.

More than annoyance, Xu Qingran was puzzled.
He was dressed unobtrusively, and his face was covered with a mask, so they shouldn't recognize him.

So, what exactly were they whispering about?
Meanwhile, the system's explanation echoed in his mind: "...The S-M system, short for Soul-Mate, refers to a soulmate."

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