Chapter 22: Little Auntie

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Chapter 22: Little Auntie
    Xu Qingran clicked on the thread to read more.
    The Xu family was evidently proud of Xu Qing'an securing a spot at the medical college, planning a grand reception at the Seven-Star Royal Silver Dragon Hotel in the Fairy Series. The event was scheduled for next Saturday, inviting all relatives from the Xu family branches, all of Xu Qing'an's classmates, and friends from school.
    In short, almost half the school, including teachers, were invited.
    The event was a big deal, and the Xu family members had even boasted about it in recent interviews, attracting considerable attention.
    Someone asked: Will the eldest son of the Xu family also attend?
    Xu Qingran lightly tapped his finger on this line of text.
    He hadn't received an invitation, nor any notification from the Xu family. If it weren't for this post, he might have completely forgotten about it.
    Initially, he had no interest in attending, especially since the Xu family hadn't invited him. But then he remembered the unjust accusations he and the original owner had faced upon his arrival, his eyes narrowing unhappily.
    —Having already been saddled with the blame, he felt it wouldn't be satisfying without actually doing something to live up to those rumors.
    Sensing his thoughts, the system immediately sounded an alarm: "Host, what are you planning to do?!"
    Xu Qingran answered nonchalantly, "What can I do? Just going to join in the fun and offer my blessings. Don't think so badly of me."
    The system thought, it might as well believe its host's mischief.
    And who did he learn that last phrase from? It sounded so familiar!
    Xu Qingran, lounging lazily next to the sofa and elegantly crossing his legs, continued to browse the forum. The split reactions of netizens to the news and his response provided him with amusement for the afternoon.
    The Shen family's announcement would undoubtedly cause ripples among the elite families. Some business collaborations might even be reconsidered to include the Xu family. However, everything was still tentative, dependent on the final stance of the Shen family.
    Although the Xu family was affluent, compared to the Shen family with centuries of heritage, political and commercial influence, and even imperial titles, they were somewhat overshadowed. Thus, Xu's father, who usually showed disdain for Xu Qingran, recently began to justify his son's notoriety, even proactively.
    Xu Qingran was unaware of all these developments and, even if he knew, wouldn't care.
    In this matter, naturally, some were happy while others were distressed.
    The Xu family, motivated by their interests, was evidently elated, as businessmen rarely distinguish between factions. However, Xu Qing'an, who had been looking forward to seeing Xu Qingran ridiculed, felt rather frustrated.
    "Xu Qing'an, you came to me with firm promises, assuring me of a grand gift. I had prepared myself to share the joy with my friends, and now—this incident today is your fulfillment of that promise?"
    In a bar governed by the joint administration of the two Celestial Series camps, Owner Chen sat in a secluded corner behind beaded curtains, looking disdainfully at the young man standing before him. His legs were nonchalantly sprawled on the long seat, a thick gold chain around his neck glittering under the overhead light.
    Due to his irregular lifestyle, his hair was greasy and sparse. His face was round like a pancake, his beady eyes barely visible under heavy eyelids, oozing desire. A prominent mole sat above his thick lips, his large nostrils pointing upward as he spoke.
    "And now I'm the laughingstock of my friends!" The hefty man grabbed a glass from the table and downed a gulp, visibly annoyed.
    Chen Shengfei had seen Xu Qingran years ago at an event; though just a high school student then, he was already blossoming, like ripe fruit ready to be picked. Chen's interest was piqued, but with Lu Cheng always around and Xu being underage, he had let the matter slide.
    His excitement knew no bounds when Xu Qing'an recently brought him the news. He'd even bragged to his sycophantic friends, claiming he'd soon have Xu well-trained and ready to share with them.
    But Xu Qingran had unexpectedly ended up with the Shen family.
    The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. His lecherous gaze swept over Xu Qing'an and then, with a sleazy grin, he suggested, "Qing'an, since your brother couldn't fulfill my wish, how about you make amends for him?"
    Xu Qing'an disguised his disgust under the guise of sipping his juice.
    If it weren't for Chen's extensive connections and some minor dealings between them, he wouldn't bother with such a repulsive person.
    Putting down the juice, he maintained a polite smile, "Owner Chen, the Lu family of Silver Dragon isn't someone you can afford to offend."
    "Besides, I never guaranteed you a 100% accurate tip, just mentioned a rumor you might want to look forward to. It was you who couldn't contain your excitement, boasting and popping champagne early. You can't blame anyone else for your embarrassment now."
    Owner Chen sneered and shrugged, "Alright then, I'll just chalk it up to bad luck, but I'm still very annoyed."
    After speaking, he waved over a couple of young men entwined on a nearby sofa. He threw a stack of money on the table, and the two, initially annoyed at being disturbed, quickly lit up and dutifully knelt before him, starting to engage in lewd acts.
    Xu Qing'an, feeling nauseated, moved to the furthest seat from Chen and began browsing his phone, trying to block out the distasteful, suggestive noises nearby.
    The bar, spread across several floors, had its VIP section on the second basement level, accessible only to special VVIP cardholders. Catering mainly to same-sex enthusiasts, the atmosphere was very liberal. Under the sweet music and dim lighting, many were seen indulging in their passions right there.
    This floor also featured attractive young men, arranged by Owner Chen at a high price for those without partners, offering pleasures for a fee. With enough money, anything was possible, some even boldly performing on the main stage.
    This was the type of entertainment venue Owner Chen ran.
    Regardless of wealth, many frequented such places to indulge, showcasing the ugliest aspects of human nature and primal desires. Ironically, the Kai An Empire prided itself on having the best social conduct, oblivious to the fact that they simply concealed their repressions in these hidden, dark corners.
    Chen Shengfei's moment of fancy didn't last long. Once satiated, he cheerfully escorted Xu Qing'an to the public bar on the first floor, a venue more frequented by ordinary people for socializing and parties, less chaotic than the one below.
    As Xu Qing'an was about to leave, he noticed a long-haired girl on the dance floor.
    She wore a shiny black body-hugging mini dress that perfectly accentuated her figure, dancing joyously with friends and a few wealthy young men.
    He recognized her.
    She was Zhang Hongyan's youngest daughter, and also her most beautiful child. Raised with great care and lavished with clothes and makeup, she was groomed to marry a rich man, lifting her family to new heights.
    Unable to gloat over Xu Qingran, Xu Qing'an harbored resentment. He even suspected Zhang Hongyan might have sabotaged his plans after his departure, never intending to help him.
    With these grievances, he called over to Owner Chen.
    Pointing at Zhang Hongyan's daughter on the dance floor, he said, "Although my brother is currently out of reach, I find that girl quite appealing. We've made new progress in our drug research, and she could serve as a test subject. What do you think?"
    Seeing Chen Shengfei's lecherous grin, Xu Qing'an knew he was pleased with the suggestion.
    Patting him on the shoulder, Xu Qing'an added, "If I'm not mistaken, her spiritual imprint is on her lower left back. Just handle it yourself."
    After speaking, he left through a secret exit, unnoticed by the crowd.
    The music in the bar changed to a more explosive track, the mood infecting everyone and elevating the atmosphere.
    Tonight, another wild party unfolded.
    During his holiday, Shen Tianyi, cooped up at home, started to get restless.
    He sighed, turning off his little planet game, and turned to the young man on the other side of the sofa, "Wifey Brother, can you take me out? Uncle won't let me go alone if you don't come with me!"
    Xu Qingran always found Shen Tianyi's way of addressing him a bit strange.
    Gazing at the boy's gullible face and innocent eyes, an idea struck him. He slyly suggested, "That name sounds awful, and we haven't established any relation yet. You should call me something else."
    Shen Tianyi took the bait, blinking curiously, "Call you what?"
    Xu Qingran, with a fox-like grin, said, "Call me Little Auntie."
    Shen Tianyi frowned in confusion, "But isn't that what I call my other uncles' wives? I think Uncle taught me that before."
    Xu Qingran, unflinchingly, replied, "You remembered wrong. Besides, if you add 'little' in front, it's not the same as calling them."
    It's a trick to tease your uncle.
    System: "......"
    What a mischievous plot.
    Shen Tianyi, somewhat understanding, nodded obediently, "Okay, Little Auntie, can you take me out? I'm so bored at home I might grow mushrooms. I want to buy toys; Voltman has a new series of models out!"
    Xu Qingran was slightly taken aback, "What's Voltman?"
    He only knew about Ultraman.
    Shen Tianyi stared for a few seconds, then asked in shock, "You don't know Voltman?!"
    Angrily, he led him to his room, showing off a cabinet full of models. Pointing at a toy resembling Ultraman, he exclaimed, "This is Voltman! He's our light! A great and powerful savior! Even aliens from outer space are afraid of him!"
    Xu Qingran: "...Why is he called Voltman?"
    Shen Tianyi: "Because his moves are all about electricity! He can unleash ten thousand volts! A million volts! Even ten million volts to repel many alien creatures!"
    Xu Qingran remained silent.
    But something felt off.
    It was the system's remark that jolted him: "Oh wow, isn't this just like a version of you, Host?"
    "Your power in your previous life was also lightning-based!"
    Xu Qingran: "..."
    Damn, no wonder he felt not only unimpressed but also awkward enough to want to scratch his foot!
    He refused to discuss the topic further and finally managed to let go of his childhood's fanciful tastes. However, the models did remind him of something interesting. With the upcoming celebration for Xu Qing'an's academic success next weekend, it was the perfect opportunity to buy some 'congratulatory gifts.'
    So, agreeing to Shen Tianyi's request and after notifying Shen Tingyu, Xu Qingran set off for another planet in the same system, escorted by Xiao Zhang.
    SR Sirius-Crystal Star, Central District 1 of the New City.
    The New City on Crystal Star, the busiest hub of technology and commerce in the Sirius Series. It had few residences but was filled with upscale restaurants, malls, and ideal destinations for children like science museums and technology theme parks.
    With Shen Tianyi's familiarity with the Golden Wing Camp's offerings, Xu Qingran visited the luxury mall he had suggested.
    In the center of the plaza stood a pure gold phoenix, head raised, wings spread gracefully, conveying both softness and firmness. The floor beneath it was paved with expensive crystals, and the railings of the high-rise buildings were intricately carved in gold and silver.
    At the highest point of the building's hollowed center hung a massive diamond chandelier, which occasionally refracted natural rainbows of light.
    This was the Glorious Wing Mall, rumored to be one of the business ventures of the Su family from the Golden Wing Camp. Crystal Star and its surrounding uninhabitable planets were rich in minerals, hence the lavish use of materials in the buildings here.
    Xu Qingran, still immersed in the elegant scenery unlike anything he'd seen in his past life, suddenly felt a tug at his hem.
    Shen Tianyi, with a strained expression, said, "Little Auntie, can we go to the bathroom first?"
    They had traveled for about two hours, and Shen Tianyi was just a four or five-year-old child, so it was normal for him to be unable to hold it in.
    Xu Qingran had no objections and, holding his hand, followed the mall's directional signs to finally locate a restroom on the ground floor. Upon spotting the restroom sign from a distance, the child let go of his hand and hurriedly ran towards it.
    Just as Xu Qingran was about to follow, he saw Shen Tianyi accidentally bump into someone coming from the opposite direction in the crowd. The person was about 1.8 meters tall, dressed in loose black clothes and a dark leather jacket, with an obscured physique. He wore a mask and a baseball cap that completely hid his face as he kept his head low.
    Shen Tianyi quickly bent down to apologize, and the man glanced down at the top of his head but said nothing and walked away.
    Xu Qingran, however, paused abruptly as they brushed past each other.
    The man carried a scent of blood.
    Although faint, in that brief contact, Xu Qingran detected the all-too-familiar smell. And if he wasn't mistaken, there was also an ominous aura of malevolence about him.
    Turning to look again, Xu Qingran found the figure had already vanished into the crowd. Recalling the direction from which the man had come, which was where Shen Tianyi was headed, he quickly caught up and grabbed the boy's delicate arm before he entered the restroom.
    Meeting Shen Tianyi's puzzled gaze, he hesitated before asking, "Didn't you say the model shop is on the third floor?"
    "Yeah," nodded Shen Tianyi.
    Xu Qingran subtly guided him away, "The elevator is just ahead. Let's use the restroom on the third floor first. That way, we can go straight into the model shop when we come out, saving a lot of time, right?"
    Shen Tianyi, who wasn't great at math, listened and found it quite sensible: "That's true, Auntie is really smart!"
    The task of tricking Shen Tianyi was still going smoothly.
    The third-floor bathroom was seldom used and quite clean. He stood next to the sink waiting for Shen Tianyi to finish and wash his hands before they left together. Exiting the bathroom, they passed a small bridge, leading directly to the toy store Shen Tianyi wanted to visit.
    The child, with a clear goal, headed straight for the Volterman section. Xu Qingran followed leisurely behind, keeping Shen Tianyi within sight, casually browsing the store's offerings.
    It was a holiday season, so many parents were in the store buying toys with their children.
    Xu Qingran didn't find anything of interest but saw Shen Tianyi lifting a model series box almost his height from the shelf. He went over to help carry it, picking up another one in the process.
    "Huh? Auntie, didn't you say you don't like Volterman?"
    Xu Qingran smiled with a hint of mystery: "That's why I'm getting it as a gift; they'll probably love it."
    Shen Tianyi hummed, "Then they have much better taste than you."
    After grabbing his most desired model, Shen Tianyi browsed a bit more and picked some alien monster toys, then contentedly decided to check out. Xu Qingran placed everything in a cart they'd found, accompanying the child to the cashier when suddenly he spotted a red bow hair clip left casually on a doll shelf.
    It was a girl's hair clip, looking quite new with a price tag still attached. Likely, someone had picked it up and then decided against buying it, leaving it there.
    Xu Qingran paused in front of the shelf for a moment, snapping out of it only when Shen Tianyi looked back and urged him on.
    He then swiftly grabbed the hair clip and dropped it into the shopping cart, gazing down.
    At the checkout, the cashier recognized them as regular customers and, with a smile, said to Shen Tianyi, "Ah, the young master of the Shen family. Today's purchases are eligible for a 20% discount."
    Shen Tianyi politely responded, "Thank you, sister!"
    His reply brought a bright smile to her face.
    The checkout process went very smoothly.
    Xu Qingran didn't know exactly how much money was in his account; he only knew that after transferring money to Shen Tingyu's account, the figures seemed unchanged, allowing him to spend freely.
    In the mall, a service robot automatically took all the items and followed the duo, a child and an adult, to the elevator. On the ground floor, they passed the same restroom Shen Tianyi had almost dashed into earlier.
    In contrast to the earlier quiet scene, the area was now crowded with onlookers. They whispered among themselves with increasingly horrified expressions, as if discussing a shocking incident.
    Many guards from the Golden Wing Camp were on the scene, setting up barriers to keep the curious crowd at bay.
    Passing by the restroom again, the stench of blood was stronger. Shen Tianyi, completely absorbed in his new toys and the robot carrying the bags, paid no attention to the commotion.
    As Xu Qingran passed by, he overheard enough to grasp the situation.
    In short, it was a murder case, where the victim was brutally killed, disemboweled, and decapitated.
    If it was a revenge act, Xu Qingran wouldn't have much thought about it.
    But if it was done merely for a wicked thrill, targeting a random passerby, that would be intriguing.
    Shen Tianyi's energy only lasted until they reached home.
    It was late, and Aunt Song insisted he not play with his toys but rather take a bath and get ready for bed. Shen Tianyi cast a pitiful glance at Xu Qingran, who clearly wasn't going to intervene, and eventually, sleepy-eyed, he conceded and left with Aunt Song.
    Xu Qingran brought his own items to his room, casually placing them on the desk before picking up a tablet to search for news.
    The afternoon's murder at Hui Wing Mall was already in the news.
    It wasn't a complete mystery, as the name and photo of the suspect were already released.
    'Ming Hai, male, 22 years old.
    From Jin Yi AQ Tianeagle series, born in Fengxing Jia City.
    "Type E Extremist, an S-class felon, the highest level of wanted criminal in the Empire."
    The young man in the photo, with black hair and eyes, had skin as pale as paper and slightly hollow cheeks. Dressed in the attire of a notorious felon from the Evil Tower, his face, quite striking, bore a rebellious smile for the camera, his lifeless eyes brimming with malevolence.
    Before being sent to the Evil Tower for punishment, he had already been responsible for dozens of murders, not including the Imperial Guards who tried to arrest him. His victims ranged from men to women, the elderly to children, all unrelated to him, merely chosen at random for his cruel deeds.
    The daytime murder at the Hui Wing Mall bore the same hallmarks as his methods. Nearby surveillance footage captured a figure matching him with 99.99% accuracy, confirming it was likely this Type E, recently escaped from the Evil Tower.
    Xu Qingran pondered over the report.
    Suddenly, his communicator rang, and he realized it was Shen Tingyu on the line.
    "Were you and Tianyi at the Hui Wing Mall today?"
    Shen Tingyu seemed to be outdoors, with faint sounds of wind in the communication.
    Xu Qingran knew what he was asking: "Don't worry, Tianyi is completely unaware of the incident, and he didn't witness anything traumatic."
    "That's good to hear," Shen Tingyu's voice carried a barely perceptible weariness, "If you encounter this Ming Hai, don't act recklessly. His mental prowess is formidable. If he were my age today, a fight between us could potentially end in a draw."
    Xu Qingran raised an eyebrow: "And how would he fare against you in your prime?"
    A laugh came from the other side, somewhat weary: "To give him some credit, maybe a seventy-thirty split."
    "Seventy for me, thirty for him."
    Xu Qingran chuckled, then said with certainty, "So, General Shen, your mental prowess has been traumatized."
    The other end fell silent, leaving only the howling wind in the background.
    Finally, uncharacteristically foregoing his usual politeness, Shen abruptly ended the call without another word.
    The smile on Xu Qingran's lips deepened.
    "The General still isn't cautious enough around him."
    Rising to tidy up his purchases from the day, Xu Qingran's smile faded slightly as his eyes landed on the red bow at the top of the bag. He studied it for a long time before opening a drawer and carefully stowing it away like a treasured possession.
    In the blink of an eye, another weekend arrived.
    It was the day the Xu family celebrated their beloved child's academic advancement with a grand banquet.
    Xu Qingran had returned to the Xu residence once during this period. The house was empty, allowing him to take the original owner's flyer back without alerting anyone. After the original soul's departure, all its worldly possessions were registered to his soul, enabling unobstructed operation.
    So today, he drove himself to the Fairy Series seven-star hotel in his car. The hotel was indeed magnificent, with its glistening golden glory, vast front yard, numerous themed gardens, and fountains.
    At the very top of the main building lay a giant silver dragon, its eyes half-closed, wings folded in rest.
    Standing at the entrance, Xu Qingran glanced at his phone, filled with various service orders placed not long ago, his eyes curving into a smile. The lobby manager approached him eagerly, asking, "Sir, how may I assist you?"
    "I'm here for the Xu family banquet being held at your hotel today," Xu Qingran replied.
    He had no invitation, but he had the identity card of the Xu family's eldest son. The manager, recognizing his status, instinctively treated him as an esteemed internal guest and directed him towards the banquet hall.
    The Xu family, always concerned with appearances, had rented the most expensive, largest, and most luxurious hall at the top floor. Carrying a bag of gifts, Xu Qingran took the elevator up, stepping out to see the banquet hall's doors wide open.
    Most guests seemed to have arrived, with many already seated and others mingling, their faces brimming with joyful smiles.
    Dressed in a simple white shirt, suit pants, and leather shoes, Xu Qingran walked towards the banquet hall. His father, stepmother, Xu Qing'an, Lu Cheng, and others were at the forefront of the hall, conversing with some influential elders.
    Everyone was busy with their own affairs, not noticing his arrival.
    Xu Qingran was not one to be overlooked.
    Thus, he pulled out a loudly booming firecracker, prepared earlier, and detonated it right at the entrance of the hall.
    The world fell into complete silence after that loud bang.
    All eyes, shocked or fearful, landed on him, as the scattered celebratory confetti lightly adorned the floor.
    While everyone else remained still, Xu Qingran started to move.
    The colorful confetti on his shoulder fell to the ground with his steps. He seemed like a person born with a spotlight, naturally drawing and holding the attention of those around him.
    Xu Qingran approached the stunned Xu family, his gaze first landing on his stepmother.
    She looked paler than during their last encounter, as if she had recently recovered from a serious illness.
    His eyes deepening slightly, he lifted the bag in his hand and presented it to her, saying softly, "Oh, auntie, I happened to be out with the kid at the toy city the other day, so I picked up a gift for the baby in your belly."
    Xu Qingran pretended not to notice her suddenly pale face, chuckling lightly before adding, "It's the latest Volterman model series, you know."

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