Chapter 37: Expulsion Notice

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Chapter 37: Expulsion Notice
    [Main Post:
    There's probably no one on Starweb who doesn't know who that special invitee is, right?
    Let me just say it: Remember the high-profile interview and live broadcast at the start of the school year at a top university's elite college? That's when he first appeared on the homepage, overshadowing other posts with the drama that unfolded. He even openly challenged everyone in the interview! A few days later, it was revealed that he has an A-level psychic pool and was a special invitee at a top college!
    At that time, I don't know how many bots and fans came out to hype him up. When I criticized in the thread that with such skills he became a special invitee, a bunch of people attacked me!
    Saying I was short-sighted and questioning the top brass's judgment!
    Ha, now karma has caught up, hasn't it?
    I have a source in the military department. They say the young master will stabilize within the next 2 months, and his psychic pool level is still A!
    What does this mean? It means he'll never be a Type E in his life!]
    According to my cousin working at the military academy, the top brass initially bet on the young master becoming a Type E, which was why he received special treatment! If he can't become a Type E, they're likely to kick him out of the academy! Anyway, this gossip post will stay here. In a month or two, you'll see if I'm telling the truth or not!
    The poster wrote at length in the main post, their tone almost as if they had a grudge against Xu Qingran.
    Posts related to Xu Qingran always magically attracted a flood of responses from netizens.
    [Front row seats!]
    [Got my popcorn ready for this drama!]
    [o.O Is this for real or just a rumor?]
    [After reading, first I must admit that I did criticize the OP that day. Secondly, I want to clear my name! To be clear, I am a critic, please don't label me wrongly! As if that crazy Xu Qingran could afford bots and have fans?]
    [Agree with above, I also had words with the OP, but don't call me a fan of the young master! That little nobody having fans? He's just got critics like me!]
    [Huh? After all that hype, he's just an S-level?]
    [What's wrong with being S-level? Aren't only about 10% of the empire's population S-level or above? Sure, it's not the highest, but still way better than keyboard warriors like you! (Disclaimer: Not a fan of the crazy guy, just hate it when people belittle others while lacking the ability themselves!)]
    The thread quickly surpassed ten thousand responses.
    Coincidence or not, that same afternoon, a post related to Xu Qing'an also emerged on the forum.
    It said he was performing exceptionally well at the medical school, even more stable than some 3S students. Today, Professor Lu Wenyuan publicly announced his intention to take Xu Qing'an as his protégé. They plan to collaborate on a research topic, which is still in the planning stages.
    Previous speculations that Xu Qing'an might not be accepted by the Lu family dissipated.
    With both scions of prominent families in the spotlight, and being half-brothers, it was inevitable for netizens to mention one while discussing the other.
    Unlike the tumultuous tales surrounding Xu Qingran, most comments in Xu Qing'an's thread were praises.
    Followed by some comparisons:
    [1678L: How the tables have turned! At the start of the school year, everyone said the second young master was outshined and overshadowed by the elder, but now... who could have expected such a turnaround in just half a year?]
    [2144L: Hahaha, I'd die laughing if the elder gets expelled.]
    [3011L: It would be quite embarrassing, and Xu Qing'an's future achievements are likely something he'll never be able to match, right?]
    However, amidst current public opinion, there are also different voices:
    [7633L: Am I the only one who remembers? Xu Qing'an slandered the elder and even had suspicions of staging his own kidnapping. Have people forgotten all this? Why are there so many blind fans in this thread?]
    [7821L: I want to say, Xu Qing'an seems like a sly manipulator! Honestly, if he tried to seduce my boyfriend, I might go crazier than the elder!]
    [8666L: Relying on the Lu family and Major General Lu's influence for a whitewash.]
    [9001L: To the above, this is a praise thread for the second young master. If you don't like it, don't come here causing trouble!]
    [9277L: Oh really? You started by belittling the elder first! Can't stand how some people have no moral compass and just keep licking up to Xu Qing'an!]
    The thread quickly became heated again.
    Eventually, the discussion turned to Xu Qingran's stabilization. Most believed that if he couldn't become an E, he would likely end up as an ordinary N-type. A few speculated that, given his past academic performance, he might be an I-type like Xu Qing'an.
    Someone summarized in a reply:
    [Looking at it this way, the only way for the elder to rise above is to become a D-type, right?]
    If E-types are the lofty figures admired from a distance, the even rarer D-types are like national darlings! Kind and gentle D-types, beneficial to the community, not prone to madness and capable of stopping E-types from losing control – who wouldn't love them!
    Xu Qing'an in the medical school couldn't help but let out a disdainful chuckle.
    He thought, with Xu Qingran's frail nature, even if he tried to change, how high could he really climb? He can't even reach E, and he dreams of becoming the rarest and most special D-type? That's just wishful thinking.
    Xu Qing'an's friends in the military, whom he had known since elementary school, had been keeping him updated on Xu Qingran's recent activities. They had always been kind to him back then, seeing his pitiable situation, and he had maintained contact with them over the years.
    Thinking of how Xu Qingran had been climbing the ranks like a cheat activated over the past six months, he felt worried. Even more irritating was the rumor that Lu Cheng had been sent by the Third Prince to specifically elevate Xu Qingran!
    Fortunately, Xu Qingran had ended up disappointing everyone.
    His situation proved that no matter how fine the tools, rotten wood can't be carved.
    He was curious to see how Xu Qingran would try to recover from this.
    The day the Starweb gossip post exploded was coincidentally when the military academy students were allowed access to electronic entertainment devices. Everyone at the academy was quietly enjoying the gossip, with very few daring to reply under pseudonyms, as doing so would reveal their IP addresses from Hai Lan Star and thus their identities.
    Of course, a few bold ones took the opportunity to spread some recent stories about Xu Qingran from the academy.
    Xu Qingran, getting hold of his phone, joined in reading the posts.
    He didn't feel anything special about it, but his classmates at the Linglong base, wary of angering him, treaded cautiously around him for the next few days. Even the 3S students approached him with utmost respect and politeness.
    Xu Qingran wanted to tell them he wasn't a tyrant and there was no need for such caution. But considering the hassle of explaining, he chose to remain silent out of laziness.
    After all, he enjoyed the peace.
    Having read the online discussions, Xu Qingran's only response was to train harder and more seriously. He arrived at 6 AM and didn't leave until midnight. When the console operators left, he asked them how to use the equipment so he could add extra training for himself.
    He practiced repeatedly against the same type of alien species for days, aiming to understand their characteristics, habits, reactions, and weaknesses thoroughly.
    He was an exemplary figure, a hardworking and ambitious model student.
    Seeing this, his classmates felt a pang of sympathy.
    "Sigh, Xu is excellent in every aspect except his psychic level. It seems too harsh to expel him just because he's not an E-type..."
    "Yeah, even outstanding A-levels can be admitted, right?"
    Ni Xiaoyuan, passing by and hearing the conversation, chuckled and said, "The students of that rank in the academy are all selected through rigorous assessments. The royal family operates like gamblers, generously offering benefits initially and then retracting them if the requirements aren't met, just to consolidate their prestige."
    "Can you really expect those with power to have any empathy?"
    The classmates hesitated, wanting to say more.
    But lacking Ni Xiaoyuan's family background, they chose to remain silent and avoid further discussion on the topic.
    A new month began.
    It was the final training period for the students' current project and the last month of study before the holiday.
    After another ten days of delay, the team responsible for researching extraterrestrial life in the Kai'an Empire began their program broadcast in Linglong City.
    There were several guests, including hosts from official educational platforms, journalists who regularly cover the starry battlefield, movie stars known for related themes, and even children representing young learners.
    "Hello, dear audience! The 15th episode of 'Into the Starry World' officially begins now!"
    The lively host, dressed in a military uniform, energized the opening of the show.
    "In addition to being live-streamed on Kai'an's official website and the Nebula Platform, this program will also be broadcast on the Empire's Extraterrestrial Biology Channel. We invite everyone, along with your children and families, to join us in exploring the universe's fascinating life forms!"
    Most people of this century had only seen the modern 'demons,' making such an official educational program popular among all ages.
    The live-streaming platform was abuzz with constant comments.
    [Eh, are they still in the eastern sector this year, or did they change locations? The environment looks different from last year.]
    The supporting host explained with a smile, "We're still focusing on the eastern area this year. The western and southern sectors aren't ready to be opened yet!"
    "But the species we're encountering this year are indeed different from last year!"
    The focus of this episode by the program team was on a species that had invaded the Kai'an Empire 300 years ago, named 'Haina.' The Haina are amphibious extraterrestrial creatures with heads resembling a mix of pythons and lizards, saw-toothed fangs, sharp foreclaws, and a spiny dorsal fin.
    It is speculated that their original habitat is located in the Mermaid Constellation Cluster, about ten million light-years away.
    Their skin remains smooth and moist, primarily used to sense changes in air currents. The combination of moisture and psychic energy on their bodies can reduce and dissipate long-range psychic attacks.
    Therefore, close combat became the primary method to defeat them, but their unique characteristics also made close combat challenging. It took several years to gather data and discover that their skin dries out quickly under intense sunlight, leading to tactics involving prolonged exposure to sun, eventually driving them back.
    "A few Haina that were left behind were captured by the empire and brought to the Linglong City base for breeding and in-depth research."
    [Just looking at the pictures, they seem terrifying!]
    [I heard they're very destructive, capable of tearing apart aircraft twice their size with a single swipe of their claws.]
    The initial days of the live broadcast focused on introducing their habitat and species.
    The hosts and guests were led to Zone East-11.
    This area replicates the Haina's natural habitat, divided into two sections. The larger part houses live Haina, while the smaller is a training ground for the students. The hosts casually entered the training area.
    In the wetland-themed training ground, scattered students were practicing combat against simulated Haina. Some shyly avoided the camera, others curiously looked on, and a few bold ones even waved at the camera.
    The live chat was excited.
    [The standards for military academy students this year seem pretty high!]
    [Wow, so many handsome guys and beautiful girls! Wonder if one of them is for me!]
    [Sob sob, military academy students are so cool, but sadly I don't have the skills, can't even get into the local military academy here.]
    In a distant corner, a small crowd had gathered.
    The host couldn't resist zooming in on the camera, revealing a mid-level simulated Haina, its dorsal spines refracting enchanting light under the sun. Among the crowd, a figure was skillfully engaging in combat with the mid-level Haina, knife in hand.
    His movements were swift like the wind, skillfully maneuvering around the bulky Haina. The camera captured him delivering a frontal strike with his knife, then swiftly moving behind the creature to perfectly evade its spiny defenses, targeting a vulnerable spot beneath the poisonous dorsal fin with a forceful thrust.
    The Haina, already suffering from numerous attacks, seemed to reach the system's damage threshold.
    It let out a wail and collapsed to the ground, dissolving into a mist of light.
    Surrounding students praised him continuously, and Feng Wei exclaimed, "Ah, so the weakest spot is under the poisonous fin. No wonder the mid-level ones have venomous spines!"
    The host was equally excited: "This is a mid-level Haina with psychic power comparable to a double S-level!"
    "Though it's only a system-simulated training partner, the student who defeated it must be a top-tier S-level genius!"
    The live chat was abuzz with excitement.
    [Host sis, I think that guy's silhouette looks really cool!]
    [Sis, sis, please let us see his face!]
    [Please, I really won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't see his face!]
    [Let me see who owns this handsome figure! (creeping in the shadows)]
    Such rare footage was not to be missed by the program team.
    The camera drone navigated through the crowd, circling the young man who was bending down to adjust his clothing and check his weapon. As he sensed the movement and looked up, his strikingly flawless face entered the viewers' line of sight.
    The live chat went silent for three seconds.
    Then the familiar frenzy began again.
    [...How is this possible?!]
    [No! I refuse to believe it!]
    [Whoa, Xu Qingran's got some real skills, looks like he didn't just get into the academy through connections!]
    [I told you, you can't just use connections to get into Grantis Military Academy!]
    Xu Qingran tilted his head, his expression indifferent: "What's up?"
    The host smiled warmly: "Hello, student! We're from the 'Into the Starry World' program team! Did you just defeat that mid-level Haina? Would you mind giving a brief introduction to our viewers?"
    Xu Qingran lowered his gaze in thought.
    When he looked up again, there was a hint of scornful amusement in his eyes.
    "Me?" He chuckled emotionlessly, emphasizing his words, "Xu Qingran, an A-level student."
    After speaking, he walked away, his departure looking rather aloof.
    The live chat went quiet once more.
    Then, people began to express their meltdown.
    [Damn, I'm a failed hater, I was actually impressed by the crazy guy just now!]
    [Sob sob, how can someone be so heartbreakingly handsome?]
    [I always thought the elder was just delicately pretty, but today I realized... he can also be tough and ruggedly handsome with that face!]
    [The elder's A-level is not what I expected at all...]
    [Hey, we didn't see the earlier part, maybe other students also took action?]
    [As someone who has practiced before, I can vouch that the elder seems like a real expert with a solid foundation!]
    There were also netizens who rushed to the live room, eager to humiliate or question Xu Qingran about his stabilization.
    But by the time they finished typing their fervent messages, they realized he had already left the camera's view. Some were even blacklisted for stirring trouble in the official live room.
    The live program was only an hour long.
    As the crowd was leaving, Xu Qingran had just finished another round of training and was resting with a drink, when a girl with flowing long hair came running through the crowd towards him. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she called out loudly, "Qingran brother!"
    Xu Qingran watched her intently.
    He thought she looked familiar but couldn't remember where he had seen her before.
    It wasn't until the girl stood before him, hesitantly pointing at herself, asking, "Do you remember me?"
    "Back in the Tower of Evil, when I didn't want to leave brother, you helped us."
    Xu Qingran remembered.
    She was that teary-eyed little sister.
    Nearly a year had passed, and the once timid, fearful girl from the Tower of Evil seemed to have grown a lot.
    He learned her name was Lin Mumu.
    It turned out that not long after, she and her brother also successfully left the Tower of Evil. Orphaned, they were about to be taken to an orphanage when they met Dolly, who was there for charity work.
    Lin Mumu said, "Dolly sister thinks I have potential in the performing arts and wants to take me as her apprentice. She took us in. Now I'm learning from her, appearing on shows, and even earning money for me and my brother!"
    Xu Qingran listened quietly and then asked, "Do you like this job?"
    Lin Mumu thought for a moment and replied, "I don't hate it!"
    "As long as I can earn enough to support my brother and me!"
    Her brother, Lin Muyao, was reportedly an excellent student. Dolly, moved by the siblings' past hardships and not wanting Lin Muyao's academic potential to be wasted due to lack of funds, also sponsored his education.
    They were to pay her back slowly once they were successful and earning well.
    Xu Qingran nodded gently, "That's good."
    Lin Mumu said earnestly, "Brother told me you got into the military academy, and you'll become a great soldier protecting us! I just saw how amazing you are, Qingran brother. You'll definitely be more formidable than those generals and marshals!"
    Xu Qingran glanced at the shiny little butterfly bow in her hair, showing rare patience, "Hmm, you have good insight, and you're absolutely right."
    Lin Mumu, beaming with joy, got his contact information before hurriedly leaving under her assistant's urging.
    Suddenly, it was the last week of the training project.
    The students' assessments went smoothly. Despite being an A-level, Xu Qingran's evaluation scores surpassed many double S and 3S students, placing him in the top ranks.
    Xu Qingran's six-month performance report was delivered to Prince Mu Ziyu.
    At that moment, Mu Ziyu was aboard a spaceship en route to Hai Lan Star.
    His advisor looked troubled: "Setting aside his psychic level, he's quite exceptional in other areas."
    "But you just said it, 'setting aside his psychic level,'" Mu Ziyu glanced briefly at the report before pushing it aside disinterestedly, "If he were 3S, he would be the top of his class by now! So, it proves that no matter how skilled he is, he can't pressure those at higher levels!"
    "This is just among his peers in the academy. What about when he joins the military? Do you think the people at the Silver Dragon Camp will accept their new major as an A-level?"
    "Let alone an A-level, even an S might face objections!"
    Mu Ziyu massaged his forehead, sighing softly: "Well, let's just focus on Ji Huaiyu and Ling Yuege instead."
    "Both of them have been consistently performing well, leading their respective class groups."
    Mu Ziyu: "Hmm, not bad."
    The advisor then asked, "And what about Xu Qingran...?"
    Mu Ziyu, sitting in the spacious seat of honor, suddenly smirked, his eyes exuding arrogance: "Of course, we'll have to kick him out."
    In a few days, the students at the military academy were about to have their only holiday.
    It would last almost a month, and everyone was eagerly looking forward to it.
    The day before the majority of the students were to leave Linglong City and return to the main academy base, Xu Qingran received a letter.
    The material was as exquisite as the special invitation he had received in the Tower of Evil.
    As expected, it was an expulsion notice.
    'Dear Student Xu,
    We regret to inform you that, based on our observations, you have not reached the final level expected of a qualified special invitee. Therefore, the academy has decided to revoke your special invitee status. However, you still have the opportunity to rejoin Grantis Military Academy in the future by participating in the official selection assessments.'
    Xu Qingran laughed upon reading this.
    After finishing, he tore the letter to shreds on the spot and threw it into the trash can in the villa.
    He murmured lowly, "Prince Mu Ziyu?"
    It was said that he was the one who sent Xu Qingran the special invitation.
    He was also the largest investor in both the Linglong City base and the Empire's Extraterrestrial Biology Research Team.
    Thinking of this, Xu Qingran smiled, his eyes curving into a cold, mocking crescent.
    At nightfall, almost everyone in Linglong City was asleep. As the students' training and assessments had concluded, the number of staff on duty at the base was significantly reduced, making it seem less lively.
    Xu Qingran ventured alone to a secluded corner of the wilderness area, where in the silence, the howling of various creatures echoed from the depths.
    There was a door in front of him, marked with a 'No Entry' sign.
    Standing in front of the door, staring at the intelligent security lock, he emotionlessly asked his system, "Will you help, or not?"
    System: "..."
    "My dear great-grandchild, it's not about whether I help or not! If something goes wrong, I'm the one who'll be penalized by the Management Bureau!"
    After a few seconds of silence, Xu Qingran suddenly said, "Little System, let me guess, have you botched at least two world missions before me?"
    The system was alarmed!
    Indeed, it had been exactly two missions.
    But it had never mentioned this – how did the host know? Did it slip up or reveal something in a bug or while sleep-talking?!
    Xu Qingran then said in a somber tone, "Tell me, if I drag Shen Tingyu down to hell with me now, can your mission still succeed?"
    "If this world fails too, you'll really be destroyed, right?"
    Actually, figuring out this matter was quite simple.
    Under normal circumstances, a single accidental mistake wouldn't result in the risk of destruction. However, my system seems exceptionally anxious about the mission, constantly mentioning failure and the threat of being destroyed, showing signs of great anxiety.
    A careful consideration reveals the reason behind this.
    System: "..."
    Where did this demon come from? Why did it have to be bound to him for this journey?!
    "So, are you going to help me now, or shall we meet in hell?" Xu Qingran asked with an icy tone.
    The system wept.
    Eventually, it capitulated under the threatening influence of its host.
    Xu Qingran watched as the security door was unlocked by the system, smiling with satisfaction.
    Daring to mess with him?
    Today, he intended to teach this prince a lesson about the difficulties of 'easy to invite, hard to send away.'
    Mu Ziyu's starship successfully landed in Linglong City, where he had the most control.
    Meanwhile, the 'Into the Starry World' program team was still broadcasting live, unusually. Today was the final day of the program, and the guest stars had already left Linglong City in their respective transports.
    They had planned to capture the starry sky over Linglong City in the night for a perfect finale.
    Unfortunately, the sky was uncooperative, as a light rain started to fall. With everything already scheduled, the live broadcast couldn't be canceled, so they regretfully wrapped up near the base's airport.
    Seeing Mu Ziyu, their major investor, disembarking from his lavish starship, the program team immediately saw an opportunity for flattery and headed towards him with the camera rolling.
    The audience was thrilled to see Mu Ziyu.
    [Wow! What a lucky day to actually see the Third Prince in person!]
    [The Third Prince is as handsome as ever!]
    [His Highness is the ultimate face of the Silver Dragon!]
    [Long live the Silver Dragon! Ahhh!]
    Mu Ziyu, pleased with the adoration and praise in the comments, was willing to entertain a few questions from the host.
    The host said, "Prince Mu Ziyu is currently the biggest supporter of our team and Linglong City. With his support, all our research has progressed smoothly! This includes our current educational and outreach program, which was initiated based on His Highness's suggestions!"
    "We'd like to ask why His Highness is so keen on supporting extraterrestrial biology research? What does Linglong City mean to you?"
    Mu Ziyu, maintaining his composure, answered earnestly, "I've always believed that to defeat an enemy, we must first understand their habits and find their weaknesses to better..."
    Just as the precious interview was underway, a loud explosion suddenly erupted from the wilderness area base in the distance. The camera captured flashes of light amidst the trees at the moment of the explosion.
    Both the program team and the Third Prince were taken aback.
    As they turned to investigate, the city-wide alarm in Linglong City began to blare ominously against the night sky.
    Mu Ziyu frowned and asked, "What's going on?"
    The military personnel accompanying him hurried to gather information.
    When they returned, their faces were pale: "It's bad news! The defensive system in the eastern wilderness area malfunctioned, the gates isolating the extraterrestrial creatures opened automatically, and numerous mid to high-tier creatures have crossed the security line and escaped!"
    Mu Ziyu's face darkened: "What did you say?!"
    "There's more. The underground base's system also malfunctioned, releasing the insectoids in the research labs! The scientists have evacuated urgently, but if not controlled promptly, it could lead to greater trouble and losses!"
    Hearing this, Mu Ziyu had no more interest in the interview and immediately turned to lead his team to handle the situation.
    The program team was bewildered by this sudden turn of events.
    The audience in the live room was equally baffled.
    [Is this for real?!]
    [So dramatic! Things went south all of a sudden!]
    [Could this be a scripted scenario by the program team and the Third Prince to boost popularity?]
    [Don't be silly, would an official imperial team really resort to such tactics?]
    The live chat was quickly flooded with comments.
    Of course, this wasn't arranged by the program team, but it was undeniably a golden opportunity for ratings and content!
    Seizing this unexpected scoop, the program team activated all remaining cameras, setting up multiple live feeds to cover the unfolding incident and its resolution from every angle. The hostess instantly transformed into a 'war correspondent,' rushing to the disaster scene along with the rest of the team.
    And so, in the middle of the night, the words 'Linglong City' surged to the top of the trending searches.
    In the heavily forested wilderness area...
    The control devices on the extraterrestrial creatures malfunctioned as well, and, regaining their freedom, they excitedly surged outward. The guards, caught off guard but all well-trained soldiers, quickly drew their weapons to attack and contain them.
    Xu Qingran stood atop a very tall tree in the forest.
    From his vantage point, he could almost see all the affected areas of Linglong City. Bursts of fire, like stars, exploded in his view, illuminating the cold smile in his eyes.
    Blowing up just the entire eastern district was the extent of his mercy.
    Of course, if that foolish Third Prince insists on getting rid of him in such a manner, Xu Qingran promised to cause chaos in all directions, delivering a royal flush.
    From the deepest part of the wetland area, a Haina as tall as a building emerged, heavy and imposing.
    Its skin was water-blue, and its eyes, fierce like a beast, glared menacingly. With a ferocious roar, its sharply pointed teeth were terrifyingly visible. The raindrops fell on it, seemingly invigorating it, and even its psychic power appeared to strengthen.
    All the Hainas in the wetlands had been released.
    Xu Qingran gazed at the man approaching the base, draped in a cloak and dressed extravagantly, leading a group, and chuckled lightly.
    —Enjoy tonight's revelry, Mu Ziyu.
    Before dealing with Mu Ziyu, Xu Qingran had other matters to attend to.
    He skillfully navigated his way, blending unnoticed into a group of students roused by the commotion. Instructors were hastily distributing firearms and blades to them, freshly awakened from sleep, urgently saying, "You've trained for so long; it's time to put that training to the test in real combat!"
    A half-asleep student asked, "...What if we fail?"
    Without even looking at him, the instructor responded, "Nothing serious."
    "At worst, we'll just have a few days of mourning."
    Student: "..."
    Instantly wide awake.
    "So everyone, focus! This isn't a drill. The base is facing a major crisis; the defense system has malfunctioned, and many extraterrestrials have escaped, with their control rings rendered useless! Reinforcements from other areas won't arrive soon, so we need your help to stabilize the chaos in the east district!"
    "Try not to kill those rampaging extraterrestrial creatures. We will distribute a special agent soon; weaken them in combat and then find a chance to inject it to subdue them."
    The instructor spoke with genuine distress: "After all, these are rare biological specimens. If they all die, it's uncertain when we could get more."
    Xu Qingran joined the others in receiving weapons and the agent.
    Before setting out, the instructor earnestly warned, "In the wilderness area, pay special attention to the Hainas, one of the species you've recently trained against. With the rain, their strength and sensory abilities are at their peak. Don't think about outsmarting them with stealth attacks if your level is similar to or lower than theirs!"
    The students were nervous, but they steeled themselves and grouped up for the mission.
    Some headed towards the wilderness area, others to the underground base.
    Xu Qingran glanced at the entrance of the underground base and followed a few armed soldiers inside.
    The non-combatant researchers had already evacuated.
    Now, mostly soldiers tasked with cleanup remained inside. Xu Qingran used the agent to subdue several extraterrestrial creatures and followed a group of soldiers into a research lab.
    The room's electrical system had been damaged, leaving only the red warning lights in the corner to provide illumination.
    The flickering lights created an eerie atmosphere reminiscent of a horror film.
    Inside was a long, tentacled insectoid with substantial combat abilities. Xu Qingran, along with others, managed to subdue it and administer the agent.
    "What rotten luck to encounter such a mess!" one of the more hot-tempered soldiers couldn't help but grumble in relief.
    Another joined in, "Exactly, we were just fine at the main base, assigned to handle some team's program. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have been dispatched here and landed in this mess."
    "Isn't Linglong Base touted to have the Empire's top-tier defense system? How did such chaos even happen?"
    "Who knows? It's not our place to speculate!"
    "Let's not linger here; better to quickly handle the situation outside."
    As they talked about leaving and arranging for the removal of the insectoid from the room, they noticed an unfamiliar person who wasn't part of their group. He was standing in front of the room's only exit, which had somehow closed without notice.
    His expression was slightly stern and his gaze chillingly cold, made more intimidating by the flickering red light.
    Upon closer inspection, they recognized the individual, "...Xu Qingran?!"
    Xu Qingran, holding the psychic blade used in the recent fight with the insectoid, gazed at them with dark, deep eyes and spoke calmly, "I've been observing for several months and have a simple question for you."
    "Do you know Xu Qing'an?"
    The people in the room didn't immediately respond.
    They did know Xu Qing'an and were part of the group reporting on Xu Qingran to him. The rumors circulating online were also their doing.
    However, they had no intention of disclosing this to Xu Qingran.
    They were his seniors, after all. What did Xu Qingran mean by this attitude?
    One of them stepped forward, glaring fiercely at Xu Qingran, and retorted word by word, "None of your business!"
    "Get lost, don't block my—" Before he could finish, he was suddenly seized by the person in front of him.
    Xu Qingran grabbed him, swiftly flipping him around to face his comrades.
    As the man's eyes widened in realization, Xu Qingran's psychic blade sliced across his neck, effortlessly breaking through his psychic defense of the same level, silencing him forever.
    After swiftly eliminating the man, Xu Qingran nonchalantly tossed the body aside and repeated with the same calm and polite tone to the others—
    "Do you know Xu Qing'an?"

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