Chapter 6: The Evil Tower

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Chapter 6: The Evil Tower

Xu Qingran narrowed his eyes.
It was the first time someone wanted to teach him how to behave.

Seeing him clench his fists, the system, worried he might react violently, quickly cautioned: "Host, the weapons they have aren't ordinary firearms you're familiar with. They're designed for use with mental powers and are much faster and more lethal than you might expect!"

"Moreover, those who come to apprehend Type E extremists themselves have mental pools at an A-level or higher. You're not a match for them at the moment!"
"Stay calm, keep a low profile, keep a low profile!"
Xu Qingran sent back a question mark to the system: ?
"Who said I was going to resist?"

Ever since he heard the system mention the Evil Tower, he had been intrigued, especially upon learning it housed many so-called Type E extremists.
Wasn't this opportunity just presenting itself?
So, he readily agreed, "Okay, shall we go now?"
Before leaving, he asked, "I still have a fever. Can I bring my medicine?"

Chen Bin, flicking away his cigarette, was surprised at the young man's cooperation.
It was also a coincidence that his first assignment after being transferred to the Evil Tower's guard unit was to capture the young man in white, blood-stained clothes he had seen at the South 13-11 checkpoint.

He chuckled with the cigarette between his lips, "No problem."
The vastness of the starry sea and the endless universe meant interstellar journeys were always long.

Once Xu Qingran boarded the military's specialized spacecraft, he was led into a space station-sized starship. The starship, made of special materials, looked very robust and was equipped with numerous fighter jets and weapon ports. However, in this world, starships operated like ordinary vehicles, relying on the coordination of professional personnel with mental powers.
The journey from departure to entering the destination's domain took over a day.

The atmosphere inside was unexpectedly harmonious and calm.

The younger guards, unable to sit still, would pull out centuries-old tabletop card games to play and banter when bored. The older, more composed ones kept their focus on their 'prisoner' at all times.
The person who should have been the most anxious instead used the cramped cabin as if it were his own bed, sleeping deeply.

He was dressed in a beige cotton jacket, its light color softening his aloof features. His quiet, well-behaved demeanor in sleep, combined with his injured and pale appearance, evoked an involuntary sense of pity from those who looked at him longer.

"Well, he's a pampered young master from a life of luxury, with such a frail constitution. I wonder if he'll survive in the Evil Tower."

In another part of the spacecraft, several guards quietly discussed the key target in the cabin.
Anyone familiar with the recent scandal involving the Silver Dragon Camp knew the name Xu Qingran. The incident was so huge, involving tendencies of self-harm and suicide, that it wasn't surprising he was ordered to be taken to the Evil Tower for correction.

They were surprised that the infamous, wild Xu family heir appeared so weak and frail.
"I heard his mental pool is also quite low, right? Like, F-level... Even though his soul and mental type aren't finalized yet, I don't think he could jump directly from F to above 3S upon awakening."

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