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I called Marcus yesterday evening breaking the news of Charlie wanting to meet him, he took it just as I had expected. Excited to meet the man that I called father, to me meeting parents was an important step in your relationship.

I always wondered why people did it so carelessly.

Charlie was somewhat of an intimidating person but to say that he was the only reason to me not jumping at the mer thought of Marcus meeting him would be a lie and somehow my father knew that. I hated how well he read me like a book, I wanted him to be wrong and doing this was a way to assure that.

I loved Marcus so in a way maybe there wasn't any need to assure anything. Technically I didn't cheat on him and I met Dexter months before. So why in the hell was I a nervous wretch while getting ready for the Christmas party?

I heard my phone buzzing knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Fuck!" I yell almost tripping over the chair I placed in bathroom.

"Hello." I answered not even checking the caller id.

"Havana, why do you
sound so out of breath?"

"Oh my gosh." I dramatically placed my hand over my heart.

"Girl I'm so fucked
I wish you were here."

"What's the tea Havana
I rarely hear you like this?"

"Bitch I am freaking
the fuck out, tell me why
Charlie and Dexter
are old friends."

"I know you fucking lying!"

"I kid you not Lisa, when I
saw him I was shook as fuck."

"Havana I wish I could've been
a fly off the wall for that interaction."

"Don't be like that Lisa
and that's not even all.
Why did I invited Marcus
here last night?"

"That's good right? Your man will keep
you in line while you there."

"I thought the same thing
Lisa I don't know why
I'm so worried."

"Well it is a big step Havana,
Marcus is finally meeting Charlie
I'm sure he'll do great you know this."

"You're right I just need to
get my shit together."

"Yes like the bad bitch that you are,
I just wanted to check in
Merry Christmas I love you."

"Merry Christmas, I love you too." I say hanging up.

I leaning across my hands on the counter-top in front of me. "You can do this Havana." I say giving myself a pep-talk.

I smiled to myself in the mirror checking on my make-up to make sure it was okay.

Since it was Christmas I went all out with a fully beat face and a ruby red matte lip.

The color against my brown skin did it more justice.

My hair was in a updo with effortless curls and two bangs on each said of my face coming down to my cheeks. I started to leave my braids in until Harper had offered to help take them because God knows I didn't have the desire to do it myself.

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