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Part ll

And the donkey of the day goes to.....Havana Mc'Knight.

I stared down at his stretched out hand, making no moves to shake it. I wanted to know what Charlie had done that was so bad to Luciano that made him eager to see his demise. 

He pulled his hand away when he realized that I was not going to shake it. Trust me, on the inside I was angry and brokenhearted but I refused to be a pawn in anyone's game of revenge.

He cleared his throat. "Despite what you may think Havana, I am on your side."

"Did she know?" I ask completely ignoring his statement before.

He sighed as he noticed my lack of reaction.

"Yes and she wanted you to know but as you can see Charlie has not respected her wishes." He spoke his name with distain. Like Skylar's name didn't even belong with Charlie's being in the same sentence.

"What happened to her?" I finally get the courage to ask him and his response did not disappoint.

He shot me a stern glare. "Your so called father is what happened to her." I knew by the tone of his voice that this was the end of that subject.

The thought had crossed my mind that Charlie had killed her himself.

However as I remembered throughout my childhood years of how he carried on without her. It was evident to anyone looking in on how much he loved her.

"I can see that your own parents deaths won't be your motivation but the doctor in you and your moral code upstages everything doesn't it?" The grin on his face widened as he look at me knowingly.

I agreed with him for once but I didn't trust him as far as I could throw him, at this point I trusted no one.

"If we do this it's going to be my way and if that's the case you'll be going down with him." I say deadpan.

He chuckles in my face obviously not taking my threat seriously. "Once upon a time kiddo you would've had me but now I've got the law on my side." He gestures to Marcus in front of us.

I felt my disgust for him grow. If I had just left things alone then we wouldn't be in this situation.

But you needed to know Havana

"Make no mistake, I will do whatever it takes to avenge my daughter." He says menacingly.

His eyes were cold and as he meant every word.

He didn't need to elaborate on just what he would do because I had already placed it together, and he made sure of it.

I snorted beside him. "You cry out murdered, when you're one yourself."

He shrugs showing his playfully and flamboyant nature once again.

"I never said I wasn't kiddo and secondly you never asked. I have a feeling we will be in touch soon." He leans down kissing my cheek before I can even stop him, and then he was gone.

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