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Part I


Is how I felt strangely after hearing about the death of my parents. Not in the sense of them being murdered because I had nothing to do with it obviously.

However in the sense that I was supposed to be grieving, yet I felt not a damn thing. How could you cry for people you've never met in your life?

Trust me I wanted to but instead I was angry.

Angry, that someone had taken them away from me before I even had that choice. I was grateful for Marcus when he stayed the night to comfort me.

I didn't want to tell him that there was nothing to console me about but I didn't want to sound like some crazy person.

He had took the day off work to be with me and to be honest I never thought I'd see the day.

Nevertheless when he asked for me to go to a dinner party this evening I told myself I knew better.

Marcus knew how much I hated engaging with his colleagues because they all had sticks up their asses and were sexist.

"Just relax I have two people to introduce to you that will help finding out about your parents." He whispers in my ear.

"I am relaxed." I whispered back but through my teeth. I showed a fake smile whenever someone looked our way. Innerly reminding myself that I was doing this for the sake of my parents.

I wrapped my arm around Marcus as he lead me through the groups of people. Everyone was either chatting with each other or dancing the night away.

He had said it was a cocktail party so I chose a short black dress.

It was figure hugging with one arm covered in a long sleeve fabric while the other was bare. I paired it with black glossy high heels that had diamond straps.

For a while I had just been going through the motions not taking in my surroundings as much. Until Marcus stopped us in front of a man and a woman.

I couldn't say much about her other than that she was extremely beautiful. If I wasn't so confident in my own skin I would be completely intimidated by her.

There was a warm smile that graced her face but behind her eyes was something that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Well look at you." The man says specifically to me standing next to her.

He was handsome that was no doubt and reminded me of old money. The type of rich were you didn't need to flaunt but it was noticeable by your mannerisms.

His black hair smoothed back into a pompadour with a goatee that surround his lips.

I was so busy observing this woman that I hadn't even acknowledge him yet. I didn't know how to feel as he took me in from head to toe. It wasn't sexual to my delight it was strangely fatherly.

Almost like a father seeing there child after many years had passed by.

What drew me in most about him was his eyes.

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