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I clutched the velvet red wine in my hand swirling it around and around as it created waves like the corrupted sea itself. I was at a Christmas double-date whatever you call it thrown at Anthony's and Lisa's new apartment.

I was happy for her getting a crib but what upset me is that she still allowed this fool to be around. After he admitted to cheating on her she still took him back with open arms. She claimed that him being honest was better than him lying.

If you ask me I couldn't see past the damn difference.

Was love that strong to where you became a slave to unhappiness? If that was all it had to offer, the world could have that shit.

"What's wrong? Where's Marcus?" Lisa asked me. However I couldn't judge her. She was my best friend and I only wanted the very best for her.

I turned around pointing towards him talking on the phone.

"He needed to take a business call." Lisa rolled her eyes shaking her head.

"Havana it's almost Christmas why is he still taking business calls?" Lisa didn't like Marcus just like I couldn't stand Anthony.

She figured he worked too much and never had time for me but to be honest I'd rather have a man who worked hard day and night than someone who cheated countless of times without remorse.

I could understand what she meant but also by being a businesswomen myself I could understand that duty sometimes calls.

Despite us being in an relationship I kind of enjoyed not being smothered because I loved being alone sometimes, self care was the best care.

"It's fine Lisa, see it looks like he's wrapping up his call right now." I wanted to say she didn't have the fucking nerve to preach to me about anything but I didn't.

We've been friends for long enough to not allow men to come between us.

"Havana! How long has it been?" I heard Anthony come to stand behind Lisa. To say that he wasn't handsome would be a lie but he wasn't the type that I usually went for. Anthony was still a college student with a pretty boy style and notorious reputation.

Lisa and him did the whole long distance relationship so he tired to visit her every chance that he got which is why they bought an apartment together.

"Not long enough." I whispered underneath my breath taking another sip from the wine. Lisa hit my shoulder obviously hearing me. Anthony was oblivious to the whole interaction still smiling and waiting for my answer.

I placed a fake smile on my face "Pretty long it's nice to see you." I said bringing him into a hug just like he did me.

Marcus made his way over in a black turtle neck with a gold chain around his neck and pin striped gray suit pants.

The beard on his face was always trimmed perfectly and his teeth was white as snow making his smile earth shattering.

I didn't get sexy vibes from Marcus even though he had his moments, to me he was beautiful.

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