Chapter Four

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The Croods slept peacefully in their pile as Ila began tossing and turning in her sleep. Her eyes shot open as she heard the same sound as earlier.

It wasn't an animal. Or a sound she's heard before.

It was something New.

She glanced over at Eep, hesitating before shaking her awake. The young girl woke, ready to attack but calmed down when she noticed it was Ila. She gave her a questioning look but Ila pointed her finger to her ear indicating for her to listen. Eep looked at Ila, wide eyed when she heard the strange sound as well.

Ila slowly jumped down from the ledge, tiptoeing around the Croods sleeping figures. She crept towards the boulder blocking the cave entrance and peered through the small crack. She noticed a bright light moving behind the canyon. She kept her eyes locked on the light as Eep stood next to her, sniffing the air. 

The bright light moved, blazing through the gasps around the door and coating the girls in its light. They both gasped, frightened and backed away. What was this bright object? Ila glanced around the cave in awe as it glowed with the bright yellow light. She raised her hand, letting the light touch her skin. She clasped her hands together, trying to catch it. She pulled her hand down to her chest and peered into it. She saw nothing, frowning in disappointment. 

The light again appeared behind her, causing Eep to chase it around the cave. She too tried to catch it in her hands. Ila watched the girl, amused as Eep opened Thunk's mouth, checking to see if the light was inside. 

Ila pressed her face against the cold boulder door, trying to get a better look at where the light was coming from. But she couldn't get more than a blurred glimpse of the canyon beyond and the disappearing light. 

She wanted to see more. She HAD to see more.

Ila tried to move the boulder but it was too heavy for just herself. Eep quickly grabbed the rock beside her. Slowly, the rock shifted. Eep glanced back, checking to see if Grug or any of the family woke up from the noise. The girls wised all of their strengths, only managing to move the boulder wide enough for them to squeeze out. 

Eep and Ila were finally outside at night for the first time ever. Ila's heart raced as she watched the light start to disappear behind the canyon. She kept her hand against the cave door, closing her eyes. She was afraid. But she wanted to see more. She felt Eeps hand on top of hers, causing her to look towards her. She smiled, nodding as they both let their hands fall from the boulder. 

With a determined nod, Ila dashed after the light with Eep running right next to her. The girls scrambled though the narrow canyon path, bounding from side to side. They disappeared into the darkness of the canyon. The more she neared it, the light grew bright. In their excitement, Eep stepped on a stick. 

The stick snapped under her weight. Both girls completely froze as the small sound echoed throughout the canyon. A huge shadow of a tusked creature appeared on the wall above them. Startled, Ila threw a rock at the shadow making it disappear. 

With all their strength both of the girls climbed on top of the wall, growling as they took fighting positions. They stopped, noticing a torch stuck in the ground. Ila shot Eep a confused look before she slowly crept towards the torch. She crouched down and cautiously approached it. She raised her hand to feel the heat from the fire. She giggled a bit when she felt the warmth of it. She bit her lower lip and reached out to touch the flame, not noticing the figure stepping out from behind a rock behind them. Ila gasped as the wind made the fire blow away from her. Eep grabbed Ila, pulling her away before it hurt her. 

She gave Eep a reassuring smile and start to reach for the fire again. But before she could touch it, Eep growled. She turned to see the girl grab a creature by its neck and flip it over her shoulder. The creature hit the torch, knocking it to the ground. Eep jumped in front of Ila protecting her it. She grabbed a rock, ready to smash its head in. 

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