Chapter Eleven

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All Grug did was make a fool of himself on his attempt to get ideas. A caveman doesn't need ideas. Remember? He said that himself. Ila watched as Grug tried to create good ideas which all failed horribly. And none of them made sense. So instead of the Croods letting him continue this embarrassment, they set on their journey once again. 

Guy was rowing a shell boat as they floated across a river. "What are you trying to do Grug?" Ugga asked her husband in a whisper as they sat in the boat. 

"I thought if i could have ideas like Guy, then maybe Ila and Eep would listen to me. Maybe Ila wouldn't want to go with Guy." Grug sighed, frowning deeply. 

Ugga's face softened at his confession. "Oh Grug, is that what this is all about?" She opened her mouth to tell him her thoughts about going with Guy in the Search For Tomorrow but Grug interrupted her. 

"And I also thought it would kill your mother. So you know? Win win." He confessed sheepishly. Ugga stared at him in disbelief, shaking her head. 

"We're here." Guy announced as the boat hit the shore. He helped Ila out and onto the land as she stared at the beauty of nature. Everyone awed at the birds flying above them, the trees, and all different sorts of animals. Suddenly, an explosion went off on a nearby mountain. The land where they sailed from began to sink. 

Grug frantically looked around for shelter and spoted a nearby cave. He pointed towards it, yelling. "Cave! Everyone inside. Come on! HURRY UP, LET'S GO. GO, GO." He began to push his family towards the cave when he realized they weren't moving. 

"No!" Ila protested as she backed away. Eep and the rest of the family followed her lead as Grug stared at them with confusion. 

"No more caves, Grug." Ugga said softly, trying her best not to hurt his feelings. 

"What?" Grug just stared at them, dumbfounded.

"We're gonna jump on the sun and ride it to Tomorrow with Guy." Gran cheered.

"Wait, so you're all going to do this?" Grug asked in disbelief. How can his family follow a stranger somewhere that might not even exist. "Thunk?" He glanced towards his son in hopes he wouldn't want to go. 

"Sorry, dad." Thunk frowned as he joined the others. 

Grug shook his head, blinking a few times as he processed everything. He still couldn't believe this was happening. "You've got to stop worrying about us." Eep stated. 

"It's my job to worry. It's my job to follow the rules." He snapped at his daughter. 

Ila scoffed and shook her head with her arms crossed. "The rules don't work out here."

"They kept us alive." Grug argued.

"That wasn't living, that was just..." Eep trailed off as she couldn't figure out what word to say. 

"Not dying." Ila finished for her. "There's a difference. I'm tired of being stuck in a cave. I want adventure and freedom. I'm sure everyone else does. These rules will only get us killed." She said with no hesitation. She didn't want to hurt her uncle's feelings but it was the truth. He needed to hear it. 

"Ugga, everyone, you HAVE to listen to me." Grug begged desperately but no one moved. 

Ila pushed Grug away angrily, tired of trying to get him to listen. "We would be dead if we listened to you!" She yelled out of frustration. Tears welled up in her eyes. "My family sent me to you after they died. They knew you could protect me. The Croods have rules and it's kept them alive for a long time. But no, those rules won't work." Grug was stunned. It hurt him to hear Ila say those things. For the first time in his life he felt hopeless. "We have to follow Guy now." Ila added after a few moments of silence. 

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