Chapter Thirteen

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Ila and Eep stood on the edge of the cliff, blowing their shell horns. Behind them, Sandy howled as Thunk cried. Ugga tried her best calm her family down as her own eyes were red and puffy. Gran put a comforting arm around her grandchildren, even her own eyes had tears in them. 

The ground began to shake softly, catching Guys attention. He didn't want to stop them from grieving but they really needed to get to safety. "It's not safe here." He said gently. 

Gran nodded. "I'll tell them." She walked up to the girls as they continued to blow their horns. Ila glanced over at Gran, breaking down in tears. Her lips trembled as soft sobs tore from her throat. Eep broke down in tears, not being able to blow the horn anymore. They were losing hope. What if Grug didn't make it? What if he fell with the land? Right into the lava? Gran looked down at her shell horn and blew it loudly. Ila and Eep looked at her gratefully and started to blow their shells aagin. 

The rest of the family, including Guy, all walked up to them and blew their own shells. "I never got to tell him." Eep sobbed as she stopped. 

"I didn't want to lose him too." Ila whimpered as Guy gently patted her back comfortingly. He stood next to her as he held her. He hated seeing her this upset but there was nothing no one could do. 

Ugga put her hand on Eep's shoulder. "Eep, if your dad were here, he would tell you to--"

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" Grug's voice echoed from the distance. 

Everyone looked up in confusion at his voice. "Wow, you sound just like him." Thunk comment, glancing at his mother. 

"GET OUT OF THE WAY." A bright light was emerging from the dark smoke clouds. 

"He's riding the sun...." Guy exclaimed then looked closely. "But not very well. Everybody out of the way!" Everyone dashed away from the edge as Grug crashed his rib cage into the ground. Piranha Owls that were carrying the rib cage freed themselves and flew away. The Croods ran over to meet him, excited and relieved that he was okay. 



Grug ran to them with a bone in his hand, ready to fight any danger lurking around. "Ahh! Where's the danger? Who their shell?" But all he saw was his astonished family staring back at him. 

Eep ran to him, hugging him ferociously and nearly knocking him down. "I love you too." 

As they broke apart, Ila tackled him into a hug as well, sobbing. "I love you too Uncle Grug. Please don't ever do that again." she whimpered. 

Grug was stunned for a split second, not expecting the girls to tackle him like that. He pulled everyone in for a group hug and counted like he always did. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..." He put his arm around Guy. "...and eight."

"Eerrrgggh." Belt wanted to be acknowledged as well. 

"And a half."

The creature nodded in approval. The Liyote Grug had saved ran to him, raising its hand. Grug sighed. "And nine." The Liyote pulled Douglas next to it. "And ten." 

Douglas ran up to Thunk and licked his face. "Douglas! Dad, you saved him!"

"Well, a boys gotta have a pet." Grug ruffled his sons hair. 

Suddenly, Chunky licked Thunks cheek. Scared, everyone moved away and huddled together. Grug chuckled. "Turns out, I'm a cat person." He hugged and patted Chunky on the head. Grug noticed a tail sticking out of Chunky's mouth. "Uh! No." He shook his head in disapproval and crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at Chunky. The big cat whined but spat out the Trip-Gerbils and grinned sheepishly. The furry creatures ran to Gran, knocking her over in their excitement. 

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