Chapter Ten

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Ila awed at the scene before them. They were standing on a tiny island with shallow water surrounding them. She glanced down at her reflection, bending down to touch the water when Grug stopped her. "It looks dangerous."

Eep, who stood next to Ila, rolled her eyes. "You say that about everything." She mumbled as Ila readied herself to jump in the water. 

Guy stopped her, placing a hand on her arm. "Careful." he said gently. 

"Oh really? Okay." Ila smiled, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. Grug stood there with his mouth hung open, shocked. She'd listen to him but not her own uncle? Eep grinned, chuckling as she glanced down at the water. She was still scared of Ila leaving them if she and Guy were to ever get together. But she's starting to see that that won't happen. 

Guy stepped into the water with Ila jumping in after him. He grabbed her, steading her when she started to panic. She obviously doesn't know how to swim. He smiled as he started to move his arms in a swimming motion. Ila watched him before doing the same. He supported her by holding one hand under her tummy and helped her swim. 

Eep and Ugga glanced at each other, sharing mischievous smiles. They stared at the water before diving into the water. The rest of the family, except for Grug, followed. Grug stood alone as he watched his family swim in the water. It took them a minute to figure out how but they caught on pretty fast. Belt climbed up Grugs back, lifting his arm straight in the air. He walked to his fingers and jumped into the ocean using his arm as a diving board. 

Eep, Gran, Sandy and Belt were all doing synchronized swimming. Grug watched as Ila jumped onto Guys shoulder. They were laughing and having fun. Ila looked down at Guy, her face upside down to him. She giggled a as she slowly leaned in to kiss him. "Augh! No no no! Not cool! No cool." Grug dived into the water to stop the teenagers. his huge tidal wave hit Guy and Ila, stopping them from kissing. But both of them started to laugh as they enjoyed each others company. Grug sank to the bottom, laying down as his family swam above him. He noticed moved from behind him. A lone bubble escaped Grug's nose as he saw Chunky swimming towards him. He swam for his life, trying to avoid the big cat. Apparently this cat liked water. 

After their fun, the group headed back on their journey towards the mountain. They ended up in an open plain, deeply sculpted with meandering grooves which formed a massive maze. Guy held out shells to everyone. "Here you go. One for you, and this one for you."

"Thanks." Thunk thanked him and stared at the shell curiously. 

The family started to blow their shells, curious on the sound it made. Grug shook his head in annoyance. "That's enough." He turned to the boy. "I don't see why the kids need their own shells."

"SO if anyone gets in trouble, we can call the others." Guy answered like it was the obvious thing in the world. Which it was. 

"Wait--you're saying we should split up?" Grug asked, narrowing his eyes at Guy. The family has never split up before.

Guy nodded. "We can try more paths at once. It's the fastest way through."

putting a hand on Thunk's shoulder, Grug frowned. "Croods stick together." He pointed an accusing finger at Guy. "Your way isn't safe."

"They can handle it." Guy had more faith in the Croods than Grug did. 

"Yes we can." Ila agreed, defending Guy as she stepped closer to him. 

"We can do it, dad." Eep crossed her arms, taking Ila and Guy's side. She knew they could make it through the maze without being together. They had to learn one way another to survive ion their own if anything were to ever happen. 

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