Chapter Five

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Ila and Eep glanced at each other before they both started climbing down the rock. "I wonder where he went." Ila mumbled as she jumped down the rest of the way.

Eep followed after her. "Were you really going to go with him? " she asked as they walked close together, now scared of the dark surrounding them.

"I-" Ila began but bumped into something, causing her to shriek. She looked up and noticed it was Grug.

"Dad!" Eep exclaimed, relieved.

"Are you two hurt?" the caveman asked as he examined the girls for any scratches. "What took you?"

"Nothing." Eep said truthfully, letting her father check her over.

Ila swatted Grugs hands from her head. "We left on our own." she admitted, not ashamed they did.

"Well, Ila left and I just followed." Eep shot her a glare, causing the other girl to roll her eyes.

"Don't act like you weren't curious." Ila shot back, crossing her arms against her chest.

:You....youuuuu....ww-what?" Grug asked, eyes wide with shock. Well, can anyone really be shocked they snuck out?

"Dad, let me explain..." Eep held her hands in surrounded. She started to speak with a low growl interrupted them. All three looked around alarmed. Grug grabbed the girls quickly and jumped over the ledge, grabbing the log near them. They hung there as the Bear Owl slowly walked, sniffing the air as it passed the log. "You never let us talk!" Eep whispered yelled.

Grug shot the girls a glare, eyes filled with disappointment. "You two are grounded." The girls groaned as Grug pulled them back over the ledge. The three began heading back to the canyon as Ila grumbled with how unfair Grug was being. Eep furiously kicked a rock, sending it flying right at her fathers head. "Hey!" He growled as he covered his head with his hands.

They finally made it to the canyons narrow path. The rest of the Croods were anxiously waiting for their return. "Eep! Ila!" Ugga ran to the girls and pulled them into a bone crushing hug.
What happened?" She asked as she began searching the girls for any scratches, just as Grug did.

The caveman glared at the two. "You know what. I'm so mad at them that I can't talk to them."

Ugga sniffed the girls, curiously. "Eep?"

Grinning, Ila excitedly jumped in her spot. "We found something New." she said happily.

"NEW!!!????" The Croods family gasped in terror. They all snatched up stones and formed a defensive circle. "New's a big problem!" Grug reminded as Sandy growled. The teenage girls were squeezed in the. iddle of the defensive formation.

"Wait. Wait." Eep shouted as she tried to free herself from the killer circle but they were trapped.

"Ila. Eep. Stay inside the kill circle." Ugga ordered, glaring at the girls.

"It wasn't bad." Eep whined as she struggled.

"He-He was nice." Ila blurted out, causing Grug to stop and turn to her.

"What?! Excuse me?" He questioned the young girl.

"Oh. Well, we thought he was a warthog. But then he turned into a boy." Ila chewed on her lower lip, twirling her hair between her fingers. She couldn't help but think the boy was super cute. She really wanted to see him again, to go with him.

"Strange. Usually it's the reverse." Gran mumbled to herself, gaining a confused look from Ila.

Grug narrowed his eyes at his niece, his overprotecting-dad-mode was kicking in. "Ila's got a boy hog! Ila's got a boy hog!" Thunk sang, teasing her. Eep elbowed Thunk in the back of his head. "Ouch!"

"There was a boy," Eep defended Ila. "Watch, okay. We are gonna call him." she motioned for Ila to pull out the shell. Ila did so, slowly holding it up to show the family. The group gasped in horror, slowly backing away. She blew into the shell as the Croods continued to stare. Grug smacked the shell from the girl's hand, giving the family an opportunity to smash it with rocks. "NO!" Ila screamed as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. That was her only way to contact Guy. How else was she supposed to see him again? She knelt down, gently picking up the pieces as the family stopped throwing rocks at it. "What is wrong with you?" she whispered as tears streamed down her face.

"It was dangerous." Grug shrugged, not noticing how upset the girl was.

"It was beautiful." Eep snapped. "You want to see dangerous?" she grabbed the pieces from the shell and threw it at her father. He quickly stepped out of the way, the pieces hitting Thunk right in the nose.

"Okay, that's it!" Grug turned to the girls. "We're going back to the cave and you two are going to stay in there until you're older than..." he pointed to Gran. "her!"

"What!? You can't keep us in there forever!" Eep whined angrily. Ila gritted her teeth, balling her fists angrily and stomped her foot. Eep threw a tantrum of epic proportion, slamming a rock on the ground. It shattered to dust. But the girls froze as a strange groan interrupted them. It sounded as if it was coming from underground. A small amount of sand fell from up above. The group observed their surroundings, alarmed.

"He said this would happen." Ila stated, earning a nod from Eep. The ground started to shake violently, causing a crack to splinter under their feet.

"Get to the cave! GO!" Grug ordered. The Croods and Ila raced through the canyon narrows, fighting their way through falling boulders and shifting ground. Ila glanced at the cave entrance, frowning as she noticed falling rocks. "Stop!" she screamed once she realized the cave will be crushed. Grug noticed the cave as well and threw a boulder. it hit Thunk causing him to fall, taking the entire family with him. He leaped forward and cover them tp help protect them fro the mass of rocks crashing down. The top of the canyon collapsed and the Crood's cave was destroyed. Their only home was gone. Everything was covered with a blanket of dust, silence filled the air once everything had settled and stopped falling. 

The family stayed together in a tight ball as the dust started to clear. They parted, coughing from the air. "Is everyone okay?' Grug asked, checking his family for any signs of injury. 

"Yes." Ugga pointed to where their cave was supposed to be. "Grug, the cave, it's gone." 

Grug glanced towards the cave with a frown on his face. "No..." He began searched the rubble for any signs of the cave, hoping it was still there. He found a rock with his handprint painted on it, split in two. He carefully fit the pieces back together, tears willing in his eyes. 

Ila and Eep stepped forward, a small amount of light filtering through the dusty veil from the wreckage crosses their faces. The girls gave each other curious glances. Ila took another step forward and saw a whole new world beyond them. It was just there. Right behind their cave this whole time. 

"You really need to see this....." Eep called out for the rest of the family as she stood beside her cousin. The girls admired the view, taking in the new scenery. 

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