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When the sun rose upon the rainforest, Queen Glory was opening a letter from Queen Ruby. It was almost the same as the one Queen Thorn, but a bit different. Queen Glory chose her few, and they made the trek to the Sky Kingdom. Queen Thorn, Queen Coral, and Queen Moorhen were all there. Only Queen Snowfall hadn't arrived, but seeing as it was the farthest away it made sense. She arrived a day later, with an air of importance, and her dragons landed swiftly.

As you already know, Lynx, Snowfang, and Hailstorm were with Queen Snowfall, Qibli, Six-Claws, and Smolder were with Queen Thorn, but Queen Glory had to choose between two tribes. From the NightWings, she chose Deathbringer and a few others. She had more RainWings because they were her tribe. A few of those RainWings were Kinkajou, Grandeur, and Jambu. Even Pineapple was there.

The next day, all the Queens and dragons gathered in the quart yard, because the throne room was not big enough to fit everyone. Kinkajou scanned the dragons in the area, searching for any of her friends. She saw Qibli almost immediately and rushed over to him. Of course, her childhood energy had not gone away, so she pounced on him and gave him a big hug.

"Let me guess, it's Kinkajou,"


"Well, how have you been?"

"Not bad, I hung out with Turtle and Tamarin. Which means that I hung out with Turtle a lot! And I sneakily watched Tamarin and Anemone when they went on dates. They are dating now! I still don't trust Anemone though. Do you?"

"I don't know. I mean, I wouldn't say I trust her, but it's not that I don't trust her."

"I see where you stand. But anyway, what do you think this meeting is about? Queen Glory told me that it was something about peace between tribes, which I am all for, but I don't know how meeting in the Sky Kingdom!"

"Um, okay, well, I don't know what it's about either,"

"Ugh! Okay, well, I think I see Lynx, Winter mentioned her once or twice."

"Oh, he did, hid he?" Kinkajou face-taloned.

"Qibli, no, anyways, didn't you go to Pantala with her?"

"Oh, yeah,"

"We should say hi!"

"Sure!" They made their way over to Lynx.

"Hey Lynx! Long time no see!"

"Oh, Qibli, hi, it's been so long! How are you?"

"Great! What about you?"

"I'm fine, and have you met Kinkajou?"

"Winter and I caught up yesterday, and he mentioned her,"

"Well, this is Kinkajou in the scales. She has a very bubbly personality."

"Nice to meet you Kinkajou!" Then a voice burst through the crowd.

"Dragons of Pyrrhia, may I please have your attention," Everyone grew alert at the sound of Queen Ruby.

"I have called you here today so we can create peace throughout Pyrrhia! My plan for this is an exchange program. Each of you have soldiers, advisors, medics, and more, so I propose that we do a little switch to help gain more knowledge about each tribe. For example, I have my most trusted advisor here today, and if we can get a majority vote, I can send him out to one of your tribes to advise you instead, and you will send an advisor to me. Simple. As for war generals, and medics, we do the same. Make sense? Good! So, for each dragon, I have a scroll, and there are a few slots for each role in every kingdom. If you wish to sign up please do, but remember, there needs to be at least one dragon from each tribe going to every other. So, please, don't sign up more than three dragons to a tribe. Now, all queens, we take a vote! All in favor, raise a talon and say aye!" Most queens said aye, except Queen Coral, of course.

"Okay, majority vote then! Please, let the event begin." Everyone bustled around and chose the places they would go. Lynx went off to the Queen Glory's sheet, wanting to see all the life in the rainforest. Qibli made his way over to Queen Moorhen's sheet, just randomly. And Kinkajou, for some very weird reason, went to Queen Snowfall. As for the other dragons, like Snowfang, she chose to stay in the sky kingdom, seeing as it was the second coldest place in Pyrrhia.

The dragons meandered around for a while, and once they had chosen their place, they reported to their queen, who had her list and checked off dragons. Then, all the dragons settled down with their respective tribes, as Queen Ruby made another announcement.

"Okay, now, queens, read off what tribes you have and how many from that tribe. If you are missing a tribe state that and we will fix that after the other tribes state who they do and don't have. Let's start with Queen Moorhen."

"I have two IceWIngs, a NightWing, a RainWing, and a SandWing. I am missing a SeaWing. Also, do RainWings and NightWings count as the same?"

"No, they have one queen, but are two tribes," Glory stated. They moved on to the next tribes, most having all, but besides Queen Moorhen, only one tribe didn't have some other. The IceWings were missing a NightWing. A male NightWing about the same age as Snowfall stepped up to take a position as a healer for the IceWings.

"I, Healthkeeper, of the NightWings, will become a healer for the IceWings if they will accept it." Queen Snowfall nodded and then a SeaWing, named Pelican, went to the MudWings. The peace program of the SkyWings had just begun.

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