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Auklet was almost three. She was two years old currently, but that would soon change. She was looking forward to turning three because her mother, Queen Coral, said that she had to be three to attend Jade Mountain Academy, which made her a bit confused. Earlier that year:

"But Mom, Anemone went to school when she was two!" Auklet whined.

"And she was in a life-threatening event."

"And now the bad guy is gone!"

"That's what the NightWings said last time. The plot of a story is always full of lies and surprises Auklet." Auklet groaned, she was fed up with her mother's writing obsession.

"Mom, this isn't one of your stories! It's not even your life! It's mine and I should be able to do what I want with it."

"It's my job as your mother to keep you safe until you can protect yourself."

"But Tsunami is there to protect me. Do you not trust her? If it wasn't for her I'd be dead!"

"If not for me, you'd never have existed hence I choose if you put yourself in dangerous situations."

"Ugh," Auklet sighed.

"But your hatching day is this summer, so you will get to go next year. Now, we have a council meeting to attend."

"Fine," Auklet looked longingly at the sky, wishing she could get away from the sea. From her life. From her mother. Even if it was just for a day, it would be perfect. Her mother led her to the Council Room in the Deep Palace and she curled up in a corner, as far away from Queen Coral as her harness would allow. 

Meanwhile, outside, a young trio of SeaWings chased each other through the sea. One was mostly purple with light green glowscales, while the one next to it was dark blue with pink glowscales. The third one was hovering in the water while the other two played. He was all different shades of blue except his glowscales, which were a vibrant green, and he had a strange little octopus creature on his shoulder. 

The SeaWing had a kind and curious look as he stared at where he had just seen Queen Coral dragging her daughter into the palace. He looked at the other two wrestling happily and decided to follow the Queen and Princess. If his assumptions were correct, the Queen would be at a council meeting. He heard voices down the hall and swam toward them. Just as he thought, the Council was at work, but a small green figure was lying in the corner of the room. Princess Auklet.

She didn't seem too happy about being there, so he swum over to her and tapped her shoulder. She jumped alert and flashed her scales at him in a startled way.

"Do you need help?" He flashed.

"With what?" She flashed back.

"With getting out of your harness,"

"Do you know how to do that?"

"Can't hurt to try,"

"Okay, sure," The blue dragon set to work. He knew he would have limited time so he tried to go as fast as possible. He felt around on the string of pearls that connected Auklet's portion to Queen Coral's. He only moved when the council members weren't looking and soon found a pearl that looked a bit different than the rest. It had a small button, and when he pushed it, most of Auklet's pearl string came off. She still had her necklaces and a bit of the string but she was free.

"Thanks!" Auklet flashed, smiling.

"Yeah, you looked a bit bored, so I was wondering if I could help,"

"Well, do you want to go play?"

"Yeah, sure, I'm Auklet by the way."

"I know," He flashed back.

"What is your name?" She asked lighting up the scales on her snout.

"Flood," then he pointed to the octopus on his shoulder. "And this is Blob."

Back in the present:

Today was Auklet's last day of being two. She was so excited and wanted to start school as soon as possible. And, she was meeting Flood once her mother fell asleep because he claimed he had something to show her. Flood had become her best friend over the few months they had known each other. As Queen Coral began to drift off, Auklet found the release pearl and separated herself from her mother.

She carefully avoided the guards, knowing if she was caught then her mother would find out about Flood, and her mother didn't let her get close to anyone. Especially boys. Because from what Queen Coral had seen from her sons showed her that they played rough and she did not want Auklet to get hurt. So Auklet kept her friendship with Flood a secret.

Once she was past the palace she shot off into the ocean. Her wings caught the current and she swam to a small rock formation that split the water and climbed onto it. When she was at the top she flashed her scales as bright as she could. Normally she would fly to find Flood, but when it was foggy like it was today, she found some rocks,  like the ones she was on, and flashed her scales, he would flash his then he would come to her or she would go to him. A green light flickered in the distance and she let it guide her to Flood.

"So, what do you want to show me?"

"I can't tell you, you will just have to wait." He plunged into the water and she followed. They arrived at a cave entrance, which Flood illuminated by lighting his scales up again. All of a sudden he swam up and then disappeared. Auklet looked up and saw moonlight shining through a crack in the stone. She swam through it and came out into a cave. It had an opening leading out to a beach with the moons high in the sky.

"Is this what you wanted to show me, Flood?"


"It's beautiful."

"I was thinking it could be our spot. We could come here to get away from the world. To just be the kids we are."

"Sounds fun, but you do realize that I am leaving soon?"

"What do you mean?"

"To go to Jade Mountain Academy,"

"Oh, yeah, I am too!"

"Really? Now it's going to be double the fun!" Flood smiled.

"Well, um, it's getting late, I should probably go," Auklet mentioned.

"Wait, before you go I have something for you."


"Here," Flood placed Blob on Auklet's shoulder.

"What's this?"

"That's Blob," Auklet rolled her eyes.

"I meant, why are you giving me him?"

"One day I was swimming and I came upon an island. I was digging for crabs and I found a wooden box. Inside that box I found Blob, and under him, carved into the wood it said to give this to your absolute best friend, the person that you would do anything for. That person is you." Auklet smiled.

"Thanks, Flood."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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