Chapter 11 - The Equestrian Fairytales

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Talulah and Rory were racing against the Gold Dorm students on the track while Sophia timed them on a stopwatch, with the rest of their friends cheering them on. Talulah sped ahead of the group and crossed the finish line with ease, and flipped her pigtails that were in her face. Ari had noticed and looked away for some reason, while Rory gave him a stink eye before letting Storm trot up to Feather. The rest of the unicorns came together in a group while their riders took a five minute break, and Talulah couldn't help but smile when she saw Feather not being so tense. Over the time she'd been here, Feather still didn't like crowds or certain unicorns...Cinder and Dusty, to be specific...But he'd been getting better at socializing, and was even making an attempt to be friendly with the fire powered unicorn. Valentina had come over and threw her arms around Talulah when she congratulated her, while Rory leaned against Storm without a care in the world...Until Ari had come over, of course.

Valentina - "Yeah, that's my bestie! We're gonna win for sure!"

Rory - "Uh, hello? I was a part of this as well! Don't I get some credit?"

Sophia - "Yeah, yeah. You did good, Rory."

Student - "Eh, that's debatable."

Student - "You sure they didn't cheat or something?"

Ari - "Be nice, guys. Good game, Talulah."

Talulah - "Yeah, you too...Heh..."

Rory - "...Okay, as amazing as this discussion between our two dorms has been—"

Isabel - "Rory, don't be—"

Rory - "I'm afraid we're gonna have to cut it short since Talulah and I will be heading to our portion of the race to practice."

Ari - "Oh, if you wanted some company, I don't mind coming with you."

Talulah - "Yeah! That'd be—"

Rory - "Actually, Talulah and I will be using this as a sibling bonding moment before the race tomorrow, so no outsiders allowed. Sorry!"

Ava - "Outsiders? That seems a bit..."

Layla, Isabel - "Extreme?"

Rory - "Which is exactly why extreme is my middle name!"

Sophia - "Really? Because I thought your middle name was, and I quote, 'Off-the-grid shady stuff?'"

Talulah - "Oh, really? You mean it isn't Lolliver? Haha!"

Rory - "I am never gonna live down having that middle name, am I?"

Sapphire Students - "Nope!"

Rory took Talulah and pulled her towards Feather, who was busy having a staring contest with Dusty, before he turned his attention to his rider. The Sapphire Dorm kids went off to tell Ms. Wildwood where their friends would be, while the Gold Dorm students headed for the stables. Down at the course, Talulah questioned Rory's desire to do the race alone, but he simply dismissed his sister's concerns as he waved a hand in her direction. The two started their race as Rory decided to cheat and take a head start, but Talulah and Feather were able to catch up with them in a matter of seconds. Their races went on until they heard the bell ringing from the school, so the two took off and let their unicorns rest in the stables. Heading to ther second class of the day, Talulah and Rory bumped into Ari and his friends, much to the boy's dismay, and the girl's delight.

Talulah - "Oh, hey, Ari!"

Ari - "Hey, Talulah!"

Rory - "Great, you're here."

Student - "Well, it's great to see you too, Rory. How are you doing these days?"

Rory - "I was fine until what's his name showed up. What is it, Arnold?"

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