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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Red Keep's expansive courtyard. Aelora, dressed in a gown of rich indigo silk, descended the stairs with Ghidorah perched on her shoulder. The three-headed dragon, bathed in the golden hues of the fading sunlight, exuded an air of regality that harmonized with the royal surroundings.

As they entered the courtyard, a gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, and the distant echoes of the city's activity created a soothing background melody. Aelora's laughter, however, soon took center stage as she found an open area, inviting Ghidorah to play.

With a mischievous gleam in her eye, Aelora twirled a small ribbon in her hand, its colorful fabric dancing in the air. Ghidorah's middle head, Ichi, fixated on the ribbon, its eyes narrowing with focused interest. Aelora spun the ribbon higher, and Ichi leaped gracefully, snatching it from the air with a swift motion.

A delighted smile graced Aelora's face as she continued the playful dance, the ribbon weaving intricate patterns in the air. Ni and San, the right and left heads, joined the fun, their movements synchronized with an almost mystical harmony. The courtyard became a canvas for their playful performance, the dragon's heads interweaving like the most graceful of dancers.

Aelora's laughter echoed through the stone walls as Ghidorah displayed his agility, capturing the ribbon with each elegant leap. The people in the courtyard, initially mere spectators, couldn't help but be drawn to the enchanting spectacle. Courtiers and servants paused in their tasks, their faces lighting up with smiles at the rare and captivating sight.

As the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows across the courtyard, Aelora twirled the ribbon one final time. Ghidorah, with a triumphant flourish, caught it in a coordinated display of all three heads working seamlessly together. Aelora clapped her hands, a mixture of pride and joy evident in her expression.

The courtyard, once quiet, now buzzed with whispered conversations and exchanged glances. Aelora, still caught in the infectious joy of the moment, looked at Ghidorah with affection. The dragon, his heads held high, radiated a regal aura despite the playfulness that had just unfolded.

As the day waned and the moon ascended, Aelora and Ghidorah continued their playful escapade, weaving a tapestry of joy and magic that lingered in the hearts of those fortunate enough to witness the extraordinary bond between a Targaryen and her three-headed dragon.


In the days that followed Ghidorah's miraculous hatching, Aelora's bond with the three-headed dragon deepened, creating a connection that transcended the mundane. Each day brought new discoveries and shared experiences, and Aelora couldn't wait to share the joy of Ghidorah's presence with her paternal family.

Excitement bubbled within her as she penned a letter to her uncle and grandfather, detailing the extraordinary birth of Ghidorah. She poured her heart into the words, expressing the unique connection she felt with the dragon, a creature unlike any other in the known world. Aelora eagerly awaited their response, her anticipation building with each passing day.

When the response arrived, it carried the same enthusiasm that Aelora had hoped for. Her uncle and grandfather conveyed their delight at the news and expressed their intention to visit her in King's Landing soon. The prospect of a reunion filled Aelora with elation, for she not only missed her maternal side but also looked forward to introducing them to the three-headed wonder that now shared her life.

As the days unfolded, Aelora continued to explore King's Landing with Ghidorah by her side. The dragon, ever watchful and attuned to her emotions, became a constant companion in her daily endeavors. Aelora's heart swelled with gratitude and happiness, cherishing the dual connection she held with both her dragon and her family.

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