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Am I kind, or am I vicious?
Am I genuine, or am I a hypocrite?
I don't know exactly where I stand.
I am stuck in ambiguity
of what kind I really am.

At dawn I think I'm the kindest.
At dusk I succumb into thinking of the opposite.
I maybe am a two-faced rodent.
But what can I do?
I just can't be permanent.

I am always changing.
Like the phases of Luna,
I am in constant shifting.
Yet, you think I am a fake,
that I'm unreliable, unworthy of your grace.

You might be true, yes.
I am nothing but a walking compound of lies.
I change myself to suit your taste.
And, when I am at lost,
and you have smelled my pure blood,
your face is painted with disgust.

Call me a phony, suit yourself.
I possess not a soul of concern about it,
for since I can recall,
I know I am a momentary whole.

Is it a bad thing or a blessing,
that am no flat character?
Perhaps, call me an adapting kind.
I am no two-faced, nor a fake man.
I am a whirlwind of emotions, at best.

Then, I have concluded.
I'm staying in this vague place.
I have acknowledged my phases.
I have made peace with myself.

I am neither kind nor vicious.
I am just a soul shaped with many sides.

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