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What do I hate about people?

It is not hating that I feel. It is ambiguity and confusion, with a subtle hint of admiration.

People to me is a subject with too much vagueness. In fact, I could classify them according to the bond I have with them. Although, in my general understanding, people are those walking mysterious voids around me whom I do not share any necessary and royal bond with. I do not consider my friends and significant individuals "people," I think of them as home.

For people-those so-called "strangers"- I could be describing them as such complicated individuals.

As I dawned my eyes to the walking masses of students walking to and from the canteen, I often feel like I am watching a show of many protagonist in a single setting. They are like the thousands and millions of stars twinkling in different brightness yet equal value in the sky. I could not decide where to rest my eyes nor who I must not look at. In the first glance, I recognize their rhythms in different counts and patterns. They are not the same as the other. They can be isolated to one subject at a time. They do not merge in a single clump, for their radiance cannot be hindered with those of other's. Each of them has their own timelines with demons for which they ought to fight or embrace.

But, looking deeper, I noticed one thing. Although they are individuals who have different phases much like the Earth's moon, and distinctiveness of binary combinations; I have concluded, they are quite the same.

In the way they always try to escape pain of any means, they are all playing in the same track; they dance in synchrony. Moreover, the feeling of bombardment of their hearts when their excitement was fueled, it is felt by everyone. They are almost like the fish you see in the small, deep pond and in the rushing, shallow river, people always are the same in nature.

In my crafted essence, I can say that people are differently similar. They are the trees of one land; the numbers of a measurement; the curves of a lone wave.

Although I do not know them, I know them. I do not know their class, their kind of tree, or their placement in the number system. Yet, I knew very well the very essence of their nature. They are me, and I am them. My nature is always theirs. I could understand, I could cope, and I could admire because they feel like myself in different characters of one book called life.

Reading back, I can paint my face in grimace as I look on how much I messed up my description of people. I, as well, am behaving in a confusing way. I wrote in oxymorons. I mentioned paradoxes. I could never overcome the ambiguity, for I am talentless when it comes to words. To understand me, stay in my mind and look for things you need to start comprehending. Again, just by this, you can conclude, I am one of the people I have described. I am people, yet at the same time, I am me. What makes me the same with others is my similar uniqueness and my vagueness in everything.

At this point, my mind cramped for trying to comprehend the complexity of people. With one mind in this caliber, I could never encapsulate people in words that justify my thoughts of them.

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