Chapter One

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Nadwe pulled his luggage out of his aunt's car, gasping in awe at the space station.

'Now,' his aunt said rather loudly. 'Make sure you don't forget your lunchbox...'
Nadwe pulled one of his hats towards his face to hide his embarrassment as his too-loud aunt practically yelled out to everyone.

'I got you a map as well. Did you remember your scho...'


He quickly darted into the crowd ahead so he could avoid his aunt's sloppy kisses. He soon lost her, as he was rather small and easy to blend in. Shortly, he reached The Skeld, the ship with the youngest recruits.

'Are you lost kid?' the man near the entrance, who was letting the others in.
'I'm one of the recruits.'
'First name?'

The man looked down the sheet and back at him.

'Sorry kiddo, but under twelve's aren't allowed to recruit.'

Rolling his eyes, he pulled out his passport. He was rather short, so people often mistook him for a ten year old.

'I'm fourteen.'
The man moved aside, allowing Nadwe to walk through.

'We'll be heading off soon. Meet the others in the cafeteria.'
BANG! The metal door behind him slammed shut.

I'm actually here he thought. He soon found the cafeteria, finally going to meet people his age.

How wrong he was.


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