Chapter Four

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Nadwe quickly realised that it didn't matter how old he was. All the others acted like little kids.
Meme: This floor is slippery, so be careful...
Blaza, running around T-Posing: I AM SPEED!
Meme: Be careful Blaza. I don't want to have to fix your nose when you break it.
Socks: Not that you can anyway because your medical degree is fake!
Meme: Is not!
Socks: Is too!
Meme:'re adopted!
Blaza: That the best you can come up with?!
Blaza: *crashes into the wall*
'Hey Nadwe!' he heard a voice call. He looked around. It was Juice. He ran over and sat down.
'Do you think they're always like this?'
'Probably. Is that a lunchbox?'
Nadwe sighed.
'Yes. I think my aunt still thinks I'm ten.'
'To be honest, I think your choice of clothing doesn't help.'
'What do you mean?'
'The two hats?'
'Personal reasons.'
Before long, lunch and the afternoon had already flown by. Everyone was in the dorms. Some were in their beds, others were sat on their beds. Blaza was lying on top of his, with an icepack on his face.
'I did warn you,' muttered Meme. 'You'll never get a girlfriend doing crazy shit like that.'
'I just don't want one.'
'That doesn't stop him from practising his pickup lines though,' Socks smirked. He then quickly ducked as some of Blaza's many bears came flying into his direction.
'They don't work,' said Nadwe.
'Hey Blaza.'
'Pretend you're a girl and then Nadwe will try pick you up.'
Blaza rolled his eyes. He stood up, removing the icepack. Nadwe walked over.
Nadwe: Wassup girl. Are you gravel cos I'm falling for you.
Everyone: Yeahh
Socks: I think it worked!
Juice: can I put my meat in your furnace?
Everyone: WHAT?!
Dino: Do I know you? Cos you look like my next girlfriend.
Everyone: Ayyyy
Laff: Where are you going Meme?
Meme: You'll see.
Tbh: You smell that girl?
Socks: Smell what?'
Tbh: Smells like trash. So can I take you out?'
Everyone: *laughs
Blaza: You can also dump him whenever you want!
Socks: BLAZA!
Everyone: *laughs harder
Meme, with his hands full of cutlery: I've got knives and forks. All I need is a little spoon.
Everyone: ...
Meme: It wasn't that bad was it? Right, I'm taking these back.
Socks: I lost my phone number, so can I have yours?
Blaza: Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back.
Muffin: Your hand looks heavy. Can I hold it for you
Laff: Can we please go to bed now?
Laff: That wasn't a pickup line. It's really late and we should sleep.
Everyone climbed into their beds.
Nadwe snuggled up with Monika, who was hidden under his duvet. He fell asleep in a matter of minutes.
'Guys. Guys! GUYS! WAKE UP!'
Everybody groaned as Muffin started throwing pillows at people's heads to get them out of bed.
'There's something I need to show you.'
Socks ran down, as if he could sense that there was something wrong with the ship. He'd only been on The Skeld as long as everyone else, but he seemed to have a connection with the ship. Guess that's why he's the captain, Nadwe thought.
Everyone was running behind, trying to catch up. Socks suddenly stopped, which made some of them crash into each other as they tried to slow momentum. The large screen displayed on the wall was smashed in several places and completely blacked out. In a small font it read-
'There are two Imposters among us'

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