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"Mickey!"Mike ripped my blanket of the bed. From the corner of my eye i can see him try his hardest to climb on my bed.

I held back a laugh.

"Mickey help me pwease!"he stretched his arms put for me to lift him up into my lap."And opps i fwgot to tell you that daddy said we gonna leave in 5 minutes."my eyes went wide

"Oh shit" i sat Mike down on the bed then raced to take a quick shower. Then ran in my closet pulling out a casual outfit.

(AN: her outfit is in the picture at the beginning of the chapter)

I complete forgot that today is my first day of public school. Public school is nothing like being home school, From what i've heard its terrifying. Well i my seem a little dramatic but my dad told me it's nothing like high school musical. I've been house school since forever. Vann's told me stories about it. The only reason i'm even allowed to go to this school is because my dad got a new job.

I grabbed my bag, Picked up Mike from my bed and jetted down stairs.

"Look who decided to wake up this morning" Dad said giving me a sarcastic chuckle we hooped into the car and buckled up.

"Hey, daddy?"Mike looked curious.

"What's on your mind son?"Dad looked at him through the rear view mirror.

"Daddy what is a 'shit'?" Mike asked curiously.

Dad turned to give me a stern look and i glared at Mike, never thought he would

"Mickey! What did i tell you about using those type of words in front of Mike!" He raised his voice.

"I'm sorry dad i slipped it won't happen again I promise"i sighed with a small smile.

"Its better not or they'll be some consequences" he said.

Mike slapped the back of dads seat. "Your a shit!"He yelled as loud as he could than laughed.
I tried so hard not to laugh.

"Mike! Don't say that."He using he strict voice.

Me and Mike covered our mouths, smiling.


"Oh my gosh james are you dumping me?" Tamera flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry I'm just not willing to be in a relationship rigth now.I walked up to my locker think she'd get the memo, but as usual most of the girls her
type didn't.

"But Jackxon you can't do this to me!" She put her hand up my shirt.

"Look baby i know your into me and all but I'm not into you okay?" I removed her hand and reached for my Calculus text book. I tried to be nice to all my...um...uh...victims. I guess I could call them that. Anyway i try to be nice to all my victims you know just in case i need them again, but this girl is really working my nerves.

"You love me Jackxon i can tell by the way you look at me! Jackxon don't make this hard on yourself honey." She wrapped her arms around my neck. I can feel my temper shortening.

I hate when they make me do this to them, makes me look like the bad guy.

I pushed her against a locker and gritted mt teeth "I'm gonna say this! And i'm only gonna say this once! I DON'T WANT YOU. OKAY?" I can feel my temper rise and fall.

She ran into the nearest girls bathroom crying her eyes out the poor girl couldn't handle my rejection. Well its her own fault she should've known what she got herself into.

"Wow. Way to go easy on her Jack!" He said with a sarcastic chuckle.

"Well its her own fault. Dude it wasn't gonna last long."I pat his back and made my way through the hall of teenagers.

"Hey! Don't walk away from me bro we have business to discuss." He grabbed me shoulder.

"I know, I know Practice after school, on the field. I won't be late." The bell rang and I continued to walk to calculus.

When I got to class I sat my normal seat at the back of the class. I'm usually good at my academics. I mean you didn't really think i was a moron did you?

Speaking of me being a moron I'm losing my magic touch the ladies, for example last night I was talking to....what's her face i was using my charm on her but all she wanted me to do was get lost. She should be greatful i even spoke to her. Don't get me wrong she was hot with the long dark brown hair and the baseball cap look going on i'd date her or something like that. But i have to keep my reputation going so there has to be enough of me to go around.

My thoughts were invaded by Braxton hitting me on my arm.

"Isn't that the pizza girl from yesterday?" His face frowned up trying to remember.

I looked up and saw a short girl with a black shirt and long brown hair. I'm surprised I noticed here, I mean without her hat and all.

It's kinda cute.

Since when do i think lame stuff like that? I think some of her dorkness from yesterday is rubbing off on me.

"Class this is Mickey, Mickey this is the class!" Ms.Dalton introduced her."Why don't you go take a seat next to Braxton and welcome." She pointed at Brax, and he just locked his lips.

I see Mickey's eyes widen and she slowly made her way toward the seat next to Brax.

She sat down and didn't even acknowledge our presence. I leaned over Braxton and I whispered. " Gotta say Dollface you clean up nice."

She kept her eyes forward and gave off a annoyed look.

"I knew you missed me" I said. Mickey turned in her seat to look at me her face frowning at me and I winked at her watching her face explode into a billion blushes.

I knew I wasn't losing my touch after all. She's just playing hard to get.

"Shut up! Jackxon your gonna get me in trouble" she whispered yelled back at me.

Maybe she is cute... just a little.

⚠I think actually did a good job editing this update so yeah 😳 hope you like it.⚠

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