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Will my suffering ever end?

The bell rang for second period. I feel a strong hand pulling toward it. Oh let me guess it's Jackxon.

"Oh not so fast princess" He smiled after he put his arm around my neck. "If you wanted to see me you didn't have to go through all this trouble baby."

"What in gods name are you talking about." I lift his arm oof me and walked a little faster even though i have no idea where I'm going.

"Come on, Mickey? I know you want m-" He interrupted by Vann pulling me toward him and we walked farther away from that boob.

He stood there in shock holding his hair through his fingers sighing but not with out his signature wink. Boys these days and their sex appeal, or more of a lack of it.

"Oh look his getting all close to that hunk of man, Mick I didn't know you guys were that close." He laughed and held my hand.

"We're not close and where the hell were you this morning? Thanks to you I got lost for an hour." I glared at Vann lately he's been acting weird like all rambling and stuff when I ask him simple questions.

"Um I have stuff at the pizza Plaza to handle nothing serious, anyway let me see that schedule." He snatched the thin piece of paper out of my hand. I tried to ignore the fact that he just lied to me.

"Great we've got physics and lunch together. Meet in the court yard during you lunch. Okay?" He started rushing oof to the stairs.

"Wait! Vann! Where is room 209!" But he seemed to ignore me and faded into the crowds of teenagers.

Ugh! Some best friend he is right now. I checked my watch, 5 minutes until my next class and I'm helpless.

"You know, Dollface all you have to do is ask." Jackxon put his hand on my waist.

"I dont need your help nor do I want your feel, killjoy." I shied away from him. Where does this guy even come from he's so childish.

"Okay, Babe I'll meet you in class." He pulled me into a check kiss on both my checks and my face burn bright, great now I'm gonna look like a tomato all day.
The day had passed Vann didn't show up at lunch and I had all but one class with Jackxon. Life just keeps kicking my bum by the second, but it's almost over.

A perk of being home schooled is that it's drama free and non-stressful, and you also can take up hobbies. Baseball. Well softball but this high school currently doesn't have a softball team so I'm feeling in as a substitute in baseball just in case a player gets hurt.

"I wanna pway!" Mike screamed as we passed by the guys in the batting cages.

"We will when get home, Mike." We stopped at the bleachers and I helped him with his school work until Dad called the boys to fall in. I guess I was considered one of the 'boys' at practice.

I had changed into capri spandex, a matching Nike jacket and a black cap. I left Mike with one of the assistant coaches and started copying the guys in their warm up.


Are you fucking serious? That guy was such a cock block. What was so hard about minding his business?

"Aye! Jackxon, I saw what just happened there with pizza girl and why did you dump my sister this morning so not cool bro. You know she has the hots for you!" Leo gave me a stern start down.

"Suzy is I nice girl in all but lets face it she's not my type and she's a tad bit of a hoe dude your sister is sloppy." I stated patting his head.

"Her name isn't Suzy. ITS TAMERA. Dude don't fuck with my sister. "Leo hit me in the back of my head.

" So are we talk about the imfamous Tamera?"Braxton puts his arms around us as we walk. "I heard she was tight...and I'm not talk about her jeans either."He gave Loes shoulder a squeeze.

"Dude thats my sister pervert! I'll fuck you up Brax!" He shoved Braxton away playfully.

"Man you heard wrong she's actually loose." I lauged a Leo punched in my back.

"Anyway yeah what about pizza girl and her friend " Leo muttered.

"I tried to get pizza girls number or what ever and her friend was being a total cock block." I wiped my hair from my face.

"DUDE! don't move in on my girl!" Leo yelled at me.

"Pizza girl?" Braxton said laughing." Yeah don't move in on his girl. A few more pick up lines and he'll have her eating out the palm of his hand."

Leo glared at Braxton.

"Guys, guys lets focus on real possibility. i give it by the end of the school year. She's gonna lay one of us."I smirked. Just thinking about her body on mines just get me excited.

"Is that a bet i smell." Leo sniff the air.

"Yup. Who ever can hit third base with pizza girl wins. We all know what the prize is." I clear my head of dirty thoughts.

"Deal." Leo and brax shake hands with me. Time to put on my game face.

"Fuck" I quickly tied my shoes and threw on a shirt running out to start warm ups.

"Faster ladies, if I don't see sweat that's and extra ten laps. This isn't the little League Ladies!" The coach yelled harder at us. "Look who finally decided to show up on my field... a little late aren't you Jackxon?"

"Yeah, coach Michael. Got a little behind in work." I lied. I pushed up on my work out tryna catch up with the team.

"Well ain't that adorable, you just cost the team a conditioning day" coach Michael laughed, as the team shoot me the bird and a few curses.

I'd say they need it, but it'll take them more than a conditioning day to get as good as me. I took a good look a the team members I see a few fresh faces most likely freshman, a couple of regs from last year and a girl?

"JACK! I DON'T SEE YOU PUTTING IN WORK! STOP GAWKING AT MY DAUGHTER AND PUT IN WORK!" coached screamed at me from behind instantly awakening me from my thinking.

The girl looked at me hard and rolled her eyes working on her running. Mickey? Didn't know she wanted me that bad.

I started running a little faster so I was right beside her.

"Oh baby you don't have to do all this for my attention" I kept a constant pace.

"Why don't you just leave me alone? Huh? What did i do to deserve being annoyed by a horny hump dog?" She huffed barely even sparing me a glance.

Me a horny hump dog?

"Hump dog? No. But I am a litt..."

"Your so disgusting you know that right?" Scrunched her nose making a cute face.

"Only for you babe, now this season should be interesting eh?" I speed up a pace adding a little suspense to or heated conversation.

She wants me. I can tell. I looked back at her, this is gonna be an easy bet.

⚠I don't know about this update I feel like it started off Good then took a ride down Cliche lane. 😣 cringe worthy. #alittleembarrassing

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