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"Chem ugh!" I flipped open my text book going over this mornings class notes, it was a late practice that meant I had all night to get all my homework done.

My first day was rough no thanks to vann. He hasn't answered my texts or called me back and I'm pretty sure I left a million voice mails about how 'good friends answer the phone' but it was hopeless, he didn't show at lunch and we didn't hangout after school like he said we would. I know somethings up. I sorta think he has a new boyfriend but then I think of all his pass relationships and he's never ignored or avoided me.

My phone buzzed notifying me I just got a text. It was like 12:00 at night, I checked the ID and it was unknown so I choose to ignore it couldn't be that important.

After 30 minutes of useless chemistry so I decided maybe chemistry isn't for everyone and gave up. My brain kept going back to Jackxon, I just wonder what he's really after and why the sudden interest. I think he's cute that's no lie, but that doesn't matter it takes more than a pretty face to see what on the inside.

He's just a male WHORE who only wants on things and we all know what that is, I heard one time that he got down and dirty with a girl twice his age. God only knows what type of diseases he might be carrying. He gets what ever he wants because One: he thinks he can have it and Two: he thinks he's gods gift to everything and everyone. He's a player, and players always end up between someone's legs.

I'm phone buzzed loud pulling me from my thoughts but this time I answered.

"Hello?" I rubbed my nose a little.

"Ya, know Babe I'd imagine your room more dark and sexy, you know less nerdy and eye agonizing." His husky voice erupted in my ears, just when I thought I finally got rid of him for to night.

"Why do you even bother anymore it's pretty obvious that your not wanted, so why don't you go after some other poor girl?" I rubbed my face, he just won't give it a rest, but then I realized..."Are stalk-"

"I prefer to call it watch from afar, anyways you seemed like you needed a friend anyway. Your depression is making vibe die." He laughed.

He's such a repulsive idiot, maybe not so much repulsive but still an aggravating idiot.

"I'm sorry, didn't know you were stalking me today, maybe I can schedule a better mood later?" I sarcastically pouted into my phone looking around for places he might be peeking at me through.

"Your funny babe, but that's no way to talk to your boyfriend hun." I can feel and hear the grin he was holding in his voice, I mean what's with this guy thinking he can just call people and... ugh!

"Shut up, how did you even get this number idiot!" I tried to keep my voice low and closed my  window  just in case the prev got any ideas.

"You know I have my ways, speak of which I was wondering if you'd like to go-"

I hope he wasn't gonna ask me out cause that's just disgusting.

"Oh God no!" I whispered yelled into my phone.

"Calm down, and let me finish. I was just wondering if you'd be able to tutor me and just maybe I can help you learn a little chemistry?"

I groaned. Why would he even need my help and why would I ever want and need his help.

"What makes you think I need your help?" I'm curious at the fact that he would one: call me 12:45am I should be sleep dreaming about things that are amazing like Christian Collens, Netflix and vinilla ice cream for crying out loud.

The Players BatTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang