Chapter 1

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Xisuma hums as he looks through the older sections of the library, it wasn't often that he would end up returning to the Voidwalker kingdom, but it was just one of those rare occasions that he would between seasons. He never really did like going back to the Voidwalker kingdom though, as much as it was his home, it just didn't really feel right honestly.

It was almost as if there was something missing, but he just never understood what it could be, so he left it be for the time being. So he continues to browse through the older sections of the library, it was the only section of the library he had never been able to look through the last time he was here, likely since at the time he was pretty young. Eventually, after a while, he picked up a fair amount of books he found of interest to read, preparing to head over to the librarian– he stopped.

Feeling as though he was being watched– just for a moment. Confused, he turned around, finding that there was nothing that could have indicated that someone was watching him. In fact, this section of the library was small enough that it made it hard for anyone to even hide really, it would have been far too obvious. He was just about to leave when something sparkly had caught his attention, ever the curious one, he went to check it out.

Finding it was just a strange book, there were no words on the cover or anything, maybe someone had left it here by accident? The book did seem certainly new, for some reason, so maybe it really was. He might as well take the book with him, so that's what he did. Adding it to the stack of books, he might as well go and check them all out now. With that in mind, he heads over to the librarian to get the books checked out.

Although the librarian gave him an odd look when she picked up the last book, the strange one he had founded. "Are you sure you want this book?" They questioned, holding up the strange book that Xisuma had found odd earlier, which he also found even stranger by the question. "Of course? Is something wrong with the book?" He questioned, seemingly confused by the question alone.

"Well, you see, this book is just...blank. But I suppose you can keep this book, no need to return it." The librarian answered as they handed the books back to him. "Just make sure you return the other books." Xisuma nervously chuckles at the vague threat, he won't be making the same mistakes again any time soon. Ever, if he could at least. He still has the mental scars from the librarian scolding.

Seemingly satisfied, the Librarian let him leave unharmed, much to Xisuma relief, he quickly leaves the Library, not wanting to be trapped with the potential risk of getting themselves hurt. No one really likes the Librarian, purely because they're terrifying despite how nice they seem. It is merely just a lie, so it's best to never get on their bad side or risk their ire.

No one wants to risk it ever, not after the first time anyways.

Holding onto the bag that held the books, he smiled and quickly left the library. He's sure that the others are probably missing his presence as the local 'parent' of the server...or to clean up whatever messed up his hermits happens to make. It comes as no surprise to him that they would cause a lot of mess with just a single contraption or two. Maybe an accident here and there, but still. He would never trade the life of joy and freedom with his Server for anything else.

Even if he has several questions as to why a few eldritch, a fallen divine knight, a few gods, a vex and a few fae had just so happened to pick his server as home.

Actually, maybe he should be a bit concerned, but he doesn't have any reasons to actually ask any questions about their choice to live on the server with him. He just accepted them to do whatever they want within reason of course. After all, he too carries secrets much like everyone else. Smiling ever so gently, he continues his trip to the Gateway, the one and only entrance to and out of the Voidwalker side of the End. Every time he sees it, it always astonishes him, as far as history and anyone could ever remember.

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