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A week later, everything had gone back to somewhat normal. Chloe would be starting radiation in a few days and Aubrey had visited Chloe twice since the night she had been given the diagnosis, to make sure she was doing alright. Chloe hadn't told anyone about the cancer except for Aubrey yet and she dreaded telling her parents. She knew it would break them, causing them to become overprotective. Last time they had threatened to move across the country to be there for her. The ginger was afraid if she told them, they would do it this time. She didn't want them around. It was easier if they stayed on the other side of the country. Chloe's mood hadn't really changed since the diagnosis, but she put on her happy face so Aubrey wouldn't worry. She went to work with a fake smile plastered on her face. It drained her so much, that she just collapsed on her sofa after getting home every day. Chloe just sat on her sofa and half-heartedly watched TV. Sometimes she was so exhausted, that she just stared holes into the wall, her mind not capable of concentrating on anything.

It had been eight weeks since Chloe had started radiation and today, she had a check-up with Dr. Lowe again. When he entered his office with Chloe's bloodwork in his hand, he didn't look happy, "Miss Beale, I'm afraid I have more bad news for you. Your body didn't respond to the radiation the way we hoped. The levels of tumor markers in your blood are rising." Chloe sighed and raked a hand through her hair. At this point she knew what that meant and she wasn't happy about it. "This means we have to start chemotherapy immediately and we're doing a more aggressive version than planned." Chloe zoned out while the doctor explained the details to her. When she got home, she went straight to the kitchen cabinet with the hidden liquor bottles. Whiskey or vodka was the only question she asked herself. She ended up on her bathroom floor, just like she had done the night of her diagnosis. When she reached into the pocket of her jeans to take her phone out, she came across the note Aubrey had given her weeks earlier. Chloe thought about it for a second, then she lifted the bottle of bitter liquid to her mouth and drank as much as she possibly could in on go. When the bottle had left her lips and she had swallowed the last swig, the ginger's face turned into a grimace. This was her sign and she put the bottle down next to her. Chloe got up and went to bed, the bottle of liquor still on her bathroom floor.

Chloe woke up with a headache the next day. A glance at the time made her realize she was late for work, but Chloe couldn't have cared less. What was the point of even going there? If chemo worked as well as radiation, she would be dead in a few months anyway, so why bother earning money she couldn't spend? The ginger turned around again and closed her eyes. She woke up two hours later but made no effort to get out of bed whatsoever. Chloe's head still hurt from the night before. After staring out the window for a bit, she stretched while letting out a groan. She looked at her phone. Three missed calls from work. The redhead just ignored them. She didn't have the energy do deal with any of her colleagues or- God forbid, her boss.

Chloe spent the day in bed and only got up occasionally to pee or get a glass of water. The TV ran the entire day, but it was just background noise since the ginger woman didn't pay attention at all. Two days went by and Chloe spent them in bed or on her couch by herself, until she was interrupted by Aubrey waltzing into her bedroom one afternoon. The blonde didn't look to happy. Her eyes pierced into Chloe at first but softened quickly once she saw her best friend curled up in bed.

"Bree? What are you doing here?" Chloe asked in a monotonous voice before her best friend could say anything. "I'm checking on you because you've gone AWOL on me."

"Don't take it personal." Chloe commented in the same tone she had before. Aubrey stepped closer and sat on the side of the bed. Chloe lifted her head and placed it in the blonde's lap. Only then did Aubrey notice the ginger's pale skin and empty eyes.

"Hey, Chloe? When was the last time you ate?" Aubrey's voice was overflowing with worry.

Chloe seemed to think about it for a minute, "I don't know. Two days ago?"

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