The Aftermath

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"Finally." Chloe sighed when Hannah removed the IV from her arm. Today had been her last dose of chemo. She was officially done. "You did it, Chloe." Hannah voiced while wrapping a bandage around Chloe's elbow. "I'm so happy for you."

Chloe had really grown to like Hannah, but she was happy that she wouldn't have to see her again. Hopefully ever. She still had to come in for a monthly follow-up for the next 6 months, but these appointments would be with Dr. Lowe directly.

Chloe stood up, rolled down the sleeve of her shirt and walked towards the coat hook, on which she had hung her coat. She slipped into her coat and left. It was February and Chloe was hit with the cold winter air as soon as the automatic hospital door opened. The redhead hurried to get to Aubrey, who was waiting for her in her car. "Hey."

"Hey." Aubrey simply answered. "How do you feel?"

"I'm used to the nausea by now." Chloe said while looking out the window, waiting for Aubrey to start driving, but she didn't. Instead, Chloe could feel the blonde's eyes on herself. She turned her head to lock with her best friend. Aubrey looked confused and baffled at the same time.

"You just did your last dose of chemo, Chloe! Aren't you a teeny bit excited?" Aubrey exclaimed.

"I'm just glad it's over.", was her friend's dry response.

"Fair enough. So- What do you want to do?" The blonde questioned while starting the car. Her ginger-haired friend just stared out of the window. "Honestly, I just want to hang out on my sofa for the rest of the day, but you're welcome to join me."

They spent the rest of the day doing exactly what Chloe had wanted. Hanging out on the sofa, watching movie after movie until Aubrey fell asleep. With her sleeping best friend in her lap, Chloe reached for her phone on the coffee table. She scrolled through her social media, when it suddenly hit her. It had been three weeks since Gigi's funeral and she still hadn't texted Beca. Feelings of guilt filled her body. She quickly typed a message to Beca.

Chloe {08:29p.m.}: Hey, Beca. How have you been? I'm sorry I didn't text earlier, I was so caught up in my treatment, that I just forgot. Guess who finished her last dose of chemo today!

The redhead put her phone down beside her and gently stroked her sleeping best friend's head. She bent over and carefully pecked the blonde's temple.

Beca {08:38p.m.}: Chloe, finally! I thought you would never message me! Thanks for the update. That's awesome!

Chloe {08:40p.m.}: I'm not going back to work for another two weeks. Do you want to meet up? Tomorrow, maybe?

Beca {08:41p.m.}: Totally! When and where?

Chloe {08:42p.m.}: Since I'm going to be weak from the chemo, why don't you just come over to my place? *Location enabled for 24 hours*

Beca {08:43p.m}: I have an appointment at ten, but it should only be 30 minutes or so. I'm going to come around after.

Chloe {08:44p.m.}: See you tomorrow!

Chloe had to smile at the thought of meeting up with Beca.

Soon Chloe had fallen asleep too. She woke up a few hours later- Aubrey still sleeping in her lap. "Aubrey.", she whispered and gently rubbed her friend's arm. "Aubrey, wake up."

The blonde slowly moved and sat up, squinting her eyes at the light coming from the TV. "Let's go to bed." Chloe suggested and the blonde stood up and walked to the bedroom without saying anything else. Chloe turned off the TV and then followed her best friend into her bedroom. Aubrey was already lying in bed on her side and Chloe didn't hesitate to climb in next to her. It wasn't unusual for them to stay over at the other's place, sometimes even for multiple days. Chloe enjoyed Aubrey's company so much, that she sometimes asked herself why they weren't living together.

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