The Unthinkable.

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One day, when Beca entered the hallway to Gigi's room, she found Chloe on the floor next to it. She had her knees pulled up to her chest and her head was buried between them. Beca heard a sniffle when she came closer. She got down in front of Chloe and carefully placed a hand on the ginger's arm, "Chloe?"

The redhead looked up and threw her arms around the brunette who had no idea what was going on yet, "Oh my god, Beca!"

Beca returned the hug hesitantly, still confused about what was going on. After a few minutes, Chloe let go of Beca, which gave her the chance to find out why Chloe was so upset, "What's going on Chloe? Why are you crying?"

The ginger wiped a few tears from her cheeks, trying to calm down a little. "It's, uh-, You should go inside. Your-" Chloe cleared her throat before finishing, "Your parents are here."

When Beca entered her sister's room, her parents' eyes immediately focused on her. The brunette couldn't understand the look her dad was giving her. It looked like he was angry, but Beca also saw the tears that were glistening in his eyes, "Mom? Dad? What happened?" When her parents didn't answer right away, Beca followed their line of sight, which had shifted to Gigi's bed. She stepped closer to the bed and carefully took her sister's hand. It was stiff and colder than normal. Tears immediately flooded the tiny woman's eyes. "No. No!", she whispered to herself before turning back to her parents.

"She passed about an hour ago, Beca." The brunette zoned out for a few minutes, before the fact that Gigi had died sank in.

She started crying uncontrollably, "No! How is that possible?! I was here yesterday and she seemed fine!"

Beca's mother sighed and finally said something for the first time since Beca had come in, "Her health deteriorated rapidly over night, Beca."

Beca's eyes were restlessly searching the room for something to hold on, but they couldn't settle on anything. More tears streamed down the brunette's cheeks, as anger rose in her chest. "Why did nobody call me, dammit?!" she yelled at her parents.

Her father looked at her through angry eyes, "We did. About 30 times, but you didn't think it was necessary to answer your goddamn phone when I called!"

Beca turned around and left. She wandered through the hallways for a while before she leaned against a wall with her back, trying to get the tears under control. She sank to the ground and just stared at the wall across the hallway. Her thoughts were racing, questioning how this could happen so fast, why it had to happen to her little sister. She beat herself up for not answering her phone when her dad had called her. Their relationship hadn't been the best in the past few months, so Beca assumed he wanted to lecture her about something again. "Stupid piece of shit.", she mumbled to herself with closed eyes and hit her head against the wall behind her a few times.

"Beca?", she heard a familiar voice next to her. It was Chloe sitting down next to her on the floor. The brunette looked at her for a second before staring at the wall again.

"I heard what your dad said." Chloe started, but before she could say anything else, Beca stood up, her eyes dark and full of anger. "I don't need your pity, Chloe."

The brunette turned around and walked away with quick steps. The ginger hectically got up and tried to follow the tiny woman, "Beca!" Her voice echoed through the hall, "Beca! Wait! Your-", but she had already turned the corner. "-sister wanted me to tell you something." Chloe finished the sentence to herself.

After Gigi's death, Chloe didn't see Beca anymore. The redhead concentrated on her own treatment again, until she heard a familiar voice during her chemo treatment. It was Beca talking to one of the nurses, "I don't care!"

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