Hospital visits.

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"Chloe! Finally!" Gigi exclaimed when the ginger entered the little girl's room. "I thought you'd never come."

The ginger looked a little surprised, "And break our promise? Never." She sat down next to the bed and wondered why she seemed to be the only visitor. Then she noticed the time. Gigi's parents and her sister were probably still at work.

"I'm so bored." Gigi whined, but Chloe just grinned at her, "Come on then." The ginger turned around and offered her back to Gigi, who hopped up. Chloe gave Gigi a piggyback ride the whole way to the yard she had found on the internet two nights ago. Chloe made a wrong turn twice before she finally found the door that led them outside. When Gigi saw the playground, she immediately hopped down from Chloe's back and ran towards a jungle gym with a climbing wall mounted to one of the sides. Chloe followed, came to a stop in front of it and watched as Gigi started to climb the wall. Gigi was about half-way up the wall, when Chloe wanted to encourage her, "Wow! You're so good at this!" However, Gigi turned around unimpressed while still climbing, "Duh! This is too eas-" Right when she wanted to finish her sentence, Chloe's little friend lost balance and slipped. The ginger reached out her arms to catch Gigi, but lost balance and so they both landed in the sand beneath the climbing wall and started chuckling.

Two hours later, Chloe escorted Gigi back to her room to go home herself. "Bye, Chloe! Today was awesome!", said the little girl with a bright smile on her face.

"Bye Gigi! Up top!", Chloe replied and held out her hand for a high five, but Gigi had different plans. She came closer and hugged Chloe. "I like you," Gigi whispered, "You're almost as cool as-"

The little girl was cut off by the door to her hospital room opening, "Beca-" The small brunette looked at Gigi and Chloe through angry eyes, "Where were you? Remember that we were supposed to do your homework and study together?"

Gigi's smile faded and her eyes lost their glow. "I know, but everything's just so boring! Mom and Dad are always on the phone when they're here and the only thing you want to do, is do my homework and study and then you're off to your stupid job!"

The little girl stormed off and Chloe was left with the brunette for a moment until she went after Gigi, "Gigi! Stop!" Chloe was left alone in front the hospital room, not sure if she should stay or leave. She decided on leaving but changed her mind when she saw the tiny brunette sitting in a corner of a hallway, her knees pulled up and her hand raking through her hair. Chloe noticed tears were silently running down Beca's face.

"Nothing to see here!", the brunette hissed without looking up. Chloe pushed a laundry cart aside and sat on the floor next to Gigi's sister. Beca wiped a tear from her cheek and turned her head, "It's you."

"Yeah..." Chloe sighed, "Can't find her?" Beca shook her head as an answer. "Come on," Chloe prompted while getting up, "I have a hunch where she might be." Chloe led the way to the yard with the playground she had been to with Gigi earlier and sure enough she spotted Gigi in one of the playhouses to the back of the yard. It looked like she was crying.

"Come on.", Chloe softly repeated. They walked over to the playhouse Gigi was sitting in. Her hand covered her face, but when she noticed Beca and Chloe, she sniffled and wiped her tears with her shirt.

Beca bent over and leaned through one of the windows to talk to Gigi. "Look, G," the brunette started, but Gigi interrupted her, "Go away! I don't want to talk to you!" She crossed her arms in front of her chest and turned away. Beca got up and took a few steps away from the playhouse at first, before she disappeared with quick steps.

Chloe watched Beca leave and when she was gone, she crawled into the playhouse and sat next to Gigi, "Can we talk?" Chloe's little friend just shrugged, not looking at the ginger.

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