Chapter 21-Sickness

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Chapter 21

I laid down as Loki had instructed me and dozed sooner than I had expected. I had expected to just be resting my eyes, maybe for only a few minutes, but I slipped into a restful slumber almost instantly.

When I woke, Thor was standing near me, close enough that I jumped.

"Ugh," I groaned. Every muscle hurt.

"Eren, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I sat up and pulled my hand to my neck slowly, sighing. "Is it time for dinner?"

He frowned. "How long have you been sleeping?"

"Since two-ish."

"In the morning?"

I frowned and dropped my hands. "No, in the afternoon."

"But it's noon now."

I leaped to my feet and stumbled. Thor caught me. "I've been asleep for twenty-two hours?!"

"My brother sent me to look for you."

Loki. He must be concerned. I tried to stand, but my muscles screamed in protest.

Swiftly Thor gathered me in his arms. "I'm taking you to the healers." I didn't object. I couldn't do anything in this state, I'd missed two meals, and I had been asleep for about three times the normal length. Not to mention my loss of balance and queasiness. Wait, make that three meals I'd skipped. I hadn't eaten lunch yesterday.

"Prince Thor," said one of the healers. "We don't usually see you here."

"Yes, well I have a woman that needs attending to."

After multiple tests, scans, and questions, it was determined that I'd done nothing more but catch the Asgardian version of the flu.

"I had this as a child, and I had none of these symptoms," said Thor.

"It's more potent because she's from Midgard."

I sighed. Great. "Will I be able to walk soon? Because this is annoying, not being able to stand up."

"It will pass. You should rest though, and stay in bed."

Yeah right. I'd been in bed for the past day. I'd get a wheelchair before I'd do that.

I just nodded, and Thor helped me back to my room. "I'll tell Loki you're alright."

"Nope. I'm going down."

"The healers said-"

"And when have I ever listened?"

Thor sighed. "You are most stubborn, Eren."


Pushing around so my feet hung off the bed, I firmly set my feet on the ground. Pins and needles shot up my legs. Thor reached out to help me, but I held up a hand and he stopped.

I had lived on my own in New York City for six years.
I had been kidnapped, starved, and frozen.
I had become best friends (I felt a little unsatisfied tingle when I thought that) with a psychopathic prince.

The flu would not cripple me.

My knees gave way before I had even stood up, but I braced my hands on the edge of the bed and the bedside table and took a deep breath.

"Lady Eren, if you insist on seeing Loki, let me help."

"No, I can do it." In fact, I probably couldn't, but there was no way I'd admit that. He'd already carried me once, and while it wasn't awful, it wasn't pleasurable either.

My legs held for a little while, but not for more than a single step. Thor supported me from the side so that I could walk, which I appreciated.

Loki was pacing; I heard the rhythmic motion before I could see him.

I made Thor let go of me and pushed him ahead. I would walk these last few steps if it killed me.

"Thor." Loki sounded like he had been running a marathon. "Did you find Eren?"

Thor glanced over at me quickly, and I caught a distinctive "he's not the only one who can be mischievous" look.

"She was with the healers."

The pacing stopped abruptly. "Why?"

"I was not allowed to see her, but I gathered that she had been training without the proper armor, and someone struck her in the side."

I could hear a "woosh" as the air moved swiftly around Loki, but there were no footsteps. Was he sitting down?

"How is she?"

"I'm afraid-"

I stumbled forward. "Your fun's been had, Thor. Thanks for helping me down here."

Thor smiled. "Of course." And he walked away.

Loki knew he had been tricked at once, but not to what extent, and I saw his resolve that Thor had been lying waver when I could barely walk.

I told him first that it was just the flu, and that it was nothing to worry about. "I don't worry," he said.

"Liar." I told him about my symptoms next, and how I'd been asleep since I left yesterday. He didn't look pleased.

"You should be in bed, Eren."

"Please. All I've been through-this is a piece of cake." I rolled my eyes.

He watched me for a moment. "You're ill. You need to go lie down."

"No. I need to find a way to help you."

But five minutes later, I was asleep on the top step.

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