1.A Wedding to Remember

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I enter the ballroom silently, easily blending in with the hundreds of people present. At least no one will know I was late to the most important day in our peoples history. The Kingdom of Light and Kingdom of Darkness have been at war for centuries. Today we are gathered in the abandoned castle; Inter to witness the union of the two kingdoms. I spot our Princess first. Her white wedding gown catches the light with her every movement, her curly hair perfect as always , her bright blue eyes showing her obvious innocence. Her smile lights up the room as her people stare at their brave leader in pure awe. She is truly the princess of Light. It's obvious to everyone in the room.

Next I spot the groom. He towers over our Princess, almost double her height. He is well built with ebony hair and cold grey eyes. His suit is pure black , like his soul. The darkness rolling of him makes it obvious he is the Prince of Darkness. Both heirs making a necessary sacrifices to join us as one. To end the war between the kingdoms and a new one in Inter will be formed. Light and darkness balance each other out. The union is for the good of their people, not for love. Our Princess finally reaches the altar meeting her prince, her eyes fluttering across the room as if looking for something. Or someone. Finally her eyes land on me and she smiles.

The ceremony continues without any flaws. It was a grand and beautiful affair. Something we could remember for years. Now that the rituals are over, I head back to my room knowing there will be a party and I do not want to deal with drunk royals. I close my door and lock it behind me, knowing no one will come to disturb me. I briefly wonder what I will do now. My job has always been to look out for the Princess and now that she is married there is no longer a role for me. It's not like I can leave and live alongside the villagers. I have seen and heard to much. I know to much, and I know come morning I could face a death sentence. So I do what any logical person would do in my situation. I got a good nights sleep. Heaven knows I need one.

A sharp knock on my door interrupted my morning routine. I opened the door to see the Kings personal guards at my door. "His majesty would like to have a word with you," the man announced in a gruff voice. I guess breakfast would have to wait. With a sigh I exit my room , closing the door behind me. I followed Sir Mark even though I could get to the kings Chambers by myself. Principles. I found myself in the Kings chamber facing him and the queen seated on their throne's. Of course this was their meeting chamber and not bedroom chamber, this was a formal event. The Queen sneered at me, she has never liked me. "Marcella Blackwell you have been brought forward on the king's command," the Queen announces. I stare at the old greying man with scars. "To what do I owe this pleasure father," I ask, my voice devoid of emotion.

The man before me sighs, his stress evident in his actions. The Queen  stares at me in distance. So it's not an execution? She would have been ecstatic to see me dead. She can't stand my existence .A child born out of wed lock. Older than her daughter. The kings actual first born child. She views me as a threat, but I have no interest in the throne." You will address the King with respect," she snaps at me. She is a beautiful woman with an ugly heart. Luckily, our Princess only inherited her looks. Princess Dawn doesn't even know we are half sister. No-one but the three people in this room knows. I don't know my mother, the King only informed me she died during child birth.

"You will be accompanying Dawn to the Kingdom of darkness as her personal guard. I have already explained I need at least one of my people watching over her and I know how fond she has grown of you over the years," My father speaks. I nod. Dawn treats me well, calling me her best friend. "But you have another purpose to full fill while you are there," the Queen pulls out a black box with intricate carvings of Runes on it. My body freezes at the sight of the object, my blood running cold. "I know that brute will not treat my daughter well," the Queen says, her fingers tracing runes in a pattern. Once. Twice. I look at the King wide eyed.

Surely they can't be serious. "I want you to get close to the Prince. Gain his trust, his attention, his love," the Queen says. I watch as she reaches the last rune, making it the third time she repeated the pattern. "And then, I want you to kill him," she orders, knowing I do not have a say or opinion not to do as she asked. I drop down to one knee, bowing my head. I try not to grit my teeth as she grins at me with a smug and satisfied expression. She loves the power she holds over me. "As you wish my Queen," I respond unemotionally. "When you complete thus task you will regain what is rightfully yours," The words spoken by the King has my heart racing. I can tell the Queen is not pleased by the idea as she grips the box closer to herself. "We will banish you as your last command. You cannot have it and live in this kingdom," the Queen says.

Empty promises. Killing the Prince will be seen as an act of treason and war. It would surely get me killed. "Please ensure Dawn returns safely," the King says when I get up to walk away. I nod, accepting their requests. Even f the chances are slim, I have no choice. But if it means getting back what I have wanted my whole life, perhaps I will be less reluctant. With one last look at the box, I leave the Kings' chambers. I decide to go and seek out the Princess to give her the good news, my heart empty of joy.

Princess Dawns' face lights up when I enter the carriage. Opposite me is a knight clad in armor. "This is the person the King sent to watch over you," the Price frowns. I do not blame him questioning the matter. With my porcelain skin and frail looking structure I certainly did not look like a guard. My black curls and bright green eyes make me look younger than my 21 years. Most people assume I am 18,just like Dawn. But it is my unassuming features that make me so good at my job. I am not merely beautiful. I am ethereal. And it isn't a thought of vanity, it is a reason the Queen hates me. People in our Kingdom value appearance.

I remember her words to this day. "Your ethereal beauty may have them fooled, but I know what you are." The Prince stares despite his bride being beside him. I spot the frown on Dawns' face. Full filling this task may have me losing the only friend I have. I wish I had a choice. Things would be much different then. "Cel is more than capable of doing her job," Dawn responds calling me by the nickname she gave me. I can't help but smile at her trying to defend me. So pure. She has no idea how many people have tried to kill her, how many of her Princes' assassins had tried to harm her through the years. Dawn was blissfully ignorant.

I did not get the same luxury . The King and Queen were in their early stages of marriage when I was conceived. I had to earn my place. The King of Light had two daughters. One was raised to be graceful and perfect, to be a lady and marry one day. The other was raised to be calculated and emotionless so that one day she could kill. I do not understand why the Queen is the way she is. I know the King obeys her because in our world , hierarchy is determined by your amount of power, and she was more powerful than him. Especially with that box in her possession. Only someone blood related would be able to possess it without her permission. I hated that.

Soon we went under a tunnel, and Dawn used her Powers to create a small ball of light. Dawn is terrified of the dark. It really is a pity she has to live in the Kingdom of Darkness while Inter is being forged by the Kings. I am the only one that knows it is a lie. Neither side wish to keep the peace. Dawn was brought to this Kingdom to show power and cruelty. I was brought so that we could land the first blow. The Prince chuckles at Dawn and I realize it will not be the worst thing to end his existence . Dawn looks up at him with her big innocent eyes and he stops staring at her with a strange expression. It's obvious he's intrigued by her naivety. I will not allow him to destroy such a pure soul. Perhaps for once, the Queen was right in her decision.

Soon we exit the tunnel and Dawn stops her magic. The Palace is huge and within our sight. The walls are charcoal grey and it looks double the size of the one in our old Kingdom. The sky here is dull and cloudy, as if it is about to rain. The plants are darker in color, deep hues compared to the bright pastels in the Kingdom of Light. The people here are different to. Pale skin and colorless hair or bright skin and unnaturally colored hair. It is only two distinct combinations compared to the Kingdom of light. The clothes are also different, seeming to always have animal fur attached to it somewhere.

In the Kingdom of Light everyone had some sort o flower or plant attached to their garments in a similar fashion, obvious by the rose resting on Dawns' hand with its vines wrapped around her arm and right dress sleeve. Similarly, but so different to the Wolf fur covering the Princes' left sleeve. I look to the castle and sigh. My task begins now.

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