14.Things don't go as planned

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Prince Lucien opens his door, frowning slightly when he sees me standing awkwardly in front of him. I know I'm not his favorite person, but he seems to hate me so much. I don't blame him. Under that spell I was constantly throwing myself at him when he liked another woman. I brush aside my embarrassment. "Can I come in," I ask, pushing my way past him into his room. "What are you doing here Dawn," he asks. "We need to talk and I can't risk the guards over hearing this conversation," I tell him. "What about Cel," he asks. I lower my gaze. "I...I can't admit this to her," I mutter, ashamed.

"Yet you can tell me and expect me not to tell her? Why," he asks ,sounding annoyed. He is so rude. What did I ever find attractive about him? "It's about her. About my visit here when the box was stolen," I tell him. Prince Lucien raises an eyebrow. "We need to release the last bit of the power and destroy the box," I tell him. "Why would I do that when Marcella asked me to keep some in there," he asks." Because as long as the box exists and has her magic, the Queen can kill Cel and take the magic for herself. It's been her plan for years," I exclaim.

The Prince frowns. "Than why not do it sooner? And how do you know this?" I sigh. This part will only make him hate me more. "I didn't visit the Kingdom of light because I missed home. My mother requested my presence. Alone," I admit. Realization flashes through his eyes. "You were acting as her spy, "his voice filled with disgust. I nod, tears in my eyes. "The Queen didn't know how to make the magic hers till after we left. She was going to gift me the box to siphon the last bit of magic and kill Cel," my words are whispered.

The Prince chuckles, the laugh cold and cruel. "I want you out of my room. Tomorrow you will tell Marcella what you told me for she won't believe you to be capable of planning her death and we will let her decide what we do next. This is her life and she has her reason for not using all of her power," he tells me. "Please. I told you ...I can't... I can't bear the look on Cel's face if I tell her", I sob. "Tell me what" Cel's voice ask quietly When did she enter the room? How long has she been here? I looked to Prince Lucian whose face lacks surprise, but he could be faking.

"Tell me what Dawn," Cel asks slowly. The Prince knew she would come he is so cruel I thought he would help but why would he help me a traitor trying and failing to receive herself. "The Queen I agreed to kill you for her," I tell her lowering my head silence envelops the room john I know you had no control over those actions Stop feeling so guilty Lucian stop being so hard on God she responds fighting her perfect half to defend me.

More guilt fills my body. What else would she sacrifice for me? I don't deserve it. "I know you think the answer is destroying the box. But not yet. I need more time Dawn. I was without magic for a long time and even with no magic I came close to losing control," Cel's words confuse me. Is she really that powerful? "But she knows how to kill you Cel...and if she gets the box," I trail of, not wanting to imagine Cel cold and lifeless. "She won't get it," Prince Lucien says, sounding confident. "She was also sure no one would be able to take it from her," I tell him. He sighs at my comment.

"The box still has some of her original spells on it. She can still use it. Especially since it wasn't technically given willingly and that you are not blood. I'm surprised you managed to get past the rules," I tell him. "I have more magic than your mother little girl," he responds. "The Queen does not know what I can do because unlike this Kingdom my Kingdoms priority is our people. Being happy, healthy, able to defend themselves. Do not think you know more than me Princess," he spits the word Princess like its poison. "Lucien," Cel exclaims in a horrified tone.

Tears in my eyes, hurt by his cruel tongue, I leave his room, the arguing of Cel and him faint as I end up in my room. Nothing he said was wrong. I can't expect Cel to keep defending me even when things are my fault. I am not like them. I know nothing about the lies going on in the lands. Everything is so new to me and it is no-one's fault but my own. Cel studied on her own strength. I relied on the teachers my mother provided, never learning anything outside what they taught me.

If I read a book for pleasure it was never actual or useful to my kingdom. I am just a silly little Princess who doesn't know the things she should .I want to blame my mother, knowing Cel is right, there is no way I would have known, but I find myself blaming me instead. No information I provide will be useful to Lucien and Cel. They don't really need permission to have a relationship, it is something I suggested so that Cel wouldn't feel like the other woman. But its not important or useful.

So why did they agree? The Prince has made it clear he doesn't find my suggestions helpful, so why agree to come to the Kingdom of Light to call of our marriage, an unnecessary arrangement? Perhaps because it was a perfect cover to get in the Kingdom. But if that is the cover ,what is the real reason we came back? And why was I not informed? Cel would have told me. Unless Cel didn't know as well? It is so late yet the Prince was awake. And Cel was going to his room. Why?

Their relationship isn't intimate to my knowledge. Perhaps I am wrong about that as well, not that it is any of my business. They are perfect halves. I can't keep being the reason Cel resists something so rare that can give her true happiness. Why can't I just be happy for her? Am I really as spiteful as that spell made me? When i woke up, Cel is dressed in her attire for the Kingdom of Darkness. I notice all our bags are packed and she laid out a light blue dress for me." What's going on", I ask her, a bit worried about what i am seeing. When did she get the time to do all of this?

"We're leaving," Cel says. "What! Why?", I ask her ."There is no point being here Dawn. Not with the new threats," Cel says. I look around the room. Despite myself I did not want to leave. Not without achieving something first. "The King and Queen want a meeting before we leave," Cel tells me. I nod and get myself ready with some assistance from Cel. "Why do they want to see us," I ask, my voice soft and disappointed. We exit our room and meet the Prince. "I have no clue," Cel responds.

We enter the meeting chambers and my parents are on their thrones. A single guard is in the room. "It was good having our son-in law visit," my mother says, trying to make a point. Cel doesn't react. She has such strong self control. I admire her. "We came to the Kingdom hoping we could negotiate the situation calmly and peacefully," Prince Lucien speaks. "How ever your Kingdom refuses to co operate, even after knowing they are wrong," he says. In a flash of a movement, the guard falls to the ground ,blood pooling around him.

I spot a silver dagger in his throat. The King and Queen keep their eyes on Marcella. I swallow. She just killed a man. I know she kills, that she has killed to save my life, but never did I think I would witness such a quick yet brutal death. "You leave us only one option," Prince Lucien says. The Queen laughs." Do you really think you stand a chance against us in a war boy," My mother mocks. "Well now that you no longer have your greatest weapon, yes I do," he answers with a smirk. "You are in my Kingdom threatening me and expect to leave alive," my mother chuckles.

There is no response from Prince Lucien . "How on earth do you expect to do that," she muses, as if threatening lives is fun. As if an innocent man wasn't killed for no reason at all. "You forget your highness," Marcella says, a long sleek dagger in her hand. She spins the blade as she speaks. "All your power. Came from me, And without your box, you do not have the power to stop us from leaving," she says. "I on the other hand, don't need magic to stop you."

With those words, Marcella propels the blade forward toward my mother. I watch, wide eyed. "No," I scream, despite myself. My father reacts the same moment I shout, throwing himself in front of my mother. The dagger hits him right at the heart. All hell breaks lose.

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