14 | Her Savior

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Amidst the cigar smoke and clinking glasses, my thoughts involuntarily drifted to her- Diana. Memories played like a film reel, sparking a small smile on my lips.

My men enjoyed liquor, cigars, and Italian women, the plush leather seats enveloping us, and the distant murmur of conversations merging with the loud music in the background.

Though many women flirted within this club, none of them sparked my interest as Diana does.

As the crowd pulsed with life, a familiar face emerged - Diana. Hope surged within me, and an involuntary smile painted my face as recognition dawned in the dimly lit club.

A small, hopeful smile involuntarily graced my lips.

She moved her hips against the Latina woman behind her, both of them wearing a wide smile. She appeared peaceful and free- like she didn't have a worry in the world. I rarely saw her stressed or upset- always carefree and energetic.

Her hair was in a curled updo and she wore a dress that accentuated her wide hips and long legs. The neon lights gave an otherworldly quality to her features, enhancing the luscious glow of her lips and the radiant warmth of her brown skin.

As my eyes traced the contours of her figure, I felt a mixture of awe and desire.

I never saw her dance like that before but I know I loved it.

Her friend left, leaving her alone but she continued dancing nevertheless. Our eyes locked as she opened hers, revealing a striking, cat-like intensity. She, briefly caught off guard, quickly composed herself.

She appeared as if she was looking for someone after she saw me, presumably the woman she was dancing with.

A stranger loomed over her over her. With a shake of her head, she tried to move past him but he gripped her wrist, bringing her flush against his chest.

He squeezed her wrist, gritting while saying something incoherent to her.

Diana's body tensed, eyes reflecting fear. Her chest heaved up and down. I rose from my seat, signaling his men to intervene. As we approached, the situation escalated, and Diana, visibly distressed, seemed on the verge of losing consciousness.

With every step, my heartbeat quickened and my concern for Diana grew. I advised my men to drag him behind the club. And I told Lorenzo to take her outside.

I saw the woman she was dancing in the crowd and I approached her, "Hi, I'm Diana's boss, Dante." She looked over at me, smirking.

"Ah, so you must be the man she was talking about?" She taunts, drunkenly.

I cleared my throat, "I'm getting my driver to take her home, would you mind telling me her address?"

"No, you can't take her home." She wrapped an arm around the man who stood next to her, "Her boyfriend slapped her today." She whispered, giggling.

My eyebrows furrowed, processing what she just said. Diana would never allow something like that.

Nodding, I went through the back door of my club, the sounds of hitting and groaning meeting my ears.

Two of my men held the aggressor's arms while another punched him in the abdomen continuously. "Stop," I ordered, all movement halting.

One of his eyes was already swollen, and blood dripped from his nose. He looked half-senseless, and it made me smirk.

Squatting down, I met his eyes, "So, what were you planning on doing with her?" I asked him, growing angrier as I observed his unremorseful expression.

"It's none of your fucking business," he gritted out before spitting blood at me.

His lack of remorse fueled my anger. I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply. When I opened them, I couldn't help but chuckle, the laughter betraying the anger beneath my calm exterior.

I wiped his blood off my cheek. "What am I gonna do with you?" I nudged his cheek with my knuckle, causing him to flinch.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time. What were you planning on doing with her?"

Resting his head on the brick wall, he smiled, his teeth stained a crimson I'll"I was planning on fucking her."

Images of Diana's anxious state when he approached her flashed in my mind, causing me to clench my jaw.

As I processed his words, impatience grew within me. It amazed me how bold he could be, how regretful he didn't feel. Maintaining a calm exterior, I made a decision.

Gripping him by the collar, I smashed him against the hard wall. Each punch echoed with the rhythm of my rapid heartbeat. His eyes, swollen, reflected the price of his recklessness.

As the adrenaline wore off, the throbbing of my knuckles became more prominent.

Blood coated his face, and pooled around his body on the concrete ground he lay lifeless on.

I sighed before pulling away, admiring the sight in front of me with a proud smile.

My knuckles felt numb and my hands were covered in blood mirroring my black shirt.

"Dump his body."


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