15 | Sunset Serenade

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I walked away from the lingering laughter from Dante's cousins with Dante following after me.

"Diana, wait!" He yelled after what seemed like the millionth time.

He gripped my wrist and spun me around causing me to stop abruptly and turn around. I ripped my wrist away from his grasp, not wanting him to touch me.

My heart was pounding against my chest as I replayed the moment Dante's cousin called me the N-word.

I felt ashamed and angry that I didn't stand up for myself nor did I instantly punch that Italian prick in his face when I had the chance.

The amount of anger boiling within me caused my hands to subtly shake and the feeling of tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Don't touch me ever again, you fucking bastard," I looked him directly in the eye, my tough exterior almost crumbled from the guilt and softness that his hazel eyes displayed. Every time I wanted to be mad at him I couldn't hold a grudge for long and it always bothered me.

I didn't mean to be as feisty as I was, and I surprised myself because it takes a lot for me to be that way and today did it.

"Do you even realize how your cousins treated me? And you, Dante, you stood there and did nothing. Are you ashamed to be friends with someone like me?"

"A Black girl?" I emphasized, taking a step forward.

Dante looked as if he was caught off guard, "Diana, I-I didn't know what to say. I should have said something, done something." He spoke urgently with his hands gesturing with every word.

I scoffed and quickly retorted, "You're not fooling anyone, Dante. You're ashamed of being friends with me."

"No, Diana, it's not like that. I value our friendship more than anything. I just... I didn't want to make things worse."

"Listen, I'll talk to them, make them understand. I can't change what happened, but I can change how I respond moving forward."

I averted my gaze, only listening to him to decide whether or not I'd accept, "Don't ever think that I'm ashamed of being friends with you Ana. You're one of the most important people in my life, and I don't want you to ever think otherwise. "
"I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"You better, and next time I won't think twice about punching you instead of one of your cousins." I crossed my arms as I finally looked at him once more.

A small dimpled smile graced his lips, and his eyes, a pool of greenish-brownish hues once filled with guilt and dullness, sparkled like always.

• • •

I sat on the stool of my window, immersed in a romance novel that I borrowed from the library on Flatbush.

The genre of romance always was my favorite. It made me feel like I could have someone who loves me and fills me with hope despite my doubts about finding love.

A summer breeze blew through the neighborhood reminding me of how nice it felt outside. The sun hung high in the sky casting a warm, golden glow across the Brooklyn streets and pavements that heated each surface, soon to dip below the horizon.

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