51 | A Night of Revelations (Part Three)

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While everyone else was in the mansion having a grand time, dancing, laughing, and conversing, Dante and I were in the garden.

As we stood together on the bridge, overlooking the serene lake, a chilliness swept through the air, sending a shiver down my spine. The arched bridge was beautifully designed, with intricate carvings and patterns etched into the handrail. As I leaned over the railing, gazing into the blue-greenish water below, the moon shone as bright as a star in the sky, casting a beautiful reflection on the water's chilly surface. The cold air nipped at my skin, making me subtly tremble.

"Here, take my jacket." Dante took his jacket off and placed it over my shoulders. The warmth engulfed me, as did the comforting smell of his cologne that I loved to breathe in.

Looking back, I thanked him. As he put his hands in his pockets I watched him. his long-sleeved dress shirt accentuated the sharp and soft ridges of his arms.

He stepped closer, making my heartbeat pick up.

"I always loved the moon," I muttered, staring into the sky at the full moon.

"It's always comforted me. And it's beautiful." I looked at him over my shoulder only for our eyes to lock onto one another.


I found myself captivated by his presence, unable to look away. The moonlight cascading down on him seemed to set his skin ablaze, highlighting its olive hues to create a warm, golden glow akin to that of honey. Even in the dim glow of the night, I could see the detailed play of colors in his hooded eyes- The rich, earthy browns of his irises contrasted beautifully with the deep greens swirling into the bottoms of his irises.

As I gazed into his eyes, I felt myself being drawn closer and closer to him. The world around us seemed to fade away as his warm breath mingled with mine. I could feel his arm slowly wrapping around my waist, pulling me in even closer. And then, before I knew it, his lips were pressed against mine. It was a soft, tender kiss, filled with a sense of longing and desire. At that moment, all my nervousness melted away, and I found myself lost in the sensation of his touch. I wished that time could stand still, that we could stay like this forever.

As our kiss deepened, the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted us.

The both of us looked to see Alessio standing there with an arrogant smirk on his face. Heat crept up my neck as embarrassment consumed me.

"Diana, Dante, what a dance! You two looked great together," he commented, clapping obnoxiously.

"What do you need, Alessio?"

"I was searching for Diana," he explained, his tone betraying self-assured nature. "I had no idea where she could be until I found her here. With you." His eyes scanned Dante from head to toe, his tone carrying undertones of contempt.

"Is everything alright? You seemed a bit distressed, Diana."

"Alessio, don't overstep. Her well-being is none of your concern," he answered for me.

Dante's grip on me noticeably tightened, making worry sprout through me.

"Just so you know, Diana," His gaze flickered down to mine, "Dante, he's not what he seems. There are secrets, dark ones. He's entangled in a world that's dangerous."

When he took a step closer, Dante took a step back, pulling me with him.

"Be careful, mignotta, because once you're in, it's not easy to get out."

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