the night out

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"omg when you say go out not a night club." Naruto says."oh come on Naru open up a little bit." Karma says." His right Naruto you never get a day to chill just feel the music and have fun." Ino says." Guys do you hear that?"  Mikasa says.Omg!!!!! It's our song let's go dance."hainta says as she grabs Mikasa hands."come on Naru let's have fun!!!" "Fine let's go." Ino grabs Naruto hands and they goes to the dance floor. Karma goes and go get him a drink.

Sasuke POV:" This is your way of hanging out,dude who's club this is?" "This is my club " sai comes and shake hands with Jordan."sai dude thanks for inviting us you know, this cold some body need a time out." Jordan says with a laugh." Oh shut up.". Sasuke says and hit him in the head."no problem, anyway want to get a drink and find some chicks never know what we will find." Yea, sure lead the way." Sai leads to a bar and they get some drinks. But, what they didn't know is that people are at the same club.

Time Skip: " thxs, Jordan for taking me out I really need it." No problem dude, bro do you see those chicks over there I'm finna go say hi." Sasuke turns his head and he could never seen his eyes at who he say. He saw a beautiful sexy hot guy with blonde hair that eyes shine so bright they can blind you.'is that my Naru he looks good in them jeans.' " let me come with you." K, come." They walk all the way over there to talk to the hot sexy "chicks".

Naru POV: As I'm  dancing black hair caught my eyes that made me stop what I'm doing and look."hey is in that Sasuke."Mikasa point out."ya that is Sasuke, Naru is that the same guy you like senes high school." hainta ask." Ya that's him, he looks so good." ' omg did I say that out loud omg omg omg!!. " Oooooo, you should get your shout, looks like he brung some friends with home too."ino says while checking sai out. "Hey, lady's mind if we get you a drink tonight." Jordan says. " Sure come guys a few drinks won't hurt."Mikasa says as she leaves hand and hand with Jordan."right this way, sexy." Sai says to ino and also leaves with ino leaving Naruto and hainta left. It was a bit of silence before hainta desided to break it."I'm gonna leave you too alone for a bit." She walks off leaving Naruto and Sasuke behind to talk.' hainta why leave me alone.' " you look amazing, tonight." "You do to." "Ummm, want to get a drink." "Sure" they leave to get a drink.

Time Skip: it been hours and they have been talking and laughing and flirting.  With each other."so, interested in anyone yet." Sasuke says."ummm, not really but I'm still looking. What are you doing here " " while you see my friend Jordan invited me here his friend sai which the one who left with ino, he owns this place." Oh cool" " what about you what are you doing here." " You remember karma right." " Ya the one who keeps calling you crazy ."  " Ya, umm he brung me out here to get lose you know."  "Ya, hey I was wondering if you wanted tog----" before Sasuke finishes his sentence hands wraps around him. " Heyyy, Sasuke idk know you was gonna be here." Saskrua says. ' why did she have to ruin the moment I had with naru' Sasuke thought with a hint of madness."oh, nothing babe I just saw Naruto and his friends here and we all just wanted to talk and hang." Oh ok, will hi Naruto you look good." " Umm, hi Sakura, well I should go umm bye.  Naruto up and leaves to go find hainta.

Hey guys Hope you like this story , I won't be posting a nother chapter during Christmas break yes I'm in school if you didn't know. I hope you enjoying your Christmas and have a happy new year as well love you see you soon.

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