Chapter 5, QUEST!?

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Conner's Pov :

I watched as Malcolm looked over at me stuned, The silence in the pavilion was loud.

Malcolm : "Conner, I want Conner Stoll whit me."

Me!? ME? What did I do to him??? I have to go along on this quest, just me and him!? Can I even do it? My leg is still healing, I mean, it's mostly good, but still, and my mental health.. Let's not get into that.

My head jolted up, and I looked looked around at the people who were now looking at me, waiting to accept.

Conner : "M.. Me?"

Mr. D: "Any other Conner Stoll in this camp?"

Conner : "N- No."

I looked at Malcolm and then sighed.

Conner : "I accept."

I stood up, and so did Malcolm, Seanse. It's still early, Mr. D sent two satrys to go get bags for us on our quest. I walked closer to Malcolm and looked at him before looking away, not saying a word. Why? Why did he choose me.

We didn't say anything to each other and just said our goodbyes to our friends and siblings.

we walked through the forest to get to the edge of Long Island, where a boat was waiting for us. It wasn't big nor had any other members on board.

Malcolm : "Do you have any idea where we are supposed to go?"

Conner : "Mh? Oh! No.. sorry.."

Malcolm : "Don't apologize."

should I ask? I think I will.

Conner : "Why.. Why did you pick me to come?"

I looked up at him, and he looked confused, worried. I don't think he knows himself why he picked me.

Malcolm : "Not sure.."

We got the boat moving, and now we were on the sea, with no directions, no destination, and no help, just me and Mr. I'm so serious and only read books. Great.

The rest of the day at sea when okay, I guess, we didn't talk much, but I did find out Malcolm gets sea sick! He trew up like 4 times, and omg, it was descusting! Absolutely hallarius, okay. I feel a little bad about it because I have sympathy, but still.

Around 6 p.m., we had dinner, which consisted of fish and rice because that was the only thing we had for some reason. It wasn't that good but not terrible. I cooked Malcolm cleaned up, I was quite happy with this setup, but I know it's not how it will be forever.


Malcolm : "I'm starting to think this I'd aphrodite's doing."

Yeah, I bet she's sitting there in her rooms - do the gods have rooms? sitting in her room up there in Empire State and kicking her feet, giggling, messing with MY LOVE LIFE!

Conner : "I'm not sharing a bed with you!"

Malcolm : "You say that is if I want to share a bed with you."

Conner : "I.. Um, I- Maybe you did, Who knows! I'm quite charming. "

Malcolm : "Yeah.. sure"

You might think he said it with a straight face, but I know for a fact I saw  his face turn a little pink.

We are sharing a bed. I'm currently lying next to a half-naked Athena kid who's actually quite hot without a shirt. Am I disappointed we made a role to sleep facing  the other direction? a little. but at the same time, my unmucely body is prob nothing he wants to see, but at least I sleep in both a shirt and pants, He only has pants on. I wonder if he would let me touch his abs.

I'm still very surprised he has abs . I never see him trian- maybe because I don't trian, I do just not a lot i try to get myself out of the boreing ass fighting activities. Don't tell Chiron.

He's pretty warm, Like yeah we have space between up still. His body is radioacting heat, If I didn't know bettet, i would think he's an hephestus kid. I wonder how leo is doing whit the jason situation, if you didn't know the whole camp is trying to make Leo Valdez confess his "Un-dyeing" love for Jason Grace, But do far he's just denying his love for jason and honestly i don't know how much percy can take befor he Blirts out the "Secrete" to jason.

Malcolm's snorting. He falls asleep quickly too, I can't believe he feel alseep so fast whit me in bed whit him, that's honestly wierd, But whatever, I turn around to face his back, I trace out his spine whir my eyes as I watch his figure outline move up and down, I feel like such a massive creep right now.

I just watch him breathe for a moment before he turns around, still asleep facing me, He looks so at peace or should I say pace- Okay, sorry, that was not funny.

I wanna touch him, WHAT THE FUCK? NO DONT TUCH HIM! why am I thinking thes ubsured thoughs.. Am I.. gay.. Nah he's just hot- WHOA STOP! I DONT HAVE SOCKS ON.

I let the touch win, stupid, I know. I reached up and brushed some hair out of his face, He gave me a panik attack by opening his eyes anf looking at me a little but then closeing them again, I guess he was tierd and went rember anything tomorrow. He moved closer to me- Why is he moving closer to me.. and wrapped his arms around me.

Conner : "Woah- Hay!"

I whispered. I didn't really want to wake him up. He nuzzled his face into my cheat and cuddled me, I just let it happen. IM SORRY! But you seriously think I'm gonna stop a hot ass man from cuddling me? Nuh uh.

I dicided to just let my head rest on his and that's how we feel alseep, His arms around my chest, his head resting gently by my collor bone and my arms around his neck resting my chin on his hair. I'm not gonna tell you much about how our body was, but I had one of my legs over his. He was warm and comforting.

Nerd & Jockster (Malcolm × Conner, Malconner)Where stories live. Discover now