Chapter 12. Im sorry Travis.

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Malcolm closed up the distance between two of them and the boat, He got Connor onto the boat and into the steering room.


He yelled as tears formed in his eyes while performing cpr and mouth to mouth. 10, 20 minutes go by with no response, feel like hours. He wanted to cuntine forever until Connor came back to him, but he knew he wouldn't.

10 more minutes, whent by Malcolm processing the death of his lover before he stod up leaving Connors limb body on the floor. He felt numb, tears streamed down his face as he steered the boat out of the storm, The waves became smaller and smaller until they were on calm waters again.

He let the boat steer itself not really careing if it hit a rock and drowned him in the process or driveing onto an island with cannibals, He really did not care.

He sat down next to Connors cold body, Connors eyes were still the same beautiful blue Malcolm had grown to love starting at. He picked up his lover into his arms and cried. All he could do was comb his fingers through Connors wet hair and caress his fingers over his cold face. He closed Connors eyes after talking one last long look into them.

Malcolm : "Don't worry.. I'll come fine you.. In the next life. and then we can finally have a chance."

He whispered as he wrapped his hands around Connors body and stood up. He carried Connor to their bed and laid him down in it before changing him into dry cloghts.

He took the wet cloghts and carried them out to where they had been drying their cloghts for whatever long time thay had been there. He hung up Connors pants and underwear along with his socks. He put Connors shoes in the sun to dry, leaving the shirt Connor had on last, It wasn't one of Connors' shirts. it was Malcolm's. He feels so stupid not relizeing Connor was wearing his shirt in his last moments.

Malcolm Tighten his grip around the wet shirt as tears started to form in his eyes again, He brught the shirt close to his face and let his legs finally rest from holding up his unsteady body.

There He sat for the next hour or so, Holding onto the wet shirt like his life depended on it. The only person he had ever loved was gone, forever. and there was nothing he could do.

He finally got himself up again, The numbness was still there. He hung up the shirt and walked over to the steering booth. He steered the boat in the twords camp direction, and 3 hours later, they were back at camp half bloods beach. It seemed like all the campers had spotted to boat or the nymps told everyone, Frabkly Malcolm didn't care, He just wanted the nightmare to be over.

He got help fixing the boat in its place before going out on deck, He walked over to the railing and looked down at the swarm of campers, some cheering that they were alive and some shocked.

Malcolm gave a wave before walking to the bedroom. He took one last look at Connors now dry body, He's eyes closed, All the life that once filled the Hermes boy was now gone. He leaned down and kissed Connors cold lips one last time, The memories of his giggles filled Malcolm's thoughts.

Malcolm : "I can't make up thos 3 years now, my love."

He shocked up through tears, He picked Connor up, carrying him out of the boats bed room and out to the back where they got off the boat, Demi gods surrounded them quickly and backed off as quickly seeing Malcolm's pained face carrying a limb Connor. The one close to him stopped cheering and became as quiet as mouses.

Travis : "Hay move! Comeing, though!!"

Travis pushed through the crowd, not relizeing the silence that had taken over the loud cheers whit in seconds. Katie gardner followed close behind Travis.

They reached the front of the crowd on the wooden deck.

Travis : "Conno-"

He didn't finish his sentence before his face dropped from an energetic smile to horror. There, in Malcolm's arms, laied his limb little brother. he got quiet and just stared at them, All emotions had left him.

Malcolm : "I'm sorry.. I tried.. I really did, Travis.. I tried so hard."

Travis stood quietly before walking twords them. his eyes filed with tears, He only let it all out once he looked closer at his brother. His hand over his mouth, he fell to the ground, clenching his chest. He never stopped believing Connor was out there somewhere, ready to come home until now. Connor was home, but only his body.

All he could let out was a long, painful scream. non of the campers looked at him, No one judged him for his grief, Katie walked over to Connor, sitting down next to him as he cried, Chiron cleaned the deck and let all the campers take the rest of the day off and orded them to leave. Katie helped Travis up and held him while he looked down at his brother again.

Travis took his free hand and coressed his finger gently over Connors cheek before wispering though sobbs and hick ups.

Travis : "At least everyone can tell us apart now.."

Katie led Travis away to calm down in the Hermes cabin while Malcolm followed Chiron.

The rest of the evening, they organized for Connors frunneral, Malcolm didn't say anything to anyone and just did, was he told. They took a break from preparing by Malcolm stayed. He just sat there looking at Connor. He didn't notice when Travis walked up behind him.

Travis : "You should go on your break,"

Travis eyes were red, he had cried a lot, his voice was soft and cracked when he spoke, he had never seen Travis like this before. Every time he saw the stolls, they would laugh and have mistuves smiles plastered on their faces.

Malcolm : "I love him, you know."

Travis looked down at Malcolm for a bit before sitting down next to him, They didn't look at each other.

Travis : "You did?"

Malcolm : "Yes. He made me feel things no one had ever made me felt"

Travis : "You were in love whit Connor?"

Malcolm : "Very much so. He was everything to me the last few moments i had whit him alive. "

Travis : "I guess we are on the same page on grefing."

Malcolm  : "No, no, we don't. He's your brother, He was only my lover. "

Travis didn't want to say more before the flood of tears would start again and just leaned against Malcolm's sholder.

Travis : "Is this okay?"

Malcolm : "Yeah, it's okay."

Nerd & Jockster (Malcolm × Conner, Malconner)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora