What worth, what purpose?

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What have you ever understood about what I shared with you.
What did you hear when I talked to you.
What have you read in what I wrote to you.
Whatever have you expected of me, when I have shown my disinterest so often, explained so often my unwillingness to dig further into your interests as they are not what I bother with.
So often have I expressed my hurt in your disinterest in what I tried to show you and tried to tell you, yet you expected my full attention on you.
Did my words hold no worth to you, I as a person no purpose to you?
Was I not worthy of the treatment I offered to you, for you to neglect me whenever we communicated impersonal?
For you to ignore what I shared with you, but kept bothering me with yours?
I've done so much for you, put effort into us, yet did not once receive the same treatment.
But dare to claim the importance of us to you, when I began to act like you.
Then suddenly, I was at fault.
I was worth something, I held purpose, but at what cost.
For you to act all desperate when I was about to leave.
It was not the first time for people to leave you after all, the same reasons all over again.
I was there, I know how much worth and purpose the held to you.
More worth and purpose I could ever have wished to hold for you, otherwise you would have ran after me too, begged me to stay.
But I held no worth, no purpose.
So you, too, hold none to me anymore.

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