The cold

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Some people dislike the cold, they freeze, say the prefer the warmth of summer, plush clothes, thick blankets.
They wish for the cold to disappear, don't appreciate a refreshing, cool breeze.
Have the worries frozen for a moment, enjoy the opportunity of the cold peace.
Unlike me.
I long for the cold.
Long for the feeling of my fingers numbing and my skin turning red.
I, too, love the warmth of plush clothes.
Unlike others, I understand, that I need the cold to enjoy the warmth.
The cold can be just as beautiful.
Only if you learn to appreciate this beauty.
The warmth melts most of the cold beauty, bring back colors to life, but the cool and pale colors of the cold.
I find them prettier, easier to indulge in and calm the mind.
The cold makes it easy to let your mind be frozen, free from thoughts.
The cold.
Oh how I wish you could trap me in time.

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